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1. No nomination is required by a Candidate for a
Naval Cadeiship. All 'hat is necessary is to send
an application to the Assistant Private Secretary
to the First Lord of the Admiralty. Applications
should not be made until theCar.didate has reached
12s years of age.
2. Candidates must be of pure European descent,
aud the sons either of natural born or naturalized
British subjects. In doubtful cases the burden of
clear proof will rest upon the parents or guardians
of Candidates.
3. All Naval Cadets entered i;:ider these regula-
tions aro trained together until thev pass for the
rank of Lieutenant.
After passing for the rank of Lieutenant, they
may be required to serve either as general service
Officers or in on e of the special branches, undertaking
either Engineering, Gunnery, Torpedo, Navigation,
or Marine duty.
As far as possible Officers selected for special
service will be allowed to choose the branch in which
they will qualify, subject to the proviso that all
branches are satisfactorily filled.
Parents or guardians of Candidates for appoint-
ment as Naval Cadets must undertake for them that
"ihey are prepared to serve in any branch if required.
4. Parents or guardians arc required to declare in
writing their intention that the Candidate, if he
obtains a Cadetship, shall adopt the Navy as his pro-
fession in 1 i fe ; and it is subject to this undertaking
that Candidates are selected for Cadetships. Every
Cadet who enters the Royal Naval College must
therefore be prepared to continue his training so long
as the Admiralty aro satisfied with his progress, and
parents are not at liberty to withdraw their sons at
On the entry of a Cadet, parents or guardians will
be required to undertake that, in the event of his
.vithdrawing or being withdrawn from the College,
Jrfrom the Navy before being confirmed as a Sub-
Lieutenant, they will pay to the Admiralty, if de-
manded, the sum ol £2;) per term In respect of each
term passed by him at the R.N. Colleges, Osborne
and Dartmouth, from the date of his entry to the
1st December.
1st April.
1st August.
date of his withdrawal, as acontributiou towards the
balance of the cost of his training and maintenance
not covered by the annual payment of £75 mentioned
in para. 16.
This undertaking does not apply to Cadets with-
drawn at the request of the Admiralty.
5. Entries take place three times a year, in
January, Mav. and September
Candidates for entry in January
must be more than 13years and
4 months but not more than
13 years and 8 months of age
on the preceding
Do. do. May do.
Do. do. September do.
The qualifying Examinations are held in Decem-
ber, March and July, and the appointments of
successful candidates date from the )6th January,
lith May and lith September following, respec-
tively, e.g.
Candidates born on Eligible for Eligible for
or between— Examination in— entry in—
1st December(l903 land
31st March (1904) - July (1917) Septr.(lS17)
let April (1904 1 and
31st ,iuly(1904) - - Doeember(1917) Jan. (1913)
1st August (1904) and
30thNovember(1904. March (1918) May (1S18)
6. All Candidates (oxcept those being educated in
the Colonies, who have received special Colonial
recommendations under para. 10), will be required to
present themselves before a Committee, which will
interview each applicant separately.
) received at the
before 1st October,
do ist.Ianuarv.
do. 1st May.
The applications must t
For the January entry
Do. May do.
Do. September do.
Appointments to Naval Cadetships are made by
the First Lord from among Candidates recommended
by the Committee, and all such appointments aie
subject to the Candidate passing a Medical Examin-
ation (aide. par. h) and a Qualifying Examination in
educational subjects (vide para. 9),
The fact, however, of a Candidate being invited to
appear before this Committee is not to be understood
as in any degree implying that he will necessarily be
chosen to attend the qualifying examination.
The Interview Committee will sit shortly before
the date fixed for each Qualifying Examination.
* Candidates ar3 eligible only for one Interview
and Qualifying Examination.
7. Every Candidate must be in good health, and
free from any physical defect of body. Impediment of
speech, defect of sight or hearing, and also from any
Should any case occur where a selected Candidate is prevented by Illness from attending the Quali
fying Examination, the Admiralty will consider whether special arrangements can bo made for hitn
to bo examined by the Head Master of the Royal Naval College, Osborne, at the beginning of the
ensuing term.

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