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(Note.— For Greenwich Hospital Pensions to Officers, see p. 910.
These Pensions are the "Age" and
' Special
They are given entirely at the discretion of the
Admiralty, and are not granted to any person whose
character whilst in or after leaving the Navy has not
been good.
Age Pensions are given to Naval Pensioners only
(i.e., to Seamen, Marines, Yard Craftsmen, and
Riggers of Dockyard).
Age Pensions are given only to Life Pensioners.
A Naval Pensioner is eligible for the Age Pension
of &d. a day on attaining the age of 55, if ue has been
in receipt of his pension for 5 years ; and for the in-
crease of such age pension to 9d. a day at the age of
85, if he has been in receipt of his Naval Pension for
10 years.
The numberof Pensions in force at anyone time is
limited, and will be determined from time to time
ascording to the funds available for the purpose ; the
vacancies to be filled by selection from among the
oldest and most necessitous candidates.
These regulations are not to affect any Pensioner in
receipt of an Age Pension in July, 1878, or any Pen-
sioner who, being already in receipt of bd. a day, will
be eligible for the additional id. a day on attaining
the age of 65.
The Deferred Pension of Marines gives no laimto
the Age Pension.
Special Pensions are given at the discretion of, and
under .Regulations framed by the Admiralty, to men
unable to contribute materially to their own support,
and vary in amount and duration according to each
man's degree of disability, the other circumstances
of his case, and the amount of the funds ava'Iable.
They are tenable in addition to Naval and Age Pen-
sions.subject, however, to the limits expressed in the
following List :—
Glass I. Naval Pensioners with Life Pensions—
("Pension) including Age as
If unable to maintain I well as Naval Pension)
themselves .. ..)
I. a day.
Pension awarded!
of from 6d. loj
9d a. day.
Class II. Men who have 12 years' service, served I
continuously or with short intervals—
If in receipt of If not in receipt J
Temporary of Naval
Naval Pension. Pension.
("Pension made~i _ , .
If unable to main- ) up to from I Pensionawurded
tain themselves") ls.tols.3d.a ( of trom 9<J. to!
(. day. ) ls - a dill'-
If able to contri-"\
bute in a small I .
dpgree to their I 9a - a aa i'-
own support. )
Clases III. and IV. Men who have not less than&i
years' 'service counting towards pension, and who have]
been discharged or invalided on account of disease or
wounds and whose disability is clearly the result ofl
such disease or wounds.
Men who have been discharged or invalided on J
account of disease or wounds clearly attributable to!
the :-ervice,andwhose present disability is clearly thai
result of such disease or wounds —
If in receipt of If not i:i receipt )
Temporary of Naval
Pensions. Pensions. I
When unable to f Pension made 1 Pension awarded!
maintain tbem--{ up to frOm ls. }- from9d. to 1*. a
selves (. to ls. 3d. a day I day.
If able to eontri-"\
bute in a small l
degree to their [
own support ..) /
Class V. Special cases, including—
Men who have been granted a war medal or clasp 1
or who were employed in the Franklin Search ExpedH
tion ; or who were injured on duty.
If unable to maintain 1 Pension awarded from is. to
themselves . . . . f ls. 3d. a day.
I£ ifa 6 smalf aeg" l^o? warded of 6* to 9 J
tneir own support .. J *'
^Pension awarledj
I of 6d. a day. J
In cases of exceptional need or distress special!
Pensions in excess of the above rates may be granted]
within a maximum of 2s. 6d. a day.
Men discharged for venereal complaints, unless
they are life pensioners, or, whose general diameter
has been inferior to " good," or who were discharged
in good health with less than 12 years' service, unless
they come under olass V., are ineligible tor SpecitlJ
Pensions, as are men in workhouses.
Men eligible forthe benefits of Greenwich Hospital?
may he admitted ta Hospitals if in urgent need of
temporary treatment.

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