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Parker, Serjt.-Maj. John, 3 Bn. R. Ir. Rif. 19 July 07
Parker, Staff-Serjt.-Maj. W., A.S. Corps ... 1 Aug 04
Parker, Serjt.-Maj. William, 6 Bn. R. War. R.
t> i t, , 7 Dec 05
Parkes, Bandmr. Arthur, 2 Bn.W.I.R. .. 22 Jun 13
Parkinson, 1st CI. Staff-Serjt.-Maj. Malcolm
Harrison, A. S. Corps ... ... 19 Oct 05
Parmee, Serjt.-Maj. C, D. of Corn. L. I.... 12 Sept 08
Parro-tt, Serjt.-Maj. Mechanist George
William, R.Bng. ... - ... 1 Oct' 06
Parrott, Serjt.-Maj. P., Som. L. I is Nov- 96
Parsons, 2nd CI. Mast. Gunn. Albert
Edward, R. Art 23 Feb 09
Parsons, Serjt.-Maj. C. W., 1 Dns.... ... lOOct 01
Parsons, Condr. J., A. Orel. Corps 2 Mar 02
Passmore, Serjt.-Maj. Foreman of Works
J. D.,R. Eng 1 jan 96
Patterson, Regtl.-Serjt.-Maj. Samuel, R.
_ Al-t 21 Jim 05
Patterson, Serjt.-Maj. William, R. Art. ... 14 July 10
Patterson, Serjt.-Maj. William James
Henderson, Gord. Highrs. ... ... ... 21 July 12
Pattison, Serjt.-Maj. Joseph, R. Ir. Rif.... 15 Jan 07
Paulin, Corp.-Maj. Harry, 1 L. G 4 Mar 10
Payne, Serjt.-Maj. Joseph, R. Mil. Coll. ... 1 Sept 12
Payne, Serjt.-Maj. Richard, Durh. R.G.A.
(Mila.) 26 Oct 02
Payne, Serjt.-Maj. Tom, A. Ord. Corps ... 28 Dec 07
Peachey, Bandmr. W. D., Rif. Brig. ... 1 Aucr 9
Peacock, 1st CI. Staff Serjt.-Maj. Harry
Godfrey, A. S. Corps 1 July 10
Peacock, Suptg. Clerk J., Staff ... ... 2 Dec 91
Pearce, Serjt.-Maj. George, R. Eng. ... 13 Sept 11
Pearce, Bandmr. Henry William Charles.
1 Bn. Hamps. R 21 Sept 12
Pears, Serjt.-Maj. T., 1 Bn. Oxf.& Bucks. L.I. 8 Nov 12
Pearson, Suptg. Clerk Arthur, R. Eng. ... ' 1 Oct 02
Pearson, Staff Serjt. Maj. Henry.A.S. Corps 13 Jun 08
Peaston, Staff Serjt.-Maj. W., A. Pay Corps 16 Aug 94
Peebles, Schmr. D 16 Aug 06
Peek, Staff Serjt.-Maj. James George, A. S.
Corps 1 ^p r qj
Peel, Serjt.-Maj. Robert, D. of Corn. L.I. '.'. 20 Jun 03
Pell, Schlmr. R. .. ... 1 j un 93
Penman, Serjt.-Maj. M.,R. Fus 24 May 82
Pennicott Condr. Thomas, A. Ord.
Corps (Temp. Asst. Commy. of Ord. § hon.Lt. '
3 Jan 15) " [ 8 Sept 13
Pennington, Serjt.-Maj. Samuel "'York's'.
