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1. These courses (for Officers on the Active List
only) will be held iu the Spring and Autumn of each
year. Bach course '.Till las'o 15 weelts.
2. The course connists ol :—
(a) Playing the Tactical Naval War Game.
(b) Playing the Strategical Naval War Game.
(0) Studying and writing reports on the various
problems arising out of the strategical
conditions of the present day.
(d) liCCtures on the following subjects:—
Naval History, Internutional Law,
National Economics, Wireless Tele-
graphy, Coast Defence, and other
subjects of interest and use to Naval
3. No examination is held in the subjects included
la the War Course, but Officers have the option of
being examined in any of the other subjects which
they may have studied. This examination is entirely
voluntary and in no way competitive, the result
being communicated to the Admiralty.
4. Flag Officers, while going through the Course,
are paid 15s. a day, in addition to their half pay (the
time reckoning as h.alf-pay time) and 4s. 6d. a day
Lodging Allowance, if no accommodation is avail-
able, and it is required.
Captains and Commanders, while going through
the Course, are paid full pav without command
money, and, in addition. Provision Allowance, and
Lodging Allowance according to scale if there is no
accommodation available, the time reclioning as
fuU-pay time.
War Course for Marine and Military Officers.
A limited number of Army Officers may be per-
mitted to attend the War Courses with the object
of promoting the co-operation of the two Services in
time of War. Naval Officers may attend the Staff
College on similar Hues. A number of Marine
Officers, limited for the present to two in each class,
may also be allowed to attend the War Courses.
Short Course in Strategy, International Law, t&o.
1. These courses will be of three weeks' duration,
and will take place over nine months in the year,
from September to I una.
2. The course will consist of a series of lectures on
International Law and Prize Manual, Merchant
Shipping, and Court- Martial procedure, supple-
mented by instruction In the principles of Strategy,
Ta".tics, &c.
3. Officers will be nominated for the Courses by
the Commander-in-Chief, Devonport, and the Com-
mandant, R.M.L.I.
4. The courses will also be open to other volun-
teers who can arrange to attend.
5. Officers of the Eoyal Naval Reserve will be
eligible to attend under the following conditions :—
(a) On completion ■■; short of Gunnery,
Torpedo, or other training.
(6) As a separate course to be applied for by the
Officer himself.
(o) While undergoing 12 months' training { not
Annual or Biennial training) In ships
(d) Midshipmen will not be eligible for these
courses, and, as regards Siib- Lieutenants
and Acting Sub-Lieutenants who have
completed Gunnery and Torpedo Courses
prior to 12 months' training, the a polnt-
ment will be subject to a special recom-
mendation from the Captains of the
Gunnery and Toroedo Schools.
6. Officers of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
are eligible to attend provided that they have com-
pleted courses of both Gunnery and Torpedo.
Lectures on Naval History, International Law,
National Economics, Strategy, Tactics, etc.
Evening Lectures on the above subjects are given
from time to time.
Lectures on Naval History, International Law, I time, and the Naval War Game nlaved in fur •,=
National Economics, Strategy, Tactics, etc., are time will admit,
given at Chatham and Sheerness from time to I

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