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whether he be or be not within the limits of the
station of such flag officer ; and In the event of his be-
ing directed to join a flag officer on anv station he
shall be deemed to be under the command of such flag
officer from the time when hearrives within the limits
of the station, which circumstance is always to be
carefully noted in the log-bool< ; and it shall be con-
sidered that he continues under the flag officer of such
station until he shall have received some order direct-
ly from, or be acting in the execution of some order
issued by some other flag officer dulv authorised or
by the Lord High Admiral, or Our Commissioners
for executing the office of Lord High Admiral.
Every commodore of the second class shall share as
And wo hereby direct, that the captain appointed
as chief of staff, captain, commander, lieutenant com-
manding, stafl: commander commanding, oranyother
officer duly commanding any ship or vessel of war,
singly making a capture or seizure, or otherwise en-
titled to the distributive benefit arising from any pro-
ceeds, reward, grant, bounty, salvage or other award
as aforesaid, that is to say, the officer actually in com-
mand at the time, shall have one-tenth of the remain-
der, or, if there is no flag officer to share, one-tenth
of the entire net proceeds, except tliat if the single
capturing ship be a classed ship having a com-
mander under the captain the commander shall tal<e
a portion of the one-tenth part according to the pro-
portion herein-after set forth ; and if more than one
commanding officer of the same ranlc of command
shall be entitled to share as joint captors, &c., the
one-tenth sliall l)e equally divided between them ; but
when captains, commanders, lieutenants, and staff
commanders commanding, respectively. Our ships
and vessels of war, and commanders under captains
in rated ships, shall share together. In whatever
variety of combination, the one-tenth shall be so divid-
ed into parts for a graduated apportionment as to
provide lor each captain recei^ng six parts ; eacli
commander commanding, or commander under the
captain in a rated sliip, three parts; and each lieuten-
ant commanding, or staff commander commanding,
or other officer actually commanding, a vessel of war,
two parts, which We hereby direct shall be the pro-
portion in which they shall respectively .share ; col-
onel of marines (artillery or light Infantry) orof land
forces serving as marines, doing duty with a battal-
ion or force employed on shore for naval operations
to share as captains ; lieutenant-colonel of marines
(artillery or light infantry) or of land forces serving
as marines, employed on shore for naval operations,
if in actual command of a battalion or force to share
as captains, if second in command to share as com-
manders ; major of marines (artillery or light infantry)
or of land forces serving as marines employed on
shore for naval operations, if in actual command of a
battalion or force to share as commander.^. And We
further direct, that after provision shall thus have
been made lor the flag share uf any), and for the por-
tion of the commanding officer or officers and others
as above specified, the remainder of the net proceeds
shall be distributed in eleven classes, so tliat each
officer, man, and boy composing the rest of the com-
plements of Our ships and vessels of war, and act-
ually on board or absent on duty in a prize (who it is
Our will and pleasure shall be the only absentees en-
titled to share) at the time of any such capture, seiz-
ure, &c., as aforesaid, and every person present and
assisting shall receive shares or a share, according
to his class, as set forth in the following scale : —
First Class. — Staff captain, deputy Inspector gen-
eral of hospitals, and fleets when borne on sliip's
books, secretary to Admiral of the fleet or to com-
mander-in-chief, paymaster-in-chief in the event of
such an officer being employed afloat, chief inspector
of machinery andinspector of machinery, when borne
on ship's books other than liarbour ship, forty five
shares each.
Second Class— Senior Lieutenant of aclassedship,
not bearing a commander imder the captain, staff
commander, major of marines (artillery or light Inf-
antry) or of land forces, doing duty as marines i( the
senior military officer of a fleet orscjuadron, chaplain
over flfteen years seniority, fleet surgeon, secretary
to an admiral or commodore of the ttrst class not com-
manding-in-chief or to a captain of the fleet, fleet pay-
master, fleet engineer, naval instructor over lifteen
years' seniority, forty shares each.
