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Bolt, J. H. (temp. Capt. R.A.S.C.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 4 Jan 17,
20 May 18 and 6 July 19. i
Kolt, S. P. (Hon. Bng.-Gen. rH. pay)—
S. African War. 1899 1900.- Spec. Serv. Offli-. including
service as Adjt., and afterwards as O.C. llhodesia
Regt., f om23 July 00. Slightly wounded. Belief
of Mafeklng. Operations in Rhodesia (11 Oct. 99
to 25 May 00). Operations in the Transvaal, vft%t
of Pretoria. July to Sept. 00. Operations in Orange
River Colony (Nov. 00). Desratches, Lond. Gaz.,
16 Apr. 01. Queen's medal with 4 cl sps. Brev. of
The War of 1914-9-— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 19 Oct. 14.
1914 Star.
Bomaues. J. G. P. (Brer. Lt.-Col. R. Scots)—
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 25 Nov. 16,
1 Dec. 16, 12 Jan. 18 and 27 Dec. 18. Brev. of Lt.-
Col. Legion of Honour, 5th Class. DSO. Clasp
to DSO.
Romanis, D. G. (Capt. It, Art.)—
1914-9.— Jt/C.
BombulO-W-Pearse. A. B. {Maj. Ind. Armr/)—
S African War, 1901-2.— Operations in Orange River
Colony, May 01 to May 02. Operations in C^pe
Colony, May 01 and May 02. Queen's m^dal with
4 clasps. •
Borne. C L. {Lt.-Col .s D.G.)—
S Africnn War, 1902.— Served with Impl. Yeo.
OpTations in Cape Colony, Feb. to 31 May 02.
Queen's medal with 2 clasps.
The War of 1914-9. — Wounded. Despatches, Lond.
Gaz., U Dec. 17, 20 May 18, 20 Dec. 18 and 5 July 19.
Brev. of Lt.-Col. DSO. Clasp to Z>50.
Borne, C. S. (Brev. Lt.-Col. 11 Brs.)—
N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-8.— Medal with cla?p.
S. African War, 1900-2. — On Staff. Afterwards
Adjt. 1st Johannesburg Mtd. Rif. from 10 Jan. 01.
Operations in Rhodesia, Apr. to May oo. Ope a-
tions In the Transvaal, west of Pretoria, Aug to
Sept. 00, including actions at Elinds River (4 to 6
Aug.). Operations in the Transvaal and Orange
River Col ny, Oc . to 29 Nov. 00.)
Operations in the Transvaal and Orange River
Colony, .SO Nov. 00 to ."^l May 02. Operations on the
Zululand Frontier of Natal Sept., and Oct. 01.
Queen's medal with 4 clasps. King's with 2 clasps.
The War o/'l9l4-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 6 July 17,
12 Jan. 18, 14 Jun. 18 and 22 Jan 19. Brev. of Lt.-
Col. Order of the White Eagle. 4th Class, with
swords. CMG. DSO.
(t) Rome G. N. (7^t. 10 Bn. L'pool E.)—
The War of 1914-9.— Wounded. Despatches, Lond.
Gaz., 18 Dec. 17. MC.
Borne, R. C. (Maj. R Art.) -
Th£ Wai- 0/1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 17 Feb. 15.
30 Jun. 16 and 7 Oct. 18. Biev. of Maj. 1914 Star.
Rome, S. G. (Lt. Re', of Of.)—
The War o/1914-9.— Despatches, Lond Gaz,, 1 Jan. 16.
Romer, C. (temp. Capt. R. Eng.) —
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 4 Jan. 16.
Romer. C. F. (Maj.-Oen.)—
S. African War, 1899-19j2. Relief of Lalyamith, in-
cluding action at Colenso ; operations of 17 to 24r
Jan. 00, and action at Spiou Kop ; operations of 5 to
7 Feb. oO, and action at Vaal Kr<inz ; operatic 'u.s on.
Tugela Heigh' s( 14 t) 27 Feb 00). Operations in the
Orange Frte Stale, Feb. to May, 00. Operations ia
the Transvaal, wes-t o ' Pretoria, July to 29 Nov. 00»
including action at Fredericlistad (17 to 25 Oct.).
