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THE MANCHESTER REGIMENT—(Regtl. Dint. No. 63)-oonW.
4th Bn,—contd.
Holliiiffworth, F. V.
(2) Morris, 3, M 26Junel5
Tucker, D. H. M.
26J anel5
' 11) O Leary, H. H. 28Nov.l5
(2) Thomas, G. R. 28Nov.l5
2nd Lieutenant*.
Levick, H. G. 15Aug.l4
(11) Jowett, J. S. 15Aug.l4
(1) Marley, V. D. K.
Evill, G. (empld. R.E.)
„ 15Aug.l4
Horn, W. B. F.
21 Oct.14
Tucker, G. M 2Dec.l4
m.g.Tristram, A. M.
„ HDec.14
Horn, F. O. 23Dec.l4
t.m.Peck, E. K. B. 26Feb.lfi
Robertson, A. SMar.lf
de Jongh, V. H. P.
^ SlMar.lS
Grundy, F. SApr.lfi\HiggirU)ottom, G. L.
Adamson, W. 18Apr.l5
Krolik, P. D. 18Apr.l5 14)
Webster, H. A. 18Apr.l5 o.s.Bryan, L. E. G„ vd
Vail, J. A. 28Apr,15 (Q) (H) ihon It-
(16) Hendrie, H. SMaylfi '.VU-tU ynon. u.
Purcell, M. T. 6Maylfi
(19) Walker, A. D. 6Maylfi
(17) Gadsby, C. 7Mayl5
Hill, G. A.
(Interpreter) 13Mayl6
m.g. Womersley, D. N.
„ 14Mayl6
Hughes, E. D. G.
c.o. Anderson, C. B. W.
16 May 16
White, W. 22Mayl5
(18) Fernyhough, 8.22Mayl6
Butcher, R. W. 2Maylfi
Brayshaw, H. H.
5th Battalion
“South Africa, 1900-02.“
Bank Chambers, Wigan
Line Depot—Dt\\\ Hall.
Hon. Colonel.
XEckersley, N. ff.
(Hon.Lt.-C6l. ret.
Spec. Res.) (Hon.
Capt. in Army).
p.«.France, W. 8., vd,
hon.e.,8. 23Dec.06
1 Fletcher. E. 23Junel2
1 ^Darlington, H. C.,
C.M.G., (t), (Hon.
Lt. in Army 24
June 01) (In com¬
mand) (*Lt.-Col. 12
Sept. 14) _ 16Sept.l3
col.) *l9Dec.l4
„ 23Dec.05
Hunter, T., vd (Hon.
Maj. ret. T.F.)
l^Cronshaw, A.E. (Hon. Army26July02)
(*Maj 31 Aug. 14)
Broum, N. S. (*Lt.-Col. \
6 Nov. 14) 13June03
lp.8. Fletcher, C. 23Dec.05
23May 16 Pt Simpson, A. W. W. i
MacGowan, W. 8. lOJan.06
12Junel6 lp.«. Walker, J. 8. A. (H)
(23) Reynolds, H. J. 8. (Empld. under
26JuneU Ministry of Muni-
Moore, F. 8. 24.Tulyl6 tions 16 Nov. 16)
.g.Hoioard, W. E. 24 J ulyl6 ^ 168ept.l3
o.s.Cherry, J. W. HSept.14
?Lumby, C. D. R.
, ^ 2Sept.l6
(23)Gardiner, P. W.
Towers, W, G. 210ct.l5
§Duncan, A. 210et.l5
(16) Plested, H. G. 26Mayl6
?Hayter, F. 7Julyl6
§Redford,A. 7Julyl6
i.g.\Eccles, E. 5Aug.l6
I.g.\ Wood, I. A.
JGreen, A. H. 68ept.l6
Inst, of Musk.
Charlton, J. E.,
Capt. (temp, maj.)
2 J ulyl4
Humphrys, N. W.,
Capt. Manch. R.
(Capt in Army
11 Deo. 14) 4Feb.l6
Qtiar ter-Master.
XPrice, H. W„ hon, m.
2Ratcliffe-Ellis, A.
(*i»foi.21 Deo. 14)
*60ct 14!
iWall, J. 17Junel5
1 Fletcher. B. L.30Junel6
X>Woods,W. T, M.C.
Uohnson, W. G. E.
3Johnson,A.E. 31Aug.l4
iBryham, M.(*Capt.
1 Mar. 15) *29Dec.l4
lAllen.G. E. UunelS
3^Ridge, W. H., late
Uapt. 2 V.B. N.
Staff. R. (Hon. Lt.
in Army 18 June 01)
(*Lt,-Col. 5 Nov. 15)
*5J unelfi
IBryham, A. L. (*Capt.
81 Aug. 14) 7Junel5
2Hewlett, A. (*Lt.-
Col. 5 July 16) 16Jiinelft
2nd Lieutenants.
ILund, G. 8. 26Aug.l4
3Burrows, E J. (attd.
6 Bn. Qlouc. R.) 2Sept.l4
Z Brown, C. P. (*Lt.
24 Sept. 16) 2Sept.l4
(*Capt. 8 Nov. 15)
3Holden, E. N. (*Lt.
24 Sept. 15) 12Sept.l4
Slaughter, A. 128ept.l4
iGordon.F.C. (Empld.
Comd.Depot) 128ept.l4
2Fllnn, R. E. (*Capt.
1 Aug. 15 j 308ept.l4
ISmith, E. H. H (*Lt.
6 Jan. 15) 30Sept.l4
2Ellis, R. R. CCapt.
1 Aug. 15) 30Sept.l4
l^Clayton. P. C. (*Lt.
18 Nov. 14) (Empld.
R.E.) 30.8ept.14
2Flsher, E. L. (*Capt.