ThiudClass.— Lieutenant over eight years' seniority
major of marines (artillery or light infantry) or of
land forces doing duty as marines, whether having
higher brevet rank or not, quartermaster of marines
witli honorary ranlc of major, chaplain over eight and
under flfteen years' seniority, stafl surgeon, staff pay-
master, paymaster, chief engineer, naval instructor
over eight and under flfteen years' seniority, thirty-
flve shares each.
Fourth Class.— Lieutenant under eight years' seni-
ority, captain of marines (artillery or ligl^t infantry)
or 01 land forces doing duty as marines, wlielher hav-
ing higher brevet rank or not, quartermaster of mar-
ines witli honorary rank of captain, chaplain under
eight years' seniority, surgeon, secretary to commo-
dore second class, assistant paymaster over twelve
years' seniority, assistant paymaster over six years'
seuiority,engineer over six years' seniority, engineer
under six years' seniority, naval instructor under
eight years' seniority, also lieutenant of the Royal
Naval Reserve (when embarked for service afloat),
chief officer of cruizer in the coast guard, chief officer
of a coast guard station, who has been in command
of a cruizer (when embarked tor service afloat) senior
engineer of the Royal Naval Reserve (whenerabarlced
for service afloat), engineer of the Royal Naval Reserve
(when embarked for service afloat) thirty shares each.
Fifth Class— Sub-lieutenant,lieutenant of marines,
quartermaster of marines with honorary rank of lieut-
enant (artillery or light infantry) or of land forceo
doing duty as marines, assistant paymaster under
six years' seniority, assistant engineer, chief gvinner,
cliief boatswain, chief carpenter, gunner, boatswain,
carpenter, head schoolmaster, artiflcer engineer, also
sub-lieutenant of the Royal Naval Reserve (when em-
barked for service), assistant engineer of the Royal
Naval Reserve (when embarked for service), senior
mate of a cruizer in the coast guard, chief officer of a
coast guard station who has never commanded a crui-
zer (when embarked for service) twenty shares each
Sixth Class— iMidshipman, clerk, pilot, chief petty
otflcer (seaman class), chief yeoman of signals, war-
rant officer of marines (if embarked)( artillery or light
infantry) or of land forces doing duty as marines, staff
sergeants and colour sergeants of marines (artillery
or liglit infantry) or of land forces doing duty as mar-
ines, master-at-arms, naval schoolmaster, cliief writ-
er (old system), chief writer (new system), chief engine
room artiflcer (old system) chief engine room artiflcer,
first and second classes(new system ), chief carpenter's
mate (new systeni),chief carpenter's matefold system )
chief armourer, engine room artiflcer (old system),
engine room artiflcer, first, second, tliird and fom'th
classes (new system), ship's steward, ship's steward
for general mess, instructor in cookery, chief cook,
ship's cook for general mess, chief bandmaster, chief
sick berth steward, chief stoker,draughtsman, admi-
ral's or commodore's steward or cook, general mess-
man, captain's and cabin steward, captain's and cabin
cook, and all other chief petty officers, also midship-
man of Royal Naval Reserve (when embarked torser-
vice), second mate of a cruiser in tlie coast guard ser-
^^ce, cliief boatman of the coast guard in charge,
(when embarked for service), twelve shares each.
Seventh Class— Naval cadet, assistant clerk, first
class potty officer (seaman class), yeoman of signals,
sailmaker, ropemaker, sergeant of marines (artillery
or light infantry), or of land forces doing duty as mar-
ines, ship's corporal first class, ship's corporal second
class, carpenter's mate (new system), carpenter's
mate (old system), caulker, blacksmith, armourer,
plumber, painter first class, cooper, leading stoker
first class, sick berth steward, ship's cook, band-
master, headkrooman in cla-sse(i ships, tindal or head
man of seedies in classed ships , domestic first class of
five years' service and all other flrstclass petty officers,

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