Afterwards Station Staff Offr. from 5 Dec. 01.-
Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 10 Sept. 01. Brev. of Maj.
Queen's medal with 5 clasps. King's medal with
2 clasps.
The War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 19 Oct. 14,
17 Feb. 15, 22 Jun 15, 1 Jan. 16,15 Jun 16, 4 Jan. 17,
15 May 17 >.nd 11 Dec. 17. ADC to the King with
Brev. of Col. Promd Maj .-Gen. Legion of Honour,
4th Class. Order of St. Anne, 2nd C ass, with,
swords. 1914 Star. CB. CMQ.
Romer. C. R. R. (temp. Capt. Oen. List) —
27kc War of 1914-9.— Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 11 Dec. IT
and 5 July 19 OBE., M. (Lt.-Col. ret. pay) — •
S.African War, 190 )-2. — Operations in Cape Colony,
South of Orange River, Orange State and
Transvaal, Mar. to 29 Nov. 00.
Operations in the Transvaal, Orange River
Colony and Cape Colony, ;-0 Nov. 00 to 31 May 02.
Queen's medal with 3 clasps. King's melal with>
2 clasps.
The H'ar 0/1914-9.— Despatches, Lond, Gaz., 23 May 18.
1914 Star. OBE.
Romilly, B. H. S. (Brev. Lt.-Col. S. Gds.)—
S. African War, 1899-190,i.— Advance on Kimberle\r.
Operations in th- Ora'ik'e Free State Feb. to MayOO,.
including acti -ns at P..plar Grovfl, Dreifontein,.
Vet River (5 and 6 May) and Zand River. Opera-
tions in the Transvaal in Ma v and Jun. 00, including
actions near Johannes urg, Pretor a and Diamond
Hill (11 «nd 12 Jun). Operations in the Transvaal^
east of Pre oria, July to 29 Nov. 00, including action,
at Be fast (26 and 27 Aug.) Opemtions in the
Transvaal, west of P.etoria, July to 29 Nov. 00.
Operations in Orange River Colony • May to 2SI'
Nov. 00.
Operations in the Transvaal, Dec. 00 to July 01.
Operations in Orange River Colony from July 01.
Operations in Cape Col ny Dec. 00, Dec. 01 to
Mar. 02. Despatches, Lond. G z., 10 Sept. 01, and
29 July u2. Queen's medal with 5 clasjs. King's
medal with 2 clasps. DSO.
Soudan, 1906.— Oper tions at Talodi in Southern..
Kordolan. Egyptian me lal with clasp.
Soudan, 1908.— Operations in Jebel Nyima District in-
Southern Kordofan. Clasp to Egyptian medal.
Sovdan, 1910. -Operations ia South rn Kordofan..
Soudan Medal with clasp.
Sudan, 1914.— Nuba Mountains. Operations at Man-
dal Sabai. In command. Brev. of Lt.-Col. Medal
with clasp. „ -r ., ..
The War of 1914-9.— Dcspatches,Lond Gaz., 22 Jun. lb-
Romilly, P. W. (Co'. ?-ci. ?;ay)— , „ ,, ,
Egyptian Expedition, 1^8.'-4. — Action at Mahuta and
battle of Tel-el-Ke'iir. Me al with clasp; bronze
star. n, 1884.— A-D-C to the G.O. Comdg.
Battles of Teb and Taraai. Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,
6 May 81. 2 clasps.
Sudan Expedition, 1884-5.— Nile. Action of Abu Klea..
2 cla ps.
Sudan, 1885-6.— Frontier Field Force. As A-D-C to-
G 0. Commdg. Action at Ginisa- Despatches,
L-'nd. Gaz., 9 Feb. 8W. OSO.
S. African War, 1900-2.— Slightly wounded. Itt
commd. 2 Bn. S. Gds. to 31 May 02. Operations in
Orange River Colony May to 29 Nov. 00, Including
actions at Biddulphsberg and Wittebergen (1 to 29--
Operations in the Transvaal and Orange Rivei'
Colony, 30 Nov. on to 31 May 03. Despatches,
Lond. Gaz.. 16 Apr. 01. Queens medal with S-
clasps. King's medal with 2 clasps. CB.

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