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For St. Bxideaux Caini>.
Ouptain George M. Dolphin {act)
(ret) 9 Sept IS
Lieut.-Com Frederick A. W. Roe...'2& Sept 14
Ch.Gunner William Branch (ret) 5 Aug 15
C/i. Boatsirain... Alfred Hill 22 July 18
George Harris (ret) 28 Mar 18
Gunner John Holland (act) 25 Oct IS
Jinatuwain Tohn Quick , 7 Oct 18
James Davey,...^ 19 Ont 18
RichardH. H.Blacknwre
(ret) 23 .T.ily 18
Wl. Vict. Offr...Alfred E. Peiern 16 FpV. 18
For HSisoeUaneous Services.
Captain Arthur B. Baby (?■««.. .15 Feb 17
{N)Harold O. Beinold.l6 May 17
(And for semce as- King's Harbnur-Master,
I Plymouth.)
(Eetd.) J-^*"'* ^- ^«»« 4 Aug 14
Basil C. Barber 20 Aug 15
ffenry G. Philpott 14 Mar IH
James H. Aitken (act). . 16 Ja.n 15
I Far chargf of Detention Quarters,)
Charles W. /, Howard
(act) 8 Aug 17
Martin T. Daniel 2it Apr 18
Commander John W. Nash (act) 2.'^ Jan 1«
Cormmander \ trancisE. Andrews, rd
R.jV.B.f (ret) S Apr 18
fyieiit.-Com Thomas G. A . Mmcrei ff--
(em-erg.) 28 Sept 18
(Fm- duty with U..S, Naval Base.)
Archibald 31. WiUoughbyh J uly 18
(G) Frederick C.I)arleyV.\ Nov 18
{For Giinnerii Srhiml.)
Lieut.-Com. ) Arthur H. Hignett, rd
R.N.H.\ {act) : 17Aufrn
Harry A. H. Ash 29 May 18
Lieut. C''i)i. ( o J • 7 „ r, . J
R.N VR \ '^"■i'>~^ck H. Edwards... 2 Apr 17
/.ieutenant William ."i. May {ret)U 3 a.n 17
(T)MarkH. Roach...... 21 Apr 17
./a:mes Symoiis 20 Sept 18
Arthur L. Sanders., .. — Dec IS
LifUt. X. A', ft,... Percy E. Egerton 29 Jan 17
David B . Atherton ...10 Mar 17
Dacid A. McLeish 31 Mar 17
Neil S. Murray 22 May 17
Alfred Birkett 25 July 17
John XJ. Scohle — Jan" 18
John Humphreys 18 Apr 18
Fred Collins, DSC 11 May 18
George H. Openshaw
(tempy) 23 Apr 18
John Franklin 30 Apr 18
Evans S. MacLennan,
DSC 7 June 18
Mattheiv C. Watson 12Junel8
Fredei ick B. A'icho/snn H June 18
.lames R. Ba'ie{tempy) 2 Aug '8
Thomas R. ./ones 5 Aug 18
T4omas E. Price, DSO,
use 8 Sept 18
Arck\hald R Henderson — Sept 18
William .V. Jackson — Sept 18
Edgar 'Jhoma.^ 20 Srpt IS
VH/liam A. Fiirniss.... 7 Oct 18
Darid Wallacp, rise 25 Sept 18
■<i,duey R. i>m.ith (act). 2? Apr 18
William Betlerby {act).2\ Aug 18
Joseph B. ."icott (act).... — Sept 18
j Lieut. R.N.Ri ....Tohn H. Ddgnall (act)— Oct 18
Hubert Powell (act) 7 Nov is
(For Naval Control Office, Dartmouth.)
Walter J. Tomkins.osc 4 Nov 18
Arthur H. Straight... 4 Nov lt<
Lieut. R.N. V.R.Henry F. Bellamy — July 16
James Catt 16 Jari 17
Artnur E. Spry 3 Sept 17
(Lent for Recruiting duties in Ireland.)
John A. Venn — Mar 17
Edlin S. Snell 29 June 17
Walter G. -^'eagar 29 June IT
George l). Broiun — Oft 17
Frank J. Kavana\ 17 Feb IK
Thomas J. Gibson ..... 1 Apr Ih
Arthur V. Hunt ...15 May 18
John fS. Valentine i! June IT
.fohn S. P. Fngan 22 June IT
Thomas L. B. Eve 30 Aug l.s
Jlarnld D. Hall 30 Oct l.'^
Victor A Heard 14 Nov IS
ring. Com Alfred T. Read — Dec 1"
{On Staft'of Eng. Rear- Admiral.)
Ernest Crabtree 30 Mav 18
Gforge H. Elgar 19 Aug IS
Lionet W. Swift 9 Dee 18
Eng. Lieut Samuel hill ' ti Rer>t 13
William C. Oliver 3 Deo 14
Paym. Ciipi George C. A. Beyer 9 Oi't 18
{/•'nr iloyal Fleet Reserve.)
Surg. Coiji Georqe E. Duncan, 13 Dec 18
(For War College.)
.John Andrews. MX) 13 Jan 16
Charles K.Bushe,Mi>,BAlS Aug IT
(For Plym. Uosp. ayid as Medical Trans. 0/fr.)
Tempy. ^rg.^^ ^ ^.^^^^^ ^^ ^ Newton... 2n July IT
Herbert G. Moser 4 June U
(For War Coll. and Tran^m't JMties.)
AleranderW.Gunn,WB 5 Sept 17
' /''.<r War CoUece.)
Shipwright lAe^it. Samuel G. S. Morrell 21 Apr 15
Mate ..'. : G-) George H.Aylicardli Jan 18
(Fm- Transport ' Mauretania.')
Sub-Limt^ ^ |-^0-erf E. L. William.s 21 Nov 14
.Sub Lietct. ( Ernest S. Beard, mbk
R.N.V.R.\ (hoa) I20ct 15
George M. L. Sartoris 6 Sept IT
Frederic W. Lhardin...]2 M&r IS
Enn. ,Sub- I - i t- >,
Lieut. H. v. R. ;-^««'-.9«-/. ^arimll 14 Aug 17
"sut'.J i.eiit i^'^"''.?* A'V'''--* ■>•=' Sept IT
RNR. \ ^«'"*«''* ^'- ^"ilson ... 2 Apr 13
Paiim . )
Sub-Lieut. [-Robert H, B. St. .Mm 30 Jan IS
ft. JV. V.R. \
Ck. Boatswain ..Tiiomas H. Spiller{ret)2\ Nov 17
Walter G. Holliday 20 May 18
(For 'Elfin command.)
Cd.Shipirright.. Frank T. i'ernon 3(i Aug 17
Ch.Artif. ' Ung. Henry Bloor (ret) 20 Feb 15
Charles Marchant 24 June 1 5
^'"^'vicl. offr.}^'''^'"^-^- ^'■"* 25 May Is
Gunner Matthew Thomas 23 Nov 18
Wt. Teleg. \ Walter J. Durston 10 Dec 17
R'.N.R. \ Alexander J.MacLennan2 Teh Is
Philip M. Read, dsm.. 31 Mar 18
Wt.Shipvright. . Edward F. Ciarles 6 Apr 16
Ch. M.A.A WlliamJ. Vincent 23 July 17
SemxorMateC.G. Robert V. Clendennmo 5 Nrv 17
Wt. Writer Charles H. Cocks (ret)22 Teb 11

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