■••• '•• ••• ••• ... ... ... 25 Jun 07
Penton, Staff Serjt.-Maj. James, A s'
Corps ... 8Deo 66
Pepper, Serjt. -Maj. Arthur Llewellyn
Morf. R .' 16 Nov 10
Pepper, Garr.-Serjt,-Maj. W., Staff jj Auo- oo
Percival, Regtl.-Serjt.-Maj. J. F. W., ,"
2 D. G - ' 1 J5f v 96
Perks, Staff Serjt.-Maj. Arthur, A.S. Corps 15 Jan 12
Perman, Serjt.-Maj. Charles, 11 His. .. 1 Oct 06
Perriri, Serjt.-Maj. John, 5 Bn. R. Ir. Reg't' 10 Sept 03
Perrin, Barraek-Serjt.-Maj. J., A. S. Corps 25 Sept %
Perrins, Armr. Serjt.-Maj. Charles, A. Ord.
Corps 28 Aug 12
Perry, Staff Serjt.-Maj. F., A. S. Corps . 15 Au<? 95
Perry, Staff Serjt. Maj. F., A. P. Corps 1 Feb m
Pett, Staff Serjt.-Maj. T., A. S. Corps " 22 Sept 08
Philcox, Staff Serjt.-Maj. Godfrey .A.S.Corps 14Jun 08
Phillips, Serjt.-Maj. Albert William, Som.
Phillips, Serjt.-Maj. Charles Edward, RA.. " y
Med. Corps ... ... 29 Oct OH
Phillips, Suptg. Clerk F. H., R. Eng. '" 26 Ausli
Phillips, Serjt.-Maj. J. , Med. Staff Corps 3 Dec" 84
Phillips, Bandmr. John, R. Ir. Regt. ...' 25 Am- 05
Philp, Armt. Serjt.-Maj. Walter, A. Ord P
Corps , 28 T aT , ta
Pickering, 1st CI. Staff-Serjt-Maj." Percy
A.S.Corps , ' „ ]fi j h .,
Pickersg-iH, Serjt.-Maj. Henry, lRegti' ' " " '
Dist. ... ... .. 6 V ._ _
Pilcher, Suptg. Clerk F. VV., Corps of Mil ^
Staff Clerks ' 15 Mav 9S
Pilgrim, Serjt. Maj. James,4Bn.W.Rid.R 17Au's an
Pilgrim, Serjt.-Maj. John William •§- UAl, g^
War - R - •••.. : 7 Apr 05
Pincombe, Serjt.-Maj. Charles George, 14
Regtl. List 2 Jun 07
Pipe, Bandmr. Henry John, E. York R. ... 1 Apr 07
Pitchforth, Serjt.-Maj. R. P., 8 Hrs. ... 19 Mar 90
Pither, Schmr. R. G ... 10 Feb 90
Pitt, Condr. George Henry, A. Ord. Corps. 1 NoV 12
Pittman, Serjt.-Maj. Charles Alfred, 3 Bn.
R. Suss. R 23 Feb 10
Ploug-liman, Bandmr. J. H.,1 Bn. W. I. R. 26 May 03
Pocock, 1st CI. Mast. Gunn. J„ R, Art. ... 1 Jan 95
Poe, Serjt.-Maj. Arthur Percy, Conn. Rang. 27 Jun 11
Pook, Serjt.-Maj. J., S. Lan. R 16 Sept 93
Poole, 1st CI. Staff-Serjt.-Maj. W. &.,.
A.S.Corps ... -„.. . „, 27 Aug 05
Pope, Bandmr. S., Wilts R ... 28 Apr 97
Pope, Serjt.-Maj., Foreman of Wks.,
William, R. Eng i2 Mar 13
Popkiss, 1st CI. Staff-Serjt. J., Commt. and
Transpt. Corps 29 Jun 87
Potter, Serjt.-Maj. Charles, Forfar and
Kincardine Art .. 23 Mar 07
Potter, Garr.-Serjt.-Maj. G., 1 X). G.' ... 27 Nov 96
Potts, Serjt.-Maj. Foreman of Works, Wil-
liam Robert; R. Eng. ... , 1*5 j U n 11
Powell. Garr.-Serjt.-Maj. Frederick ... 14 Mar 08
Powell, Serjt.-Maj. Thomas, Glouc R. ... 28 Oct 11
Powell, Suptg. Clerk William Rob'son, R.
