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Australian Commonwealtii-
Reserve 01 Officers— eontrl.
Lieutenants — contd.
O'Brien, P.D.,Un?ttd.List 21 Oct 07
Russell, J. W., Unattd.
List 1 Jan 11
Shackleton, T. H. W.,
Unattd. List 1 Dec 11
Hartley, R. E., Port Curtis
Infy 26 May 05
Graham, G. J., 2nd A.L.H. 19 July07
Russell, H. N., Unattd.
List llAugll
Chatham, W., 14th A.L.H. '-'2 Nov 07
O'Doimei], M. A., A.G.A. 1 July07
Davis, F. E. M., Unattd.
List 1 July 14
XSDigby, A. E., Unattd.
List 8 Feb 09
Harris.H., Unattd. List... 23 Nov 08
XJPleasents, O. W., 8th
A.L H ; 18Nov07
Teague, J. J., Unattd. List 26 Aug 12
McHaffie, D. J. W., 10th
A.L.H 21 Jan 08
Thomson, J. E., 5th A.I. R. 25 Feb 08
Atkinson, N.II. ,7th A. I. R. fi Nov 05
X;Cosgrove, A. R., Un-
attd. List 2 Dec 12
Anstey, H. G. E., 10th
A.L.H, 25 Apr 11
Hyman, E„ Unattd. List 16 Aug 09
Addie, C. B., A.F.A 28 May 07
Marley,M,B.,14thA.L.H. 9 Jun 08
Williams, E.H., 8th A.I. R. 4 Mar 12
Prentice, A. J., Unattd.
List 8 Jun 09
Grieve, E. E., 11th A.I.R. 16 Nov 08
Spencer, T.W.L,, Unattd.
List 5 May 08
5><Reec.\ G. W. M., Un-
attd. List 16 Oct 13
Sampey, J. E., Unattd.
List 1 July 14
Stimson, H. A., 8. A. I.R. 21 Oct 07
Valentine, S. M., 17th
A.L.H 1 Julv 07
Ryrie, H. S., 3rd A.L.H.... 3 Sept07
Haig, A. C, 16th A.L.H. S Jan 08
Hill, R. T., 16th A.L.H. ... 16 Aug 07
Uie, J. F., A.F.A 16 May 13
Sutherland, A. D., 8. A.
Sco. I I July 08
Cleland, W. L., Unattd.
List 3 Oct 08
Drummond, R. M., 67th
Inf 30 Jun 13
Retchford, H., A.F.A 25 Feb OS
Baylis, H., Unattd. List... 13 Dec 09
Colee.R. G., Unattd. List 13 Dec 09
Florence, J. R.. V. Rangers 9 May 10
Hindhaugh, C. W., 11th
A.L.H 16 Apr 07
Tweedie, F.E.,7th A.I.R. 27Sept09
Jacob, S. A.. Unattd. List 26 Aug 12
White, H. C. R., Hth Inf. 16 Aug 13
XBice, L,, Unattd. List 1 Feb 10
XWhite, II. O, Unattd.
List 1 Nov 13
Price, L. T., Unattd. List 1 Feb 14
Dunn, A., 7th A.L.H 3 May 09
Joyce. W. F., Unattd. List 1 Jan 15
Clifton. G., 18th A.L.H.... 1 July 08
Timperley, L. C, 18th
McMillan, G., Unattd.
List 1 Jan 11
Stodart, C. C. 13th A.L.H. Uuly 08
Bird.D., Vie. Rif 2 Aug 07
Robinson.W C.,2othL.H. 1 Oct 13
Lieutenants— contd.
Littlejohn. C. W. B.,
Unattd. List 13 Dec 09
3><SI?ussel), L. G., MC,
Unattd. List 20 Mar 11
Crook.W. J.,Unattd. List 26 Sept 10
Bloomfield, A. S., Unattd.
List... 23 Decl2
Hall, R. 7., Syd. Univ.
Scouts 10 Aug 08
Chaseling, M., A.G.A 4 Jan 07
Kidman, S. N., Unattd.
List 1 Jun 15
Susman, H. S., A.A.S.C. 28 Nov 10
Tarleton, A., St. Geo.
E. R. Regt. (/ton. Capt.) 18 Jan 09
Edgley, J. M., fiyd.Univ.
Scouts 1 Mar 10
Donaldson, R. J., 3rd
A.L.H 4 Apr 10
Fox, F.. A.F.A 26 Dec OP
Webb. C. M., St. George's
E.R.R 20 July 08
Jones, E. S.. N.S.W. Scot.
