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Lieul.-Com D. J. L. Heber-Percy 7 Jan 41
Lieutenant J. R. Blake — June 41
Tempv. Lieut., \W. E. Brock 11 June 42
R.N.V.R. /E. S. Smith 28 July 42
D. C. Hoskins 19 Aug 42
Tempy. "]
Surg. Lieut., yW. G. P. Wells, MB, chB... 18 May 42
R.N.V.R. J
Sub-Lieut G. H. Scott 30 Apr 42
Cd. Engineer W.Comslook 23 Feb 40
'^^R^t'r'^'' }h. R.deC.Dutton 20 Aug 42
Captain C. G. B. Coltart, cvo (reO- 9 Mar 42
(Commodore 2nd Class.)
{Naval Officer-in-(!iargo Inveraray.)
Secretary Pavin. Licut.-Com. C. P.
Lee(rfi) 9 Mar 42
Captain L. G. Dawson 1 Feb 41
Cotnmander H. Walker (;-rf) 15 Apr -11
C. G. Vyuer [act) 24 Apr 41
W. A. Willock (>d) U-i ScT't 41
C. M. Campbell (ret). 5 Feb 42
(Stafi Officer (Opi'tatiom).)
J. Bostock, DSD (ad) — Feb 42
Comnmnder, \q_ ^ ^_ Usaou [ni) 14 Oct 41
Lieut.-Com H. V. Wbeeler (ret) 10 June 41
(8) I. G. Kuberlson 12 Dec 41
F. F. Erridge 24 Feb 42
D. A. Waison 12 Jan 42
F.P.Baker 24 Feb 42
(Staff Officer (Operations).)
Tempy. 1 M. H. Ma=on {act) 15 May 41
Lieut.-Cotn., >-G. H. Garrard (iJl/) 27 Oct 41
R.N.V.R. J ^'.C. Roukton (act) 17 Nov 41
W.N. L.Wallace 1 May 42
W. E. Elvy 31 Jan 41
Tempy. "]
Lieui.-Com., VS. J. Campbell ((?£/) 18 Mar 41
R.A.N. V.R. J
Lieutenant O. N. A. Smith (ret) 12 May 41
W. Duckett 4 July 41
W. G. H. Bouhmi 2 Aug 41
T. Y. A, Cieeve 2 Aus 41
R. H. C. VVyld 2 Aug 41
J. F. R. Dreyer 28 Oct 41
J. E. E. D. Haward 4 Dec 41
B. A. Church (erf) 3 Mar 42
A. H. Pryce (ret) 26 May 42
R. F. Muiiford ISAug 42
^*^'^^"k"r } J- ^^^"^ ^ ^®^* "^^
Tempy. -Lieut., \G. A. Graham 27 Mar 42
R.N.R. /S. Barrie 9 Aug 42
Tempy. Lieut., \S. Hen'rv (aa\ 20 Nov 40
R.N.V.R. JF. 1. KeefelacO 20 Nov 40
A. P. Driiikw; ter [proby).. 29 Oct 40
M. S. Van Heenis 20 Nov 40
H. C. Tricke> — Apr 41
M. C. P ittiuger — Apr 41
L. S Foreman — Apr 41
G. B. Evre — Apt 41
R. H. W. Jackson 5 Nov 41
D. W. Notley 5 Nov 41
T. G. Little 27 Oct 41
K. W. Smith — Oct 41
Tembv. Lieut., \E. D. Ball (act) 12 Sept
R.N.V.R. JJ. V. Hartnady 3 Nov
J. H. C. Morri? 20 Jan
R. A. P. Sevan, obh 20 Jan
E. G. Corline (act) 16 July
H. A. V. Selth 20 Dec
L. K. A. D.Tvy 29 Dec
I. A. Hennell (act) 16 Aug
N. R. Woodeson 16 July
J. Mattinson — Mar
G. Y. O'Keefe-WilsoQ — Mar
v.. N. Russell — Mar
M. L. Bateson — Mar
J. M. F. Cassidy — Mar
R.Dodd — Mar
M. Middleton 12 Mar
E. C. J. Heal 3 Jan
(Harbour Master)
(Al Sp.) M. J. P. Arm-
strong 12 Sept
L. P. Guilar 25 Feb
L. .^ Gw;nr;er 16 Jan
G. F Rufnc(acO — Dec
W. J. B. Thomson 12 Sept
C. Konow — May
P. H. R. Harris (act) 14 Feb
Q. T. P. M Riley — May
N. H. Appleton 16 May
R. B. Antcney (ad) 1 Apr
J.W.Jeffrey 5 May
G. Campbell — Mar
J. S. P. Symons 9 May
J. P. lani^s 9 Mar
F. F. GoodwiUie 27 July
F. H. Hearn (act) 18 July
M. V. Redshaw 18 July
R. W. H. ChanceUor 9 Apr
G. A. Byerley 15 Nov
H. Lee (act) 3 May
R. D. Miller 12 May
H. Seeley 9 May
E. A. Sharratt 8 June
H. W. K.Wills..... 18 June
N. G. B.BeU 18 June
E. M. Williams 16 June
J. Pahner •. 8 July
R. Galloway 8 July
C. S. Litherlaud — July
W. F. Lamb — Jan
W. A. Gifiord 2 July
I. Howarth 29 Aug
J. C. Carr 19 June
A. T.Mann 6 Sept
E. E. M. Shields "6 Sept
T. G. H. O'Brien 27 Aug
B. A. R. Richardson 29 May
H.J. Teller 4 Aug
W. Pedlo-.v 7 Aug
R. B.Whyte 14 Aug
W. Canning 17 Aug
N.Hadley(ncO 17 Aug
D. T. Kent, DSc(flcO 13 Aug
F. H. A Leake(nri) 13 Aug
K.J. Day(<jri) 22 Aug
E. W. Kittredge 1 Sept
Tempv. Lieut., \S. J. Campbell 18 Mar
R.A.N.V.R. JR. McKauge 18 Mar
S. L. Browue 23 Feb
C.A.Seclier 16 Sept
Tempy. Lieut., \H. Dohemy 23 Feb
R.C.N.y.R. /v. D. H.Saunders 12 Sept
R. A. Durham ]2 Mav
W. J. MuUins(acO 30 May
CammanJer (E)....H. Dixon, dsc 18 Feb
^'r'n^r'"' ^^'}J- McB. MansonM) 19 Aug
Tempy. 1
Com. (E), i-W. C. Shaw (art) 19 Dec
R.N.V.R. J

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