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Note For Tables of Full, Half, and Retired Pay, and Gratuities, see pp. 773, 793.
I.— General Kales.
1. Alter retirement no increase of retired pay to be
allowed to any Officer, except in the case of his
retention in a Civil appointment at or under the
Admiralty. The only addition possible will be in
the form of Pension.
2. Power is reserved to the Admiralty to suspend at
any time and with respect to any rank, the provisions
of the Order under which an Officer may at his option
retire at an age less than that tixed for compulsory
retirement in each rank. It must be understood that
optional retirement may be suspended in the case of
any individual Officer to whose rank this clause
applies without extending the suspension of optional
retirement to other Officers of the rank.
The same power exists of suspending the provisions
as to voluntary retirements.
3. Retirement from the Active List is not to dis-
qualify any Officer for employment at or under the
4. The sentence of a Court Martial placingan Officer
at the bottom of the list of his rank Involves the loss
of previous time of service in that rank; so also when
the sentence of a Court-Martial takes away any
seniority from an thereby affects his half or
retired pay or pension, in cases where the same
depend upon seniority; and it carries with it the loss
of the benefit of the service included in the seniority
forfeited, in cases where the half or retired pay, pen-
sion, or gratuity, depend upon actual service; but,
although the time is forfeited, it is to be considered
as service in reference to compulsory removal from
the Active List.
5. (o) An Officer who, in the opinion of the Ad-
miralty, by reason of an act or acts of misconduct or
through intemperate or irregular habits of life has
become unfit for, or, in the opinion of the Admiralty,
is for any reason unworthy of, further employment,
may be placed on the Retired or Pension List irre-
spective of Age or Service, whether he has been tried
by Court-Martial or not.
(b) An Officer placed on the Retired List under
Clause (a), may be granted such rate of Retired Pay, the Admiralty may think tit, pro-
vided that the amount of Retired Pay shall in no case
exceed the half-pay to which such Officer was en-
titled previous to retirement, and that the amount of
the Gratuity awarded shall not exceed the commu-
tation value (as assessed by the Pensions Commuta-
tion Board) of such halt-pay; and snail be less than
the amount of Gratuity to which he would have been
entitled under ordinary circumstances.
No Officer may, however, be granted Retired Pay
in excess of the amount to which he would have
been entitled under ordinary circumstances.
(c) An Officer who has had long and good service,
but who is not entitled under ordinary Regulations
to Retired Pay or Gratuity, in consequence ot forfei-
ture "f service by sentence of Court- Mai tial, may be
awarded such Gratuity, not exceeding live hundred
pounds (£500) as the Admiralty may think fit.
(d) An Officer dismissed the service by sentence of
Court-Martial may be awarded a Compassionate
Allowance not exceeding the lowest rate of half-pay
of his rank; but the granting of such Compassionate
Allowance shall be entirely at the discretion of the
No Officer may, however, be awarded a Compas-
sionate Allowance in excess of the Retired Pay to
which he would have been entitled, under ordinary
circumstances, on retirement.
(e) Sub-Lieutenants and Assistant Paymasters,
whether dismissed the Service by Court- Martial or
placed on the Retired List under Clause (a) may be
awarded gratuities not exceeding 2U. for each year's
service in these ranks, or asoi. in all.
(/) Officers allowed to resign their commissions to
avoid trial by Court-Martial may be granted such
compassionate allowance as the Admiralty may think
fit, provided that such allowance shall in no instance
exceed one-third of the amount of half-pay to which
the Officer was entitled at the time of resignation,
and provided also that such allowance shaft not in
any case exceed 1001. per annum.
((/) Commissioned Warrant Officers, Warrant
Officers, and Officers of Coast Guard other than
Commissioned Officers, placed on tbe Pension List
under Clause(a) may be awarded such reduced rates of
pension as the Admiralty may in each case determine.
(h) Nothing in these provisions shall prejudice or
aflect the power of the Admiralty to discharge or dis-
miss Officers, or shall comer on any person who has
been removed from His Majesty's Service any right
to half-pay, retired pay, or pension, compassionate
allowance, or gratuity.
The expression "an Officer" in these regulations
shall, unless the context otherwise requires, include
Commissioned Officers, Warrant Officers and Sub-
ordinate Officers of all ranks.

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