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1. The nomber o< Nsva] CsdetBblpa offered tor
"jompetltlon under the following rfgulatlons will re
nolliled In the Press trom ilme totlme.
S. At the examinatl c In Jane, 1S19. CandJdateo
for admlxBlon mu't be not more th n 18j nor less
th<>n 17^ years of age on the Ist of June, 1819. No
nomination la required. Appllcatlors should be
m'ldetotheSeoretBrv of the Admiralty, Whitehall,
3.W. 1, not later than the lat April, 1919. A form of
application to be filled In bv the Parent or Guardl»n
of the Candidate may be obtained from the Admiralty.
3. Candidates must be of pur- European descen
and the sons either of naturalbom or naturalised
British BUbJefts In doubtful oas«fl the burden of
cloa- proif will rest u on the C 'ndidate.
Oand dates must be unmarried.
4. Applicants who satisfy th'Se conditions will be
Inv'ted to anpear before a « oromlttee at the
Admlr«lty. This CommlltPe will IntT'-Iew each
Candidate and eiamine credentials furnish' d by the
he 'dmaster of the scho'^1 h» Is attending or last
attended. A rerort will be obtained beforehand fn m
liheheaiiras •â– rfortheinlormHtlonof the Committee
ns to 'he < andidat«'8 conduct, abilities, past train-
ing and generrl prom'te of suitability. On the
re'-ort of this Committee it will be determined
whether the Candidat-< shall be admitted to com-
pete. Candidates will be required to pass at the
same time a Medical Bxamlnatioo, according to the
presc'Ibed 'egul.tlons, as to their physl al fitness
for the Navy. Traveling »nd oih-r expenses
incnrrxd in connection with Interview and MertI' al
ex miration i-annot be reoovpred from the -admiral y
Candidates fronJ^the Dominions and Coloole msy
be ii'terviewed and niedl<*»lly enmlntd by the
Nxv'l Authorl iPS on the St'tlon. the apill' ation
being made throu. h the Dominion or Colonial
Oovernmen' cone med.
8 ch oandldaf-g. It selected and found physically
fit, vlll be required to attend the oumpetltive
examination In this country, vide paragraph 6.
6. Every Cand da»e must be in good health and
free from any physical d> te^t of bo y. imiedlment
of speech, delect of eight or h<'arlDg, and also from
any predlspositl n to constitutional or hereditary
disease or weakness of any kind, and be in all
re«pe ts well developed and active In proportion to
bis age.
D- tails of the Physical requirements of Candi-
dates arecontalned in Appendix I.
6 Candidates admitted to compete will present
themselves for examination In June ty the CMl
Service ommlssloners. The subjects of examlna
tion and a syllabus -f the fu'Jects are shown in
A.ppendix III. Any further particulars of the exam-
i" ation can he obtained f>om the Secretary, Civil
Service Commlasloii, Burlington Gardens, W.l.
By arrangement b -tween the Admiralty and the
War Office a Candidate who is admitted to compete
in t he examination for special entry as a Naval Cadet
may, if he so desires, and provided he fulfils all the
nei'esi-ary conditions, present himself at the same
time for admission to t' e Bo.val Military Academy,
Woolwich, or Royal Military College, Sandhurst
or to Supplementary first appoint"' eits in the Royal
Marines, in which (ase h« must express d-floltfly
his order of preference* before the cxamlna'lon has
benun. For particulars of the condi lorg of entry
to the Royal Military Academy and Royal Military
Coll°ge, application should be made to the Secretary,
Civil Service Commission.
Regnlntlons for Knpplement'ary first appolntmert'
In the R'yal Marines may be obtained from the
Secretary of the Admiralty.
7. A list of successful candidates In order of
merit will be published by the Civil Service Com-
8. Successful candidates who are 'he sons of
Officers of the Royal ^ avy. Royal Marines or Army,
who have been killed In action, or have dl»d of
wounds received in action, whether afloat or ashore,
or have died through the destruction of their ship,
or have t een drowned or have suffered other violent
death due directly and wholly to war service, or have
died of disease a tributable to active service, may be
appointed as King's Cadets.
King's Cadets will be entlt'ed to the following
privllegeB in oases wiiere the Admiralty are of
opinion that substantial help Is needed towards the
expenses of Naval training:-
(1) The grant of an outfit allowance of £40 on.
first entry.
(S) 1 he remission of private allowance.
In cases whce the above conditions are fulfilled
by Cadets, Midshipmen, or Acting Hub- 1 ieutenants
already In the Service, the Admiralty may, at their
discretion, autho ise the remission of all future
payments in respect of p'ivate allowance.
King's Cadets will be eligible f â–  r Compassionate
Allowances as prescribed liy the Regulati"n8. but
will not receive the EdU'-ation Alio* anee authorised
by the Order in Council of the 29th February, 1916.
9. Successful candidates will be appointed a«
Cadets to undergo a course of training for a period
of li years.
Naval Ta'^ets tmder training will be subject to the
Regulations for the time being in force respec lug
such Cadets,
On compleiJng this coarse, and passing out satis-
factorily they will join the Fleet as Midshipmen.
They will. become Midshipmen later In age ihar
Ca etBwhoen enhrnugh Osborne but their servi'-es
In that rank will be shorter, with the general result
that escept for the etiect tf the accelerated
promotion which they may obtain by doing well in
their final examir at'ons, their age will usually be
aoout a year more on attaining the rank of Lieutenant.
10. On attainingtherank of Lieutenant the Officers
entered under the Special Entry Scheme will come
under the same regulations in regard to promotion
as the Officers entered through Osborne, aid will
ha ve ex> ctly the same opportrmlties for aa vancement
to the highest ranks.
1 he d ' flerence in age in the early ranks between
these Officers and the Osborne entries will not
militate against the prospects of promotion of the
former, and, as promotion to the ra ks of Com
mander and Captain Is by selection, on merit, s
special entry Officer who receives early promotion
would reduce or overtake this difference In age.
11. After reaching commissioned rank they may
volunteer for service in any f ne of the special
branches, i.e., either the Navigation, Gunnery,
Torpedo, Engineering, Submarine or Signal b anch.
11. Parents or Guardians are required to make a
private allowance of £60 per annum to Cadets from
the time ihey Join the Na al Service until they rtacb
the rank of Acting Sub-Lieutenant (namely, for »
P' riod of about 3 years and 4 monih-) and theresfier
a private allowance at the rate of £20 a year for the
peiiod .usually not px( eedingtv o months) that they
remaln Ai ling Sub -Lieutenants with p y at the rate
of 38, ed. a day betore hecom'ng Sub-Lieutenanip
On reaching the rank ot Sub-Lieutenant, an Officer
is required to provioe himself with the uniform of a
Commissioned Officer.
13. Cadets > 111 be paid 1«. a day from the time of
entry until they becom" Midshipmen, when their pay
will become Is. 9£f. a day. On reaching the rank of
Sub-Lieutenant an Officer will Le paid 78 td a day.
The commencing rate of pay of a Lieutenant,
re.>ched after at most two years as Sob-Lieutenant,
lb 118. a day.
A Sub-Llentenant can meet his mfss and other
necessary expeualttu e on the pay of 78. td. a day.
'FoUowiag the Armv Begtilatloas, a Candidate may say that if be Is not among the first (so many)
•neoesslul oompetttors for the Boysl MiUtscy AtMrdeniy or t>be Bayti MlUtftry CoUeee (as the 0M«
Bau? t>e> lt« will 9]«at fep • Vavkl Oadetehlp.

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