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Provided always that the preliminary steps and
inquiry concerning the award of either Albert Medal
inscribed "For Gallantry in Saving Life at Sea"
shall, if the award be to anyone belonging to the
Royal Navj- or the Royal Marines, be with the Lords
Commissioners of the Admiralty, and in other cases
with the President of the Board of Trade.
V. It is ordained that the names of those persons
nponwhomWe may be pleased to confer either of the
Albert Medals inscribed "For Gallantry in Saving
Life at Sea," shall be published in the London
Gazette, and that a Register of the names ot such of
these persons as belong to the Eoval Navy or the
Royal Marines shall be kept in the Office ot the Lords
Commissioners ot the Admiralty and a Register of
the names ot the persons not belonging to the Royal
Navy or the Royal Marines upon whom We mav be
pleased to confer either Medal inscribed as aforesaid,
shall be kept in the Office of the Board of Trade.
VI. It is ordained that the Decoration for gallantry
in saving lives endangered otherwise than by perils
of the sea shall be styled " The Albert Medal of the
First Class" and "The Albert Medal ot the Second
Class," and shall be inscribed "For Gallantry in
Saving Lite on Land."
VII. It is ordained that "The Albert Medal of the
First Class," when conferred for gallantry in saving
life on land, shall consist ot a gold oval-shaped Badge
or Decoration, enamelled in crimson, with a Mono-
gram composed of the letters V. and A., erect in gold,
surrounded by a Garter in bronze, inscribed in raised
letters of gold, " For Gallantry in Saving Life on
Land," and surmounted by a representation of the
Crown of His Royal Highness the lamented Prince
Consort, and suspended from a crimson riband of an
inch and three-eighths in width, with four white
longitudinal stripes.
VIII. It is ordained that " The Albert Medal of the
Second Class," when conferred for gallantry in saving
life on land, shall consist ot the like shaped enamelled
badge, save and except that it shall be entirely worked
in bronze, instead of gold and bronze, and shall be
suspended from a crimson riband of an inch and
three-eighths of an inch in width, with two white
longitudinal stripes
IX. It is ordained that the names of those upon
whom We may be pleased to confer either ot these
Decorations shall be published in the London
Gazette, and that a register thereof shall be kept in
the Office ot Our Principal Secretary of State for the
Home Department.
X. It is ordained that the Medals shall only be
awarded to those of Our faithfiil subjects and others
who, in saving or endeavouring to save the lives of
others from accidents in mines, on railways, or at
fires, or other peril other than perils ot the sea, have
endangered their own lives, and that such award shall
be made only on a recommendation to Us by Our
Principal Secretary of State of the Home Department.
The following Rules and Ordinances are ordainedfor
the government of the Decorations whether awarded
for Gallantry in Saving Life at Sea, or on Land.
XI. It is ordained that " The Albert Medal of the
First Class "shall be confined to cases of extreme and
heroic daring, and that "The Albert Medal of the
Secoud Class shall be given in cases which, though
falling within the cases contemplated by this War-
rant, are not sufficiently distinguished to deserve
"The Albert Medal of the First Class."
XII. It is ordained that each Medal shall be sus'
pended from the left breast.
XIII. It is ordained that anyactof gallantry which
is worthy of recognition by the award of the Albert
Medal, but is performed by one upon whom the
Decoration has already been conferred, may, on a
recommendation to Us by Our Principal Secretary of
State for tlie Home Department, be recorded by a
bar attached to the riband by which the Medal is sus-
pended; and for every such additional act an
additional bar may be added.
XIV. In order to make such additional provision
as shall effectually preserve pure these most honour-
able Decorations, it is ordained that if any person on
whom either of such Decorationt is conferred be
guilty ot any crime or disgraceful conduct which in
Our .judgment disqualifies him for the same, his name
shall, by an especial Warrant under Our Royal Sign
Manual, be forthwith erased from the register of
tliose upon whom the said Decoration shall have been
conferred, and his Medal shall be forfeited. And
every person to whom the said Medal is given shall,
before receiving the same, enter into an engagement
to return the same if his name shall be so erased as
aforesaid under this regulation. It is hereby further
declared, that We, Our Heirs and Successors, shall
be the sole Judges of the circumstance demanding
such expulsion. Moreover, We shall at all times have
power to order that any person who may at any time
have been expelled shall be restored to the enjoyment
of the Decoration.
XV. The Warrants ot the 7th March, 1866, the 12th
April, 1867, the 30th April, 1877,, the 13th September,
1881, the 12th March, 1891, and the 24th March, 1904,
are hereby repealed.
Given at Our Court at Saint James's, this fifth
day of June, one thousand nine hundred and
five in the flfth year of Our Reign.
By His Majesty's Command.
I A. Akers- Douglas.
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