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Stickler, D. H. (temp. Capt. Serv. Bus. S. Wales Bwi.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 27 Dec. 18,
(t) Stickney, J. B. D. {Capt. 4 Bn. York Sf Lane. R.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,21 Dec. 17
and 9 July 19. DSO. MC. Clasp to MC.
(t) Stidston, C. A. {Maj. R.A.M.C.)—
The War of 1914.9.r-Despatchea, Lond. Gaz., 25 May 18.
(t) Stidston, S. J. (U. 4 Bn. Glows. R.)—
The War of 1914-9.— if C.
Stiebel, C. A. (temp. Lt. Lai. Corps.)—
The War ofigil-g.— Operations in France and Belaium
from 12 Feb. 16 to 18 Apr. 16 and 24 Nov. 17 to
11 Nov. 18. Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,23 May 18. MC
Stiell, D. {Maj. ret. pay)—
X African War, 1900-2.— Operations in the Orange
Free State, Feb. to May 00. Operations in the
Transvaal in May and J tin. 00. Operations in the
Transvaal, east and west of Pretoria, July to 29
Nov. 00, includiiig action at Zilikats Nek. Opera-
tions in Cape Colony, north and south of Orange
Kiver, 00.
Operations in the Transvaal 30 Nov. 00 to 31
May 02. Queen's medal with 3 clasps. King's
medal with 2 clasps,
Stiff, E. {2nd Lt. R. Art.)—
S. African War, 1900-2 — Operations in Cape Colony,
Orange River Colony, and the Transvaal. Queen's
medal vrith 3 clasps. King's medal with 2 clasps.
Stiffe, A. F. E. {Lt.-Col. h.p.)—
1914-9. — Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 26 Nov. 18. OBE.
Stig'and,C. H. {Maj. R. W. KentR.)—
East Africa, 1901.— Operations in Somaliland. Des-
patches, Lond. Gaz., 18 Apr. 02. Medal with clasp.
The T-Kar 0/1914-9.— Operations in Darfur. Despatches,
Lond. Gaz.. 29 May 17 an i 5 Jun. 19. OBE.
iSudan, 1916.
Sudan, 1917.— Operations against the Lau-Nuers.
Stileman, D. C. G. {temp. Capt. Serv. Bns. R. Lanc.R.)
1914-9.— Wounded. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 21 July 17.
Stileman, R. F- {Lt. Som. L.I.y—
1914-9. — Despatches, Lond. Gaz , 5 Jun. 19.
(t) Stiles, H. W. (iemp. Lt. Tank Corps)—
Stiles, W. J. {Lt. R. Art.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Promd. 3nd Lt.
Still, A. (Lt. R. Art.)—
Ihe War of 1914-9.— Promd. 2nd Lt.
Stillman, C G. (temp. Lt. R. Eng.)—
The War of 1914-9 — Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,21 May 18.
Stillman, R. C. B. (Capt. R. Art.)—
1914-9.— 1914 Star.
Stillwell. A. {LK R. Art.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Promd. 2nd Lt.
Stillwell, W. D. {Maj. R. Art.)—
1914-9.— Wounded. Despatches, Lond. Gaz. 18 Mav 17
14 Dec. 17, 21 May 18 and 23 Dec. 18. DSO. Clasp to
(t) Stilwell, W. B. {Maj. 4 Bn. Hamps. R.)—
The War o/ 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 5 Apr 16
DSO. ' '
(t) Stimpson, A. (Capt. Terr. Fierce Res.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. G^z., 28Nov.l7.
(t) Stinson, H. J. E. {Lt. R.Q.A.)—
The War of 1914-9.— MO. Clasp to MC.
Stirk, C. W. {2nd Lt. York. R.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Promd. 2nd Lt.
Stirke, H. R. {temp. Maj. .Serv. Bns. R. Dub. Fiis.)—
1914-9.— Wounded twice. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 4
Jan. 17, 21 Dec. 17 and 24 May 18. Bel^an War
Cross. DSO.
Stirling, A. {Maj. Res of Off.)-
Hazara Expedition, 1888.— Medal with clasp.
Hazara Expedition. 1891. — Clasp.
1911-9.— Operations in France and Belgium from 10
May 15 to 5 Aug. 16. Wounded.
(t) Stirling, A. {Lt.-Col. Terr. Force Res.)—
Nile Expedition, 1899.— Medal with clasp.
S. African War, 1899-1902.— Operations in Orange
River Colony, May to 29 Nov. 00, including actions
at Biddulphsberg, and Wittebergen (1 to 29 July),
and Caledon River.
Operations in the Transvaal , Orange River Colony
and Cape Colony 30 Nov. 00 to 31 May 02.
Queen's medal with 5 clasps. King's medal with 2
The War o/'1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 13 July 16
Stirling, A. {Capt. Arg. & Snth'd Hiyhrs.)
1914-9.— 1914 Star.
Stirling, A. A. {temp. Lt. Serv. Bns. Bord. R.) —
The War of 1914-9.— AfC. Clasp to MC.
Stirling, A. D. {Capt.R.A.M.O-
The War o/ 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,22 Jun. 15,
15 Jun. 16, 24 Dec. 17 and 10 July 19. Military Order
of Avis, 5th Class. 1914 Star. DSO.
(r) Stirling, B. W. (Lt. R.F.A. Spec. Res.)-
The War o/ 1914.9.— ilfC. Clasp to MC.
Stirling, D. A. (Lt. H ITrs.)-
The War of 1914-9.- Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,1.5Aug.l7
Stirling, Sir G. M. H., Bt. (Brev. Lt.-Col. Essex R.)—
Operations in Chitral, 1895.— With the Relief Force.
Medal with clasp.
Til ak 1897-8.— As Transp. Oiiicer. Operations against
the Khani Khel Chamkannis. Operations in the
Bazar Valley 25 to 30 Dec. 97. 2 clasps.
*. 'African War, 1899-1902.— On Staff; afterwards
attd. to A. S. Corps from 19 Feb 02. Sei-ved as
Adjt. "Burma" Mtd. Inf.,Jan to Jun. 00. Opera-
tions in the Orange Free State Mar to May 00,
including actions at Poplar Grove, Dreifontein,
Houtnek (Thoba Mountain), Vet River (5 and 6
May), and Zand River. Operations in the Trans-
vaal in May and Jun. 00, including actions near
Johannesburg, Pretoria and Diamond Hill (11 and
12 Jun.). Operations in the Transvaal west of
Pretoria Aug. to 1 Oct. 00. Operations in Orange
River Colony Jun. to 31 July 00. Slightly wounded.
Operations in the Transvaal Jan. to Apr. 01. Des-
patches, Lond. Gaz., 8 Feb. 01. Queen's medal
with 4 clasps. King's medal with 2 clasps. DSO.
East Africa, 1903-4.— Commd. 7th Somali Camel
Corps, from 12 Nov. 03 to Jun. 04. Operations in
Somaliland. On Staff (as Spec. Perv. Offr.). Medal
with clasp.
The War o/ 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 1 Jan. 16,
4 Jan. 17, 21 Dee. 17 and 5 July 19. Brev. of Col.
Stirling, J- {Capt. 2 Lovat's Scouts Yeo.)-~
The War of 1914-9. — Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 11 Jun. 18
and 5 Jun. 19- Greek Military Cross, MBE,

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