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7th Bn.—contd.
2nd Lieutenants—pontA.
SMerryleea, J. I. 4Jnnel/
TMoss, H. A.. 4Junel5
3Dance, F. ISJimel.'
Whitehead, W„
2Royffe, H. S. ISJunel.'
SRobaon, H. C. (attd.
4 Bn. R. W . Fun.)
24J unel.'
8Hopkins, A.R. 25Jnneli
iRice, C. E. (a«d 4
Bn. Line. R.) 25Junel
1 Forbes, P. L. 8Julyl<
SColes, H. 8. (attd. 5
Bn. Line. R.) ISJulyl/
Watkins, J. fi., m.a.
3i<Tucker. W. W. (*Lt.
July \f>) iTJulyR
SWilklnson, J.N. L.
(attd. 4 Bn. R. W.
Fus.) ISJulylf
3Marshall, A. E. 21 July If
sJlortlmer, W. 2lJulylf
3Thomas, D. J 21Julylf
Sims, H. E.,m g. 21 July if
SJenninga, T. M. W.
21 July If
3Whybrew,A.W. 24Julylf
Shaekell, H.,m.g.
iBlnna, E. D. 29Julyl.■'
iFry, R. M. 29Julylf
SLong, A. P. (*Lt.
17 Dec. 16) 29July!f
Swoffer, F. A. SAug.lf
SClayton, S. A. 17Aug.IS
Hudson, E. L.,m g.
Hooper, W. H.,
m.g. 26Aug.lP
iLovesy, R. S. 25Aug.lf
3Stead, H. (attd.
6 Bn. R. War. R.)
26 Aug. IS
STinsley, R. P. SSept.lf
SElliott, R. (attd. 4
Bn. Lino. R.) 8Sept.lS
3Meredith, S. C (attd.
4 Bn. Line. R.) 3Sept.lS
3Jobnston, J. A. 3Sept.lf
3Pldsley, D. H. 7Sept.l£
bBn.R W'ar.R. )10Sept.l£
WaU, W. J. 16Sept.l6
SAmles, H. W. (*Capt.
16 Sept. 16) Adjt.
iPerry, R. P. 17Sept.l6
3Roe, A. (*Lt. 20
Sept. 16) 20Sepu.l6
SBurton, H. P. 2lSept.lf
SFreer, C. C. (*Lt.
22 Sept. 16) 228ept.lf
SHarrls. F. G. (*Lt.
23 Sept. 15) 23Sept.lfc
Darwall, W. (attd.
8 Bn.) 23Sept.l6
3Hatton, J. A. (attd.
5 Zin.£Jn0.R.)26Sept.l5
SHarrison, R. J. 4Gct.l6
iMdntyje.C. D. 70ct,15
2nd Lieutenants— contd.
SThomson, R.T. (altd.
I Bn. Line. «.)140ct.l5
SSmith, F. C. I4 0ct.l5
SPerrott, I. C. (attd. 5
Bn. Line. R.) 14 0ct.l5
SNoakes, J. E. (*Lt.
li Jan. 16) 15 Oct. 15
3Alexander,8.A.<attd. 4
A n.R. TF.Fu.s
SJones, R. I. (attd,
3Hobbs, W. 21 Oct. 15
iDonth waite.^d.
X6Bn. Lond.R. )21 Oct. 15
iCharlesworth, R.
21 Oct. 15
Edwards, W. 220ct.l5
SCoulson, A. V. (attd.
4 Bn Line. R.) 290ct.l5
2Wtlllam8, C. R. lNov.15
iHewlott, H. R. (attd.
4 Bn. Lino. R.) 2Nov.16
IHowland, E. S. 6Nov.l6
SClark, L. C. 9Nov.l5
3Cbettle» E. F. (attd.
4 Bn. R.W. Fus.)
11 Nov. 15
3Gowers, C. A. (aitd.
4 Bn. Linc.R.) 15Nov.l5
iWebster, T. J. 15Nov.l5
Porteous, W.F.,
m.g. 18Nov 15
IHawke, W. B. 20Nov.l5
dHargraves, E. 26Nov.l6
*29 Apr. 15
8Pye W. S. M. 26Nov.15
3Clarke, H.B.W. attd.
4 Bn. R. W. Fus.)
iRoblnson, M. (attd.
5 Bn. Line. R.)llDec.l5
iRowe, P. H. l5Dec.l5
3Hudson, C. E. (attd.
6 Bn. R. War. R.)
iTrussler, A. E. 23Dec.l5
3Smith, F. R. 23Dec.l5
Higgs, J.W. 11 Jan.16
2Scutt« G. A. 11 Jan. 16
3?Woolfe, B. T. 3Feb.l6
{Jeffreys, A. H. 25Julyl6
1 Towers, 8. E. 5Aug.l6
Towers, D. H. 6AugJ6
Rilev, A. A. 5Aug.l6
Taylor, A. R. 6Aug.l6
Startin, H. A. 5Sept.l6
^Turner, J. A. 6Sept.l6
2Keen, A. C., capt.
