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VI.— Correspondence.
(26.) Royal Naval Reserve Officers when serving in
H.M. Ships are to forward all letters in connection
with the Reserve through their respective Command-
ing Officers, and, when not so serving, through the
Registrar-General, except, that Assistant Paymasters-
should address their correspondence to tne Admiral
Commanding, and Skippers and Warrant Engineers
should address theirs lo the Registrars by whom
they are paid their retainers.
VII. — Annual and Biennial Training.
(27.) Officers of the Military Branch on the Active
List of the R.N. R. (except. Commanders) will be
required to perform the following periods of training
in a ship of the Home Fleet.
(i.) The lirst three periods of training to be oi'28days
each, one of which should, if possible, be performed
in each of the first three years of the Officer's service
in the Keserve.
(ii.) Subsequently 28 days everv alternate year, or,
at their option, 11 days in each year.
(iii.i Officers who obtain Test Certificates need only
do 14 days, training every alternate year, provided
that during this period they re-qualify for a Test
Note.— Officers who hold Test Certificates and
satisfy the Admiral Com mandingthat they are unable
to perform the whole period of 14 days, owing to the
exigencies of their employment, etc., may be allowed
to reduce this period to a minimum of 7 days, pro-
vided they re-quality for a Test Certificate during
this shorter period.
(30.) Officers performing Annual or Biennial train-
ing on board ships of the Homo Fleet will be messed
and accommodated on board, receiving the same rates
of pay and Messing Allowances as when undergoing
voluntary service in the Royal Navy, viz.:—
Per Diem.
Lieutenants of I 10s. and 2s. Messing
any seniority J Allowance.
Sub-Lieutenants |
and Acting Sub- >5s. Is. „ ( Receive an
Lieutenants ..) I additional
Midshipmen of 21 , , J Is. a day if
years seniority } 4s - ls - » ) they have to
J ' I join a Ward
Other .Midshipmen 3s. Is. „ V.R00111 Mess.
(Note— The Messing Allowance is payable only for
the period during which the Officer pays mess sub-
2. When embarked for Annual or Biennial training,
bedding, etc., will lie supplied on loan.
(31.) 'Travelling expenses will be granted to Officers
proceeding to and from Annual or Biennial training-
only two journeys— one at commencement and one
at completion of training— in any one year.
(32.) if owing to the nature of their employment
Officers are unable to perform their training at home,
they may be permitted to do so in any of His
Majesty's Ships abroad commanded by a Captain or
Commander, permission being first obtained from
the Commander-in-Chief of the station or, in his
absence, from the Senior Naval Officer at the port,
who is to satisfy himself that the reasons given by
the Officer, as to his difficulty in performing train-
ing at home, are sufficient.
2. In such eases no travelling expenses will be
(32a.) Candidates for Skipper will be required to
undergo eight days' probationary training in one of
His Majesty's Trawlers prior to grant of the Admir-
alty Warrant continuing them in their rank. They
will subsequently be required to go through the
following periods of biennial training (which must
be continuous):—
In 7th, 11th and 17th years 8 days.
In 3rd, 5th, 9th, 13th, 15th and 19th yea s 4 days.~
(33.) Warrant Engineers tire required to perform
three months' training alloat during the tirst three
years of every five years' service.
VIII. — Service in the Royal Navy when called out by
Royal Proclamation.
(31.) Royal Naval Reserve Officers arecalled out for
actual service by the issue of the Proclamation.
They will be liable to serve during the continuance of
any national emergency or until they are regularly
discharged by the direction of the Lords Commis-
sioners of the Admiralty.
IX.— Voluntarii Service and Training in the Royal Navy
(35.) All applications for Voluntary Service should
be made through the Registrar-General.
(36.) The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty
will consider applications from Officers who in addi-
tion to their Annual Training volunteer for some
special duty such as :—
A.— For Officers of the Military Branch above the
rank of Midshipman: —
(1).— Temporary Service in the Royal Navy f»r
Manoeuvres, etc.
(2). — Courses of instruction in Gunnery or Torpedo
on board one of the Gunnery or Torpedo School
(3).— Naval Training in the Fleet foe a period of
12 months.
(4).— For Military Branch Officers who have been
specially recommended at the conclusion of 12
months' training, or periodical training; a 14
days' course of Signals at the Signal School,
(5;.— a course of three weeks' instruction in
Strategy, International Law, etc., at the K.N.
War Colle-'e, Devonport.
(6).— For Midshipmen (New Systems-
Naval Training in the Fleeo for periud of 12
month .
B. — For Commissioned Engineer Officers:—
A course of instruction, lasting three months, at
one of the Home Dockyards at Chatham, Devon-
port or Portsmouth, as convenient to the Service.
C — For Assistant Paymasters :—
Temporary Service in H.M. Snips for Manoeuvres,
Service alloat for one year.
D.— For Warrant Engineers:—
Temporary Service in the Royal Navy for Manoeu-
vres, etc.
Requirements for, and conditions as to, the above
will be found in tne Regulations.
X. — Annual Allowances to Trained Officers.
(37.) At the expiration of their 12 months' Train-
ing, provided that the conditions laid dewn in the
Regulations have- been fulfilled, Officers become
entitled to the following Annual Allowances under
the designation of ''Training Fees," viz.:—
Commanders and Lieutenants .. .. £25 a year.
Sub-Lieutenants £20 ,,
Acting Sub-Lieutenants .. .. £10 ,,
Retainers at the following rates per annum will be
paid in four quarterly instalments :—
In time of peace (on comple-
tion of prescribed training) £10 a year.
npr«J When called out by Pro-
BKippers-^ citation or serving in an
emergency, in lieu of peace
retainer £15 a year
with a
of £5 on
. discharge.
Warrant Engineers £15 a year.
Payments will be made by the Registrar of Royal
Naval Reserve at any Mercantile Marine Office as
they become due, provided that the conditions laid
down in the K.N.R. Regulations have been fulfilled.

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