6 Jan. 16) 308opt.l4
2Phethean, C. (*Capt.
1 Aug. 15) 30Sept.l4
iStott, T. M. (*Lt.
18 Nov. 14) 30Sept.l4
2Winterbottom, D. D
(*Capt. 1 Mar. 15)
(*Capt 20Jan.l5)5Oct.l4
3Johnson, H. N. 140ct.l4
3Field, H. H. (*Lt.
1 Aug. 15) (attd. 6
Bn.. Gioi/o. R.) 19NOV.14
2Fox, J.S. (*Capt.
1 Aug. 15) lDec.14
IDickey, R. G. A. lDec.14
lAkenhead, F.(*Lt.
I Aug. 15) 15Dec.l4
2Entwlsle, F. W. (*Lt.
1 July 15) 2.Jan.l5
2Ellis, 8. R. (*Capt.
29 Aug. 15) 8Jan.l6
2Bryan, J. L. 20Jan.l5
2Davls, L. E. 23Jan.l5
iWiddows.F.M. 24Jan.l5
2Knight, A. R. (*Lt.
1 July 15) 15Feb.l5
IParker, A. 8. (*Lt.
24 Sept. 15) 22Feb.l5
IDickey, J.P.Y. 23Feb.l5
iHornabrook, A. W.
(*Lt.lNov.l5) 8Mar.l5
2Smith, H. D. (*Lt.
1 Nov. 15) 27Mar.l5
iBlair, R. H. 28Mar.l5
IGoward, E. E. 13Apr.l6
SCharlesworth, J.
(attd. 6 Bn. Qlouc.
R.) 24 Apr. 15
iPearce, G.O. 29Apr.l6
2Coupe, F. W. (*Lt.
1 Jan. 16) 5Mayl5
2Lamb, E. R. (*Lt.
1 Jan. 16) 15Mayl6
IMakinson, A.L.26Mayl6
Uones, L. T. UulylS
iGreenup, G. Uulylft
SPrince, A. E. UulylS
SBesso, M. 4Julyl5
IHalliwell, T. 5Julyl5
iMolyneux, 1’. A. 6Julyl5
1 Hickson, W. O. 7Julyl6
2 A
} On probation.
2nd Lieutenant—contd.
Stones, H. (*Capt.
1 Dec. 16) 10Julyl5
2Ellis,H. R. (*Lt.
Uan. 16) 13Julyl5
2Browo,G. B. (*Lt.
15 Mar. 16) 29Julyl5
2France, R. A. lAug.16
2Martin, H. Y. lDAug.16
Steioart, T. B. lOAug.15
iWood, J. B. 16Aug. 16
Hunt, D. K. S. 16 Aug.15
3Kerfoot, E. (Instr.
in Catering) 17Aug.15
Ward, F. J. 22Aug. 15
S^Ashworth, R. (*Capt.
Z Jacobs, R. 30Aug.l5
3Darby, N. L. (*Lt.
1 Dec. 15) 31Aug.l6
3Ligh burn, J. E. (*Lt.
25 Dec. 15) 9Sept.l5
3Draper, B. F. (*Lt
26 Dec. 16) 9Sept.l6
iBergl, L. St. C.9Sept.l5
Stevens, D. E. 17Sept.l6
Bryan, R. T. 1 Oct. 16
Goodbehere, P. 2 Oct. 15
SFletcher, F. L. 80ct.l6
Plommer, M. SOct.15
3Ridge, C. 8 (*Capt.
26 Dec. 15) 190ct.l6
IDIckson, 8.
Maxted, C.
ITravers, H.
ZMartin, G. S.
ZGollop, F R.
Glover, P. A.
3Walthew, L. (attd. 9 Bn.
L'poclR 26NOV.15
3 Butterworth, N .30N o vl5
3Field, N. 30Nov.l5
2Atkin, H. D. 2Dec.l5
28tafford, C.A.8. 2Dec.l5
2Urie, W. A. E. 2Dec.l5
„ 2Dec.l6
2Hawkins, B. L. 2Dec.l5
2Bateman, J. W. 2Dec.l5
S^Finley, J. J. 4Dec.l6
2Turpln, A. E. (*Lt.
15 Mar. 16) 7Dec.l5
ZSpratling, R. W.3Dec.l5
iDeighton, R. H. 7Dec.l5
iSoulsby, E. D. HDec.15
iShaw, G. W. HDec.15
iCoates, C. O. llDec.15
3Britton, H. W. llDec.15
3Jackman, R. J. llDec.15
30gden, W. E. llDec.15
3Downer, F. HDec.15
8Westfleld, F. J. l3Dec.l5
3Gregg, R. A. 19Dec.l5
l^Fox, J., M.C. 19Dec.l5
Phillips, D. H. 2lDec.l5
SMills, B. H. 2lDec.l5
SHenson, E. D. (attd.
6 Bn.Glouc.R. )2lDec.l5
1 Levey. R. P. 21Dec.l5
3Berrie» C. (attd. 7
Bn.R. War,R.) 7 Jan.16
3§Jubb, IH. (attd. 6 Bn.
Glouc. R.) 2J unel6
35 Briggs, H. B. (attd. 9
Bn. L'poolR. ) 3Junel6
3§Foster, W. A. (attd.
6 Bn.Glouc.R. )3Junel6
3}Ogden, F. W. (attd. 7
Bn. H War.R.) 3Junel6
SJCrampton, H. (at/d.
6 Bn.Glouc.R.)4.1 unelO
350wen, W. E. S. 4Junel6
3{Doran,T. A. 4.Tunel6
$ Nicholson, T. HJulylG
(attd. 7 Bn. R.
War.R.) 11 July 16
3jSWolfendale, A. W.
(attd. 7 Bn. R.
War.R.) 14 July 16

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