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Sterling, F. H. (Lt. R. Art.)—
The War 0/1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 23 Dec. 18.
Sterling:, J. B. (Maj.-Gen. ret. pay)—
Egyptian Expedition, 1882.— Action of Mahuta, and
battle of Tel-el-Kebir (slightly wounded). Medal
with clasp ; bronze star ; 4th class Osmanieh.
Soudan Expedition, 1885. — Suakin. Action at Hasheen,
attack on convoy 24 Mar., action of Tamai. Des-
patches, Lond. Gaz., 25 Aug. 85. Clasp.
(r) Sterling, L. A. (Lt. B.F.A. Spec. Res.)—
The War of 1914-9.— ilfC
(t) Stern, P. C. {Capt. 2 Co. of Lond. Yeo.}—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 12 Jan. 18
and 2i Jan. 19. OBE. MC.
(r) Stern, H. J. J. (Maj. S. Ir. Horse)—
S. African War, 1899-1902.— Queen's medal with 4
clasps. King's medal with 2 clasps.
(r) Stern, T. H. (Lt. R. Eng. Spec. Res.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 21 July
17. Order of the White Eagle, 6th Class. MC.
Sterndale-Bennett, J. (Maj. Ind. Army)—
East Africa, 1903-4. — Operations in Somaliland.
Medal with clasp.
1914-9.— 0B£.
(r) Sterndale-Bennett, J. B. (2nrf Lt. 3 Bn. s. Wales
The War of 1914-9 — MC.
(r) Steuart, C. B. (Lt. ret. pay) (Capt. 3 Bn. R. Sc.
S. African War, 1900-1. — Served in Mediterranean.
(t) Steuart, W. O. (2nd Lt. 5 Bn. H. Scots)-
The War of 1914-9.— JfC. clasp to MC.
Steuart-Menzies, K. (Capt. S. 6ds.) —
1914-9.— 1914 Star.
(t) Steven, A. C A. (Lt. 7 Bn. JVortk'd Fus.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz. ,23 May 18.
(t) Steven, G. F. (Lt. 7 Bn. North'd Fus.)—
The War of 1914-9.- Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 18 Dec.l7.
Steven, J. F. (Capt. late R.A.M.C.)—
The War o/ 1914-9.— Dospatches, Lond. Gaz., 1 Jan. 16.
Steveni, L. (temp. Capt. in Army.) (Brev. Maj.) —
1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 30 Apr. 19. Order
of the Black Star, 5th Class. Order of St. Anne,
3rd Class, with swords. Order of St Stanislas, 3rd
Class. Brev. of Maj. OBE. MC.
Stevens, A. C. J. (Maj. R. Eng.)—
China, 1900.— Medal.
TheWar of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 25 Sept.
and 6 Dec. 16. DSO.
Stevens, A. B. (Lt. 7 Hrs.)-
S. African War, 1901-2.— Operations in Cape Colony,
Orange River Colony, and the Transvaal. Queen's
medal with 5 clasps.
(t) Stevens. A. H. (Capt. R.F.A.)-
^The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 14 Nov. 16.
(t) Stevens, A. L. (Lt. R. Art.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,14Dec.l7.
Stevens, A. L. B. (temp. Lt. Serv. Bns- R. Muns. Fus.) —
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 14 Jun. 18
and 9 July 19.
Stevens, A. W. (Lt. R. Art.)—
lyie War o/ 1914-9.— Promd. 2ad Lt.
Stevens, B. P. ( Capt. ret. pay)-
Expedition to Tambaku Country, W. Africa, 1892. —
Capture of Tambi. Medal with clasp.
Operations in Siej-ra Leone, 1898-9.-Karene Expedition.
Stevens, C. A. (Lt. W. Rid. R.)—
The War of 1914-9.— MC. Clasp to MC.
Stevens, C. P. (Col. h.p.)—
Burmese Expedition. 188.5-8. — Medal with 2 «lasps.
S. African War, 1899-1901.— Served as Adjt. Brig. Div.
R. Field Art. (30 Nov. 00 to Oct. 01). Relief of
Kimberley. Operations in the Orange Free State,
Feb. to May 00, including operations at Paardeberg
(17 to 26 Feb.) ; actions at Poplar Grove, Dreifont«in,
Vet River (5 and 6 May) and Zand River. Operations
in the Transvaal in May and Jun. 00, including
actions near Johannesburg, Pretoria and Diamond
Hill (11 and 12 Jun.). Operations in Orange River
Colony, including actions at Wittebergen (1 to 29
Operations in Orange River Colony and Cape
Colony, 30 Nor. 00 to Oct 01. Despatches, Load.
Gaz., 8 Feb. 01. Queen's medal with 7 clasps.
The TFaro/' 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 19 Oct. 14.
1914 Star. CMC
Stevens, C. P. L. (Capt. Ind. Army)—
The War of 1914-9.— ilfC.
Stevens, C. J. (Maj. Commy. of Ord.)—
The War o/ 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 4 Jan. 17.
Stevens, C. M. H. (Maj. R. Art.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 15 Jun. 16
and 4 Jan. 17. 1914 Star. DSO.
Stevens, D. (Lt. s. Staff. R.)-
The War of 1914-9.— Promd. 2nd Lt. MM.
Stevens, D. W. (temp. Capt. Serv. Bns. j\'otts. c^ Derby
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 26 Jan. 17.
Stevens, B. (Lt. ret. pay)— . ,i, ^
S African War, 1899-1902.— Operations in the Trans-
'vaal, including action near Johannesburg. Opera-
tions in the Transvaal east of Pretoria, including
action at Belfast. Operations in Cape Colony and
Orange Free State. Queen's medal with 4 clasps.
King's medal with 2 clasps.
J-he nar o/ 1914-9.— Promd. 2nd Lt.
Ste \rens, B. G. S. (temp. Maj. R.A.S.C.)—
The H^ai-of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., lo Jun. lb
and 24 Dec. 17.
Stevens, E.J. (Capt. i{.^rt.)— *
The War of 1914-9. — Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 23 Dec. 18
and 7 July 19. OBE.
It) Stevens, B. T. D. (Capt. Ter -Force Res.)—
The War of 1914-9. — Despatches- Lond. Gaz., 6 July 17
and 22 Jan. 19.

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