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Australian Commonwealth— contfZ.
Hurr'^y, J. S. {Hon. Capt. Res. of Of.) —
The War 0/ 1914- 9. —Despatches, Lonrl. Gaz., 4 Jan. 17.
Hurry, G. {Capt. 65 Inf.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,28Mayl8.
Hurst, H. E. {Capt. Ret. List)—
S. African War, 1900-01.— Severely wounded. Opera-
tions in Rhodesia. Operations in the Transvaal,
east of Pretoria, including action at Rhenoster Kop.
Queen's medal with 4 clasps. King's medal with 2
Hurst, J. H. {Maj. Aiist. Garr. Art.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches. Lond. Gaz., 28 Dec. 17
and 11 Julv 19. Belgian Order of the Crown, 4th
Class. Belgian War Cross. DSO.
Hutchin, A. W. {Lt. A. <fc /. Staff)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 31 Dec. 18.
Hutohingrs, F. A. {Lt. 39 Inf.)—-
The War of 1914-9.— JfC.
Hutton, C. {Capt. Res. of Off.)—
S.African i^ac, 1901-2. — Operations in Cape Colony,
Orange River Colony and the Transvaal. Queen's
medal with 4 clasps.
Huxtable, R. B. {Maj. Aust. A. Med. Corps) —
The War 0/ 1914-9. —Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 4 Jan. 17,
1 Jun. 17. 28 Dec. 17, 28 May 18 and 31 Dec. 18.
Hyde, C. B. W. {Lt. Set. List)—
a. African War, 1900-1.— Operations in the Trans-
vaal, east and west of Pretoria, July to 29 Nov. 00,
including actions at Rhenoster Kop and Zillkats
Nek. Operations in the Orange River Colony, May
to 29 Nov. 00.
Operations in the Transvaal, 30 Nov. 00 to Feb. 01,
Mar. 01. Operations in Cape Colony, Feb. to Mar.
0) . Queen's medal with 4 clasps.
S. African War. 1900-01. — Severely wounded. Opera-
tions in Rhodesia and in the Transvaal. Despatches,
Lond. Gaz., 17 Jun. 02. Queen's medal with 4 clasps.
Hyman, A. W. Lt. Lt Horse)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches,Lond. Gaz.,28 Dec. 17.
and 31 De.% 18. OBE.
Imlay, A. P. {Lt. 7t5 Inf.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 4 Jan. IT,
1 Jun. 17, 28 Dec. 17 and 28 May 18. DSO. Clasp
to DSO.
Ingrlis, W. {Hon. Maj. Res. of Off.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 25Sept.l6.
Ingoldby, F. J. {Capt. Ret. List)—
S. African War, 1900-1.— Operations in Rhodesia and
the Transvaal. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 17 Jun. 02.
Queen's medal with 2 clasps.
Ir'Win, J. M. {Lt. Civealth Mil. Forces)—
The War of 1914-9— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 1 Jun. 17
28 Dec. 1/ and 31 Dec. i8. DSO.
Irwin, S. {Lt. 33 Inf.)-
The War of 1914-9 —Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 28 Mayl8
French Order of Merit, Agriculture, 5th Class"
Irwin, T. B. W. W. (Capt. 11 Lt. Horse)—
The War 0/ 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., IDec. 16
and 14 Jun. 18. Krench War Cross.
Jackson, A. {Maj. 58 Inf.) —
1914-9.— 0B.6;.
Jac son, R. B. {Lt. A. Sj I. Staff)—
r/te War 0/1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 1 Jun 17
28 Dec. 17, 28 May 18 and 31 Dec. 18. Lesion of
Honour, 5th Class. CMG. DSO.
Jackson, S. H. {Lt. 88 Inf.)—
The Wa?-.o/1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz.. 5 Nov 15
and 28 Dec. 17. French War Cross. MC.
Jacob, F. B. {Capt. 7 U. Horse)—
The War of 1914-9. — Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 31 Dec. 18.
Jacobs, H. {Capt. L'naltd. List)—
The War 0/ 1914-8. —Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 5 Nov. 15.
James, E. H. (Lt. Amt. Eng.) —
The War of 1914-9.— ilfC. Clasp to JfC .
James, B. S. {Capt. Aust. A. Yeiy. Corps)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 1 Jun. 17
and 11 July 19. OBE.
James, H. (Li. 88 M/.)—
The War 0/ 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 28 Jan. 16.
Jr.mes, J- A. {Capt. Au t. A. Med. Corps) —
1914-9. — Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 11 July 19.
James, T. B. W. {Cavt. Aust. Garr. Art.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 28 May
18. DSO.
James, W. E. (Capt. 66 Inf.)
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond . Gaz., 28 May 18
and 11 July 19. DSO. C\a.s^i,o DSO.
Jamieson, 8. C. {Capt. Aust. A. Med. Corps) —
S. African War, 1899-1902.— Operations in the
Orange Free State, 00, including actions at Vet
River and Zand River. Operations in the Trans-
vaal in May and Jun. 00, Including actions near
Johannesburg, Pretoria and Diamond Hill. Opera-
tions in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, 00, in-
cluding action at Belfast. Operations in Cape
Colony. Queen's medal with 5 clasps.
Jeffries, L- W. {Capt. Aust. A. Med. Corps) —
The War (^ 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 14 Nov.16,
4 Jan. 17 and 1 Jun. 17. DSO. OBE.
Jenkins, D. H. (Capt. Res. of Off.)—
S. African War, 1900. — Operations in Cape Colony
and Orange River Colony. Queen's medal with
2 clasps.
Jermyn, F. D. {Maj. Aust. A. Med. Corps) —
iS. African War. — 1900-2. — Operations in Cape Colony
and Orange River Colony. Operations in the
Transvaal in May and Jun. 00, including actions
near Johanngsburg, Pretoria and Diamond Hill.
Queen's medal with 5 clasps.
Jess, C. H. (Brev. Lt.-Col. A Sf I. Staff)—
Tne War 0/ 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 5 Aug. 15,
4 Jan. 17 and 31 Dec 18. Order of the White Eagle,
4th Class, with Swords. CMG. DSO.
Jobson, A. {Lt.-Col. 35 Inf.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 1 Jun.
and 28 Dec. 17. DSO.
JohUi-On, B. M. {Lt. Aust. A. Serv. Corps) —
1914-9. — Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 11 July 19.
Johnson, H. W. {Lt. 17 Inf.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,28 Dec. 17,
and 28 May 18. French War Cress. MC.
Johnston, G. J. (Lt.-Col. Unattd. List)-^
S. African War 1899-1900, 1902. -Advance oa Kim-
berley. Operations in Cape Colony and Orange
River Colony.
In commd. 4 Bn. Aust. Commonwealth Horse.
Operations in the Transvaal, 02. Queen's medal
with 3 clasps.
The War 0/ 1914-9.— Despatches, Lortd. Gaz., 5 Nov. 15,
4 Jan. 17, 1 Jun. 17 and 28 Dec. 17 CB. CMG.
Johnston, H. H. (Capt. 4 Lt. Horse)—
S.African War, 1900-2. — Wounded. Operations in the
Transvaal, Orange River Colony, and Cape Colony.
Queen's medal with 3 clasps. King's medal with 2
The War 0/ 1914-9. —Despatches, Lond. Gai., IDec. 16.
Johnston, J. (Maj. Unattd. List) —
Th.e PTa?- 0/ 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond.Gax., \ Juni. 17,
Johnston, J. L. (Lt.-Col. 2 Pnr. Regit.)—

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