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Captain, R.N F. J. Butlei, mbe 15 Mar 44
{In command)
Commander, R.N.K. B. C. Holmes (ad) ...:. — Feb 44
Lieut^Com., \j j^ g Lewis(ewgcy) — May 44
^R^N.'zJ^V.Rj^^^ L. King, dsc (act) 17 Dec 43
Lieutenant, \^ g. Crawford 15 May 44
Tempy. Lieut., \P. W. C. McCallum 12 Apr 44
R.N.Z.N.R. /(N*) H. Boyack 26 Mar 44
Tempy. Lieut., 1(T) T. B. Logan 15 Dec 43
R.N.Z.N.V.R.J]. S. Pringle 2 May 44
F. S. Phillips (act) 6 May 44
Comma,tder(E),yj ^ j^^^^^ ^^^^ 3^, ^„g ,.
Lieutenant (E) R. G. Boddie 20 Mar 44
^Tteut fEl 1r. D.Bland 20 Mar 44
RN N HaUiday, dsc 27 May 44
Captain, R.M P. K. R. Lankester (ad)... —Apr 44
Tempy. "I
Chaplain, )■ Rev. C. F. Webster — May 44
R.N.Z°N.'v.R.f^- -^^ H^'y. "B, chB 16 Jan 44
^r!n:z^n!v'.R.}^- J- Black (act) -Mar 44
RNZNVR fJ" ^' •'Addison, mb, chB.... 19 Mar 44
Surg. Lieut.(0) \ a -i.r j -d , i t
R.N.Z.N.V.R.f^-^^-^^^^'^^y 14 Jan 44
Paym. Lieut., l,t t, t^ ■ , . „„ »
R.N Z N V R J Knight, ara, ns 29 Jan 41
Tempy. "]
Paym. Lieut., }■]. M. Fielder 20 Mar 44
Tempy. I
Elect. Lieut., >B. L. Carey 6 Mar 44
R.N.Z.N.V.R. J [For Radar duties.)
Te7Kpy. Lieut. |
(Sp.Br.), VC. S.Sharp 6 Mar 44
R.N.Z.N.V.R.\ (For Radar duties.)
Tempy. Sub- J
Lieut. (E) >W. H. Gregory 4 Dec 43
i?.A' . J
Tempy. Act. I t -c T^ •
Sub-Lieut., Hi^:^'''^-: 8 May 44
R.N.V.R. jN. A. Dugard 4 May 44
Tempy. |
Sub-Lieut., I -r t- ti i
(Sp.Br.), [T.E.Hale 25 Apr 44
R.N.Z.N.V.R. J
Cd. Gunner \ i^ t ,,. ..
ie.A?. J-fc. J. Watts, DSC 27 Jan 39
Gunner, R,N J. P. Bordiss 16 May 44
Tempv. Gunner\j u u o n
R.N.Z.N. /L. K. H. Russell 28 Mar 44
'^*«^^'^^""«*!'}F.G.Mabbatt lo May 43
Wt^Engi^eer, Ib. e. Wicken -May 44
Tempy. "1
Wt. Elect., VW. R. EUis 1 June 41
R.N.Z.N. J J ne".j
Lieutenant, "I n t^ ^
7?.Ar.Z.iV.l/.i?./P- Petersen 19 Feb 43
r<;»t^. Lieui., \W. J. Johnston 9 Apr 43
R.N.Z.N.V.R.JW. G. Hohnes 15 Apr 43
Lieutetuint; \„ ,. „ _^
R.N.Z.N.R. /^' ^^- '^- Stevens 26 June 43
Trmpy. Lieut., 1 ,, , ,. ,, ,
R.N.Z.N.V.R.f'''^- ^- ^- ^"ks 26 June 43
Tempy. Lieut.,
Tempy. Lieut.-
Com. (E),
Lieut. (E),
Tempy. Sub-
Lieut. (E),
■A. O. Horler (act) 24 Oct
■D. L. Millar 24 Oct
R. D. Matheson 13 Apr
'I. E. Rickerby 13 Apr
-D. J. Paton —
■V. D. Duff 24 Oct
■A. F.Clarke 24 Oct
R.N - '
per, >A.
.Z.N.R. J
Nelson 1 Apr 43
Captain A. D. Boyle, adc (ret) (act) 7 July 43
Lieut.-Com., 1 G. F. Bothainley (ret) 1 Jan 43
R.N.Z.N. V.R. J E.W. Browne 1 Jan 43
Lieutenant, \t! -u- r.;v^„„ it ti
R.N.Z.N.V.R.J •'^•^"^^°^ ^J^^ ^3
^T^ii'.t r^ ll. B. Ewart, mb, chs, md
Lxeut.-Com., > it:j:„\ ' • • -
R.N.Z.N.V.R.J (^'^^"■■) IJan 43
^T!n.¥.n!" }R.W.J.MitcheU IJan 43
The following Officers are Borne Additional.)
Lieutenant, R.N. ..A. E. M. Raynsford 23 June 43
Lieutenant, \t t-> tr ., it ao
r.n.z.n^v.r.j^-^-^^^^ iJ^° *^
Tempy. \
Lieut. (E), Va. O. WUlcocks 1 Jan 43
R.N.Z.N.R. J
Tempy. ]
Surg. Lieut., Vs. A. Struthers, MB, chB... 14 Apr 43
Tempy. |
sih-UaZ' \ ^- ^- ^""^y <^'"^^) 20 July 43
Temf>y. Lieut. )
(Sp.Br.), ^B. W. Charman(^ro6y).... IJan 43
Tempy. Cd. \
Shipwright, ^A. J. Dale IJan 43
R.N.Z.N. \
Tempy. )
Wt. Teleg., >E. H. Biggs (a^:<) IJan 43
R.N.Z.N. J
Navy Office, Wellington.
Captain E. G. Morris (re«) 4 Sept 39
Commander G. F. Hannav, obe (ret)... 17 Sept 40
H. S. Barker (ret) 26 Nov 40
Lieut.-Com (S) Hon. N. A. J. W. E.
Napier 9 May 42
^^r!n^v!r'. }b- ^- J- Thorns, vd 28 May 42
Lieut.-Com.', \(A/S) J. A. Smyth 10 May 41
R.N.Z.N.V.R.JB. T.Giles 4 Jan 43
(T) W. H. MinchaU 7 Oct 42
r«»^y. LwMi., \R. Blampied 8 Nov 40
R.N.Z.N.R. /W.D.Drake 6 Mar 43
E.M.Foster 6 Dec 40
C. D. Watt 10 Feb 42

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