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Her late Majesty, by Hor Order in Council of 26th
June, 1851, having been graciously pleased to sanction
certain arrangements, proposed by the Board of
■ Admiralty, with a view to the general benefit of the
Naval Service, and, at the same time, the ultimate
reduction of the present charge tor half-pay, the
Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty hereby give
notice of the mode in which the arrangements in
question will be carried into effect.
The number of Flag Officers will in future be re-
duced to 99, exclusive of Admirals of the Fleet ; of
these 21 to be Admirals, 27 Vice- Admirals and 51 Rear-
AdmiralB: this reduction will be effected as follows,
viz. :— .
1st. By removing to a Reserved Half-pay List those
Officers now on the Active List who have not served
for their Flag under the Order in Council of 30th
June 1827. These Officers will receivers at present,
the Half-pay of Rear- Admirals, but they will be
allowed the same advantage of rising in rank as if
thay had remained on the Active List.
and. By awarding ten Retired Service Pensions, of
1601. each, to such Flag Officers as are either above 70
years of age, or are physically incapable of further
Active Service, such Officers to be placed on the Re-
served List, and the vacancies occasioned by death to
hi filled up from the Active List. These Pensions
will not be held in addition to the Good Service
1. Compulsory retirement to be extended to all the
Executive Lists.
2. Admirals to be retired on attaining 70 year* of
age, or when physically unfit for service.
3. Vice-Admirals to be retired on attaining 68 year»
of age, or when physically unfit for service.
4. Iloar-Admirals to be retired on attaining n yearn
of age, or when physically unfit for service.
6. Flag Officers, at present on the Active List, win
may be retired under these Regulations will ret*in
all the privileges of rising in rauk and pa> to which
they are now entitled; but no Flag Officer who haa
not hoisted his Flag will be considered eligible for
the appointments of Vice and Rear-Admirals of the
United Kingdom, or for promotion to the rani ol
Admiral of the Fleet.
6. The Active Flag List to be reduced to 85:—
Admirals of the Fleet and Admirals . . 21
(But not to be more than three Ad-
mirals of the Fleet at one time.)
Vice-Admirals 22
Rear-Admirals 43
This roductlon to be made gradually, oy only filling
up two out of every three vacancies caused by the re-
moval of Flag Officers who accept Q-reenwicn Pension!
and by retirements from age, whether optional or
compulsory. Vacancies from all other causes to be
filled up as they occur. Vacancies on the List of Flag
Officers on Reserved Half-pay in receipt of Service
Pensions, and on the List of Flag Officers of Green-
wich Hospital, will not be filled up.
7. Flag Officers at present on the Active List, who
have hoisted their Flags, or been employed at the
Admiralty since their promotion to Flag Rank,
are to be allowed to retain their places on tno Active
List, if they should prefer it, but they may lie placed
on the Retired List at their own request, v-ith the
consent of the Admiralty. Officers coming on the
Flag List after this date will be subject to compul-
sory retirement at the age specified above whether
they have gerved or not.
The plan of retirement published in the London
Gazette of 1st Sept. 1845, and carried out by Order in
Council of 24th April 1847, provides :—
1st. That the rank of retired Rear -Admirals shall be
given, by Seniority, to such applicants from tne 148. 6d.
Half -pay List as may be willing to accept it, with the
pay of 11. 68. per diem, and the corresponding pension
to their widows, under the usual restrictions.
2nd An addition of 78. 6<i. per day to be given to
applicants, bv Seniority, from the 128. ed. and 10s. 6d.
Half- Pay Lists, being Captains of not less than 20
years' standing and 55 years of age. Officers from
both Lists to be permitted to assume the title of
Retired Rear-Admiral at the period wheu they would
have obtained the Flag by .Seniority had they remained
upon the Active List, and ('under Order in Council of
17 May 1858) to rise to the higher grades on the Flag
List according to the Seniority wuicl> they respec-
tively held on the List ol Captains. Their widows to
be entitled to a pension of lioj. per annum, and-to the
pension of Rear-Admiral's widow when the rank of
Retired Rear-Admiral has been attained.
3rd The vacancies upon the 11. List to be filled up,
In turn of Seniority, by Officers then accepting the
188 per diem ; but no new admissions to the 11. 5s. List
to be made until it is reduced below the number
of 25 which it is not to exceed afterwards. The
permanent Retired List to be reduced to 100. by
making one appointment for every two vacancies, the
first 25 Officers upon the List receiving 11. 58. per
iiem, and the remaining 75 ll. per diem, with the right
of assuming the rank of Retired Rear-Admiral when
entitled to it by Seniority.
The Number of Captains on the Active List, will be
reduced to a number not permanently exceeding 850,
and the reduction shall be eflected as follows, viz : -
1st, as vacancies occur on the Active List of Flag
Officers, the Captain first in Seniority, who has served
for his Flag, will bo promoted; reserving, however,
the Sovereign's undoubted right of selection. Those
Captains will rise to their Flags, who have not so
served, will be placed on the Reserved Half-pa>
List, rising in rank as at present, hut with the Halt-
pay only of Rear -Admirals.
2nd. By keeping up the Retirement cf 1646 to the
number of 200, to be effected by permuting Captains
who are above 55 years of age, and who have been on
the Captains' List for ten years, to bo eligiule for rt •
tirement. The retirement will be so kept up to 20i
until the List of Captains shall be reduced to 350 ; tbt
Retired List then to lie diminished by only retiring
one in two vacancies until it snail be reduced to 100.
3rd. By observing the rule of it is now
in force, of promoting one m three vacancies, excepi
in special p.nd individual cases, until the number it
reduced to 350.
All Captains who nave attained, or shall herealte
attp-in. the age of 60, without having served ia then
present Rank, to be placed on a Retired List, ant'
receive Retired Pay as f oliowa :—
If ou 108. M. Half-pay List when re tired. 18s. per diem
Tfun lis. S<4 20s.
If on 148. 6d; 2ls.
such Officers to assume the Rank and Title of Reai-
Admiral at the time they would have obtained their
Flag by Seniority, had they remained on the Active
Captains who may arrive at the head of the List, with-
out having served in that Rank, to be placed on the List
of Reserved Flag Offlcers.with the pay of 20g. per diem
Captains now on the 14s. 6<J, Half-pay List not to be
affected by these arrangements unless by their own

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