Ens- „ 26 Jun 10
Power, Serjt.-Maj. Joseph Michael, R. A.
Med. Corps 3l j an 6
Powers, Serjt.-Maj. Charles, D. of Corn-
k- 1 ,-"- „ 27 Sept 03
Powles, Suptg. Clerk T., Corps of Mil. Staff
C Iei ' ks 1 July 96
Praeger, Serjt.-Maj. Leonard Paul, 9 Lrs.... 3 Apr 13
Pratt, Serjt.-Maj. C. R., 3 Hrs 1 Dec 91
Pratt, Serjt.-Maj. D., Yorks L.I 27 Feb 95
Presbnry, Serjt.-Maj. George William,
K- Art 1 Jan 10
Prewett, Armr. Serjt.-Maj. William Henry,
A. Ord. Corps 12Septl2
Price, Armr.-Serjt.-Maj. O, A. Ord. Corps 31 May 14
Price, 2nd CI. Mast. Gunn. George James,
K- Art 18 Jan 11
Price, Serjt.-Maj. J. C, Wore. R 25 May 94
Price, Schmr. Oscar Albert 23 Dec 11
Price, Serjt.-Maj. W., Army Hospital Corps 21 Mar 83
Pridg-eon, Serjt.-Maj. H. A., 14 Hrs. ... 31 Dec 89
Priestwood, Serjt.-Maj. G. R., R. Art. .. 1 Feb 91
Prikler, 1st CI. Staff-Serjt.-Maj. L.,A.S.
„ Cor P s 1 Jun 14
Prime, Serjt.-Maj. W. G., R. War. R. ... 3 Sept 85
Prior, 1st CI. Mast. Gunn. F., R. Art. ... 1 Jan 98
Pritchard, 1st CI. Staff-Serjt.-Maj. J., A. S.
„ Cor P, s , 1 Oct 94
Pritchard, Serjt.-Maj. Foreman of Works
W. J.,R. Eng lAug 93
Pritchitt, Condr. A., A. Ord. Corps ... 11 Jan 06
Procter, Serjt.-Maj. Edwin, A. Ord. Corps. 19 May 06
Prosser, Serjt.-Maj. George Thomas,
Manch.R 25SeptlO
Prosser, Bandmr. James, 6 Dns. ... ... 4 Jan 08
Purse, Serjt -Maj. Joseph William, R. Eng. 21 Mar 07
Purser, Armt. -Serjt. -Maj. William John,
A. Ord. Corps ... 28 Nov 12
Pursg'love, IstCl. Staff-Serjt.-Maj. Robert,
A. Pay Corps 1 Nov 06 -
Purtill, Serjt.-Maj. J., 4 Bn. Conn. Rang. 22 Oct 01
Pye, Farrier Serjt.-Maj. Alfred, R. Fd. Art. 25 Jan 11
Pyke, 1st CJ. Staff Serjt.-Maj. Robert
Frederick, A.S. Corps 30 May 11
Q,uartermaine, Serjt.-Maj. Foreman of
Works James Hurst, R. Eng.
Quick, Garr.-Serjt.-Maj, A., Ches. R.
Q,uianlan, Serjt.-Maj. William, 2 Bn. R.
Malta R
Q/uilter, Serjt.-Maj. Thomas Hewlett,'
wilts, r ;
duinlan, Serjt.-Maj. P., Bedf. R. ...
Quinlan, Regtl.-Serjt.-Maj. T., A. S. Corps
Q,uinn, Bandmr. E. T., Manch. R. ...
Quint, Serjt.-Maj. F. C, R. Eng
Quinton, Serjt.-Maj. Foreman of Wks.
G..R. Eng. ...
Quirk, Serjt.-Maj. T., High. L. I. .'.'.'
17 Jan 09
1 Nov 00
5 Jan 11
24 Sept 11
24 Jun 99
1 Nov 96
18 July 02
4 May 95
1 May 08
30 Apr 90

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