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At Uie Court at Buckingham Palace.
The 29'/t day of February, 1916.
The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council.
Whereas there was this day read at the Board a
Memorial trom the Right Honourable the Lords
Commissioners o£ the Admiralty, dated the 18th day
of February, 1916, in the words following, viz. : —
" Whereas by the Naval Prize Act, 1864, it is
enacted that if Your Majesty is pleased in
relation to any War to declare by Proclamation
or Order in Council Your intention to grant Prize
Bounty to the Officers and Crews of Your
Majesty's Ships of War, then such of Uie Officers
and Crews of Your Majesty's Ships of War as are
actually present at the taking or destroying of
any armed Ship of any of Your Majes y's enemies
shall be entitled to have distributed among them
as Prize Bounty a sum calculated at the rate ol
Five Pounds (£5) for each person on board the
enemy's Ship at the beginning of the engage-
ment, and that the amount of the Prize Bounty
decreed as in the Act provided shall be paid by
the Commissioners of \ our Majesty's Treasury,
out of money provided by Parliament, in such
manner as any Order in Council may from time
to time direct :
"And whereas Your Majesty, by Order in
Council dated the 2nd- day of March, 1916.
declared Your intention In relation to the
present War to grant Prize Bounty to the
Officers and Crews of Your Majesty's Ships of
War, and directed that Prize Bounty as
ascertained should be paid by the said Com-
missioners ot'Yonr Majesty's Treasury into the
account of Your Majesty's Paymaster-General
at the Bank of England for distribution under
our direction among the Officers and Crews of
Your Majesty's Ships of War entitled thereto in
thesharesin that behalf to be specified thereafter
hy Your Order in Council :
"And whereas by the Naval Agency and
Distribution Act, 1864, it is provided that money
distributable among the Officers and Crews o'i
any of Your Majesty's Ships of War in respect of
{inter alia) any capture, recapture, or destructii n
of any ship, goods, or thing iir time of War or
Hostiliti' s, so far as full provision respecting the
distribution thereof is not made by or under any
Act of Parliament other than that Act, shall be
d stributed under our direction in the shares in
that behalf specified in any Royal Proclamation
or Order in Council •
" We now therefore beg leave humbly to submit
that Your Majesty may be graciously pleased- by
Your Order in Council, to authorize the
distribution under our direction of all money
decreed as Prize Bounty among the-Officers and
Crews of Your Majesty's Ships of War entitled
thereto in the shares below mentioned • —
" 1. The Flag Officer or Officers to have one-
thirtieth part of the net amount distributable
according to the following conditions and
modifications :—
"When there is but one Flag Officer he
shall have the entire one - thirtieth part ;
when two Flag Officers shall be sharing to-
gether the Chief shall have two - thirds and
the other Flaji Officer shall have the remain-
ing one - third of the one - thirtieth part :
and when there i-hall be more than two Flag
Officers the Chief shall have half of the said one-
thirtieth part and the remaining half shall be
equally divided among the Junior Flag Officers.
"Commodores of the First Class including
Captains of the Fleet to share as Flag Offlcors.
" Every Commodore having a Captain under
him maybe esteemed a Flag Officer whether he
is Commanding-in-Chief or serving under
Command =rra
" No Flag Officer shall share in the
distribution unless he was in fact on board one
of Your Majesty's Ships or "Vessels of War
actually preseDt at the taking or destroying of
the armed enemy Ship in question.
" 2. Any Officer on board any of your
Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War actually
present at the taking or destroying of any armed
Ship of Your Majesty's enemies who shall have
more Commissions than one shall be entitled
only to share according to the share allotted to
him by the above-mentioned distribution in
respect to his superior Commission or Office.
" 3. Every Chief of the Staff not of Flag Rank
shall share as Captain in Command or Captain
not in Command as the ease maybe.
"4. Th 1 * Officer or Officers actually in
Command of Your Majesty's Ships and
Commanders serving as Executive Officers in
Ships commanded by Captains may divide one-
tenth part of the remainder, or, if there is no
Flag Officer to share, one-tenth part of the whole
amount distributable, in the following-
proportions :—
, "Where the Officer is in Command of a Ship
singly entitled to an award, and has not a
Commander as Executive Officer under him, he
shall take the whole one-tenth part.
" Where Commanding Officers of various
Hanks, and Commanders serving as Executive
Officers as aforesaid shall share Jointly, the one-
tenth part shall be so divided into parts as to
provide for each Captain Commanding receiving
six parts, each Commander Commanding or
Commander serving as Executive Officer under
a Captain, three parts, and each Lieutenant-
Commander, Lieutenant, or other Officer,
actually commanding, two parts.
" 5. After provision shall thus have been made
for the Flag share (if any), and for the Com-
manding Officer or Officers and others as above
specified, the remainder of the net amount
distributable shall be distributed in Classes, so
that each Officer man and boy composing the
rest of the complements of Your Majesty's Ships
and Vessels of War, and actually present on
board at such taking or destroying, and every
person present and assisting shall receive shares
or a share according to his Class, as set forth in
the following scale, the relative ranks mentioned
being those laid down in the Regulations and
Instructions for the Government of your
Majesty's Naval Service, the Instructions for
the Government of the Coast-guard Service, and
the Regulations for the Government of the
various classes of the Reserves, or, if not so laid
down, as determined by the Lords Commissioners
of the Admiralty.
First Class. —Captain in Command .. 80
Secoud Class. -Captain not inCommand,
and Officers of equivalent Rank, and
Commander in Command or serving as
Executive Officer in a Ship commanded
by a Captain 40
Third Class.- Commander not in Com-
mand, and Officers of equivalent Rank,
and Lieutenant-Commander in Com-
mand, or serving as Executive Officer
in a Ship commanded by a Captain .. 30
Fourth Class.- Lieutenant-Commander
not in Command, and Officers of equiva-
lent Rank, and Lieutenant in Com-
mand, or serving as JSxecutive Officer in
a Ship commanded by a Captain.. .. 25

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