Rifle Regt 1 Jan 09
Dean, W. S., C. of Signrs. 2 Jun OS
Cm-wood, F.C., Goldfields
I.R 15 Aug 10
Collier, E. J., 3rd A.L.H. 1 Jun 10
Alison, R.W. ,4th A.L.H. 6 Feb 11
Sx^Noble, R. W., 11th
A.I.R 2MaylO
Mason, R. L., R.A.E 1 Mar 11
Edgar, R. T., Auto Corps 25 Mar 12
Knight, W. O, Auto
Corps ft 4Mar 12
Hall, H. E., Auto Corps 27 June 11
Roche, F. B., Auto. Corps 6 Mar 11
Sich, H. H.,Auto Corps 27 Feb 11
Cox, P.P., Aust. Rif. R. 6 Mar 11
Morgan, G., Unattd. List 1 July 14
Reaney, T. I. W. B. I. R. 18 Apr 10
Thyer, W., 3. A. I. R 1 Jan 09
Richardson, H. B. H.,
Unattd. List 1 Jun 14
Dinnie, R. D., Wide Bay
I.R 8 Jun 09
Williams, T., V. Rang. ...18 Oct 09
Whiting, H. J., Auto
Corps 31 Jan 14
Cowell, W. J., Auto Corps 1 Jun 15
Duncan, R., Auto Corps... 1 Jun 15
Sutton, R. P. A., 1st A.I.R. 20 Feb 11
Upjohn, A., 1st A.I.R 4 Apr 10
O'Reilly, M. McA., 3rd
A.L.H 1 May 11
Walker, B. P., Aust. R.R. 18 Apr 10
XSLoynes, J.. 13th A.L.H. 23 DeclO
Hall, J. S.,C. of Signs. ... 5 Apr 09
Smith, H.W., 5th A.I.R. 8 Feb 11
Watts, P. K., 6th A.I.R... 23MavlO
Dennis, G. H. F., A.G.A. 24 Oct 10
Perrier, J. M.. 1st A.I.R. 3 Jan 10
Kellick, R. G. E., 1st
A.I.R 16 Oct, 11
Rogers, E. C. 9ih A.L.H. 30 June 10
Webster, D. E., 1st A.I.R. 6 Julv 09
Knott, J. C, A.F A 17 Jun 12
Austin, C, 13th A.L.H. 18Marl2
Woodley-Page, A. W.,
A.G.A 16 Oct 09
Gallagher, A. E.,ithA.I R.30 Jun 12
Johnston, J. A., Unattd.
List 1 Feb 15
Nolan. J. S., A.A.V.C. ...23 Dec (.9
Donaldson, F., 1st L.H. ... 1 Aug 14
Whitham, W. L., R.A.E .. 1 Sept 12
Br turn, W. V., 15th A. L.H. 11 July 10
Long, G.II.W. ,11th A.I.R. 1 Apr 12
Buchan, R., 11th A.L.H. 25 Mar 12
Oopas, C. K. W.,4th Inf. 30 Apr 13
Fraser, J., 7th A. I.R 18 Dee 11
Douglas, R. J., loth A.L.H. 18 Dec 11
Manchester. E. J. T., Intell.
Corps. ... 2 Sept 12
Sinclair, A. J., 7th Inf. ... 1 Apr 15
Lieitienants— cont<>.
Tait, 6. L., N.S.W. scot.
R.R lSMajrlS
Waylanci,S.C>, 2nd A.I.R, 3 Apr 12
Learmonth, A. M., 25th
■ Inf 3nSep*12
Richards, E. 8.. 60Lb Inf. 1 Oct 12
Donnelly, J. B... 1st L.H. ... 1 Aug 32!
■hid. Lieutenants.
Thomas, F. A. W., 1st
N.S.W. I. R 2! JulyS®
AmpWett, E. A., Garr.
Art 1'6-Tt&irffl&
Colquhoun, P. S., 1st Inf.80 Sept 98
Hewitt .,\T. M., N.S.W. L. 28 Dec 96
Reid, J. T., Unattd. List -25-AprM
Moppett, F. W.. 3rd
N.S.W I.R 1 Mae 01
Finney, J,, Unattd. List -10 Dee 04-
XSGreenwell, G. M.,
Unattd. List 14 Aug 11
XNewman, W. A.,
N.S.W. Mtd, Rif S A«g02
Brown, J. L., Unattd. List 1 May fl^
Brearley, J. H. D., Unattd.
List 21 -Oct- 0?
Moxham, C, G., Una-itd.
List 10 DeeOJ
XXotts, H. E., 41st Inf. 1 Nov 18
McGregor, J. K. , Unattd.
List 12 Aug 33
Lobban, T. M., Unattd.
List SDso 13
XjButler, A.O., Unattd.
List 27 Aug 07
Bensusan, D. A., 43rd Inf. 1 Feb 14
FitzNead, A. C, Unattd.
List 2Nov«8
Rayment, E., Civ. Ser.
Rif 25Se.i3&it)8
Coghlan, C. J., Unattd.
List 15^08
Morris, C, N.S.W. Sco.R. 6 OctOS
Mowle, W., 2nd A.I.R, 13 AprOS
Riley, G. C. D.. A.G.A. ... !. July©?
MacCallum.R.W., A.G.A. 1 JalyOS
XJBurkitt, C. T., 2nd
A.L.H. 10 Sep8r07
Grote, F. W. O., Unattd.
List, 16'0c6l®
XKoch, F.B.T.,Unattd.
List (hon. It.) 15 Aug 19
White, W. L., 2nd L.H, . I Nov S3
SxgHouston. E. A. E., 1-st
A.L.H. .. f-J&n 08
S?<5Greeu, T. W., A.F.A. 8 Mar09
Glasheen, T. W.. 14th
A.L.H 15Apr 08
Hewitt, T G, 11th A.I.... 21 JaaOS
Moon, W. R., 13th A.L.H.28 Aug 08
Bedford, M. E., 1st A.LR. 1-5 AprOS
Bolton, H. G., 7th A.I.R. H NovO?
Irving, H. K., loth A.L.H. 7 May 08
Keif, H. S., 4th A.I.R 3 JmiOl
Parker, J. W., N.S.W.
Scot. Rif. Reg 27 Sept 09
Faruell, T. W. , Kennedy
I.R l5Maff«9
Anderson, E.,N. -S.W.Scot.
Rif R 11 Dec08
^<Kidd, T. A.. W.A.I. R.20 Ma* 11
McLean, A. L., C, of
Signrs D'ulyOS
De Castella, F. R„ 7th
A.L.H l-iFulyOS
XJRobinson, S. B., lltb
A L. H .,..„,, „.-]S.Sw«»

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