3 Amies, H.W., 2nd Lt. ,
(*Capt.) I68ept.l5
Gore, L. J., It. 26Mar.l6
iKay, P. C., 2nd Lt
(*Lt.) 24Apr.l6
ip. Hudson, J. T. H., td.
hon. m. 7Oct.02
2^Beldon, G. R., hon. It.
3i<JLiving8tone, J. S.,
hon. It. 17Feb.l6
Shubart, D. H. J.,
hon. It. (Ems Id.
under Min. of
Munitions) lOMaylfi
Medical Officers.
, Chappel, Catt.
G. P., M.D.,R.AM.C.
(T.F) (attd.) (*Maj.
6 Jati. 16) 9Dec.l4
lu .Gregory. Capt. H. L..
M.B., R.A.M.C.
(T.F.) (attd.) 24Aug.oe
Ogle, Rev. W. R.,
M.A., ChapL 4th
Class (T.F.) (atttf., |
lApr.O) |
27Maya' I
Cadet Unit alRllated.
1st Cadet Bn. Midd’x R.
8th Battalion.
Hon. Colonet.
Bott, H., YD (Hon. Col.
ret. Fofa.KQ) 7Feb.06
Sp.a.Garner. W.,td(Q)
(*Lt.-Col. 9 R/i.)
i2Apr 11
SCrerar, R. *12Aug.J6
Dams, L. C. fl]
(*Lt.-Col. 2SSept.U)
SXGregorv. E. D. W.
(H) (*Lt.-Col. 17 Bn.
Lond R.) 24June!4
2Richardson, H. Y.
(H) (D (Q) *2lSept.l4
^Gunton, T. W.
*21 May! 5
Hill, O. L C. © (H)
3Isaacson, P. de
St. Q. (q>©(fl-)
(*Maj.1 Aug.16) lOct.lli
2y4South, T. (H) s.
(* Maj.13 Oct M)lOct.11
Ip.s.^WoodhrJdge. A.H.,
M.C. (*
(Q) 17Feb.l2
Down, J. A. (Q)
(H) (*Maj. 6 Jan. 16)
S^Jones, H. C. (H ,
I.ofM. lAnr.14
p.s. XChipp, T. F., M.C.,
Adjt. (*Maj.
3 Sept. 15) *5Aug.l4
16 Apr.09
3p.8.Buckland, S. C.
2Druitt,R.E. *14Sept.l4
2Alliston, C. *14Sept.l4
3Sich, C. O. *5Mar.l5
3Evans,H. (*Maj.
2 Sept. 16) *9Mar.l5
1 Jan.15
iPeake. T. M. *20Mar.l5
2Peake, Q A ,s. 21 Jan.16
Mar shall,F.P. ,s 21J an. 16
SAvison, J. T. (*Capt
7 Nov. 15) (attd.
5 Bn. E. Surr. R.)
21 Jan. 16
2Cranmer, A.T. 8Julyl6
1 White, J. D. (*Capt.
26 Apr. 15) 10Sept.l4
SBoustead, R.C.,
late Lt. 3 Bn.
Wilts. R (*Capt.
25 Dec. 14) *14Dec.l4
^White, R. *14Mar. 15
iTremlett, G. W.
(*Capt. 26 Mar.16)
*27 Mar. 15
2Pears. R. (*Capt.
5 Sept. 14) 2Mayl6
iDark, E. F. 27Nov.l5
iHughman, C. M.
(*Capt. 2 Aug. 16)
30 Dec. 15
2nd Lieutenants.
Leeson, 8.S.G. I48ept.l4
3Howell, K. E. (a.p.s.s.)
Qunton, P. H. P. (*Capt
27 teb. 15) 14Sept.l4
Roberts, H. O. V., m.g.
14Sept 14
2Spiers, R. J. (*Capt.
27 Nov. 15) 14 Sept.14
2Tennent, W. S. (*Capt.
6 Jan. 16) 14Sept.l4
2Hope, R. H. W. (*Lt.
8 Dee. 14) 14Sept.l4
2Boustead,H.A.R. (*Lt.
1 Feb. 15) 14Sept.l4
Le Or os, A. A. (*Lt.
1 Feb. 15) 14Sept.l4
28anders, J. W. (*Lt.
1 Feb. 15) 14Sept.l4
lPerkin,A. L. D. (*Lt.
23 Jidy 15) I48ept.l4
IPaimer, H. A. (*Lt.
23 July 15) 143ept.l4
2Pinkham, C. (*Lt.
23 July 15) l9Sept.l4
Ainslie,E. M. L.,f.o.
iReynolds, E. B.
(*Lt. 30 Dec 15)20ct.l4
28amuel, J.E.D.
(*Lt. 21 Nov. 15)7Dec.l4
3Keeping, C. J.
(*Lt. 6 Jan. 16) s.
iRobinson, G. P. (*Lt.
6 Jan. 16) lFeb.15
Uohnstone, J. S.
(*Lt.22 May 16)lFeb.l5
Routh, C. F. R.
(attd. 10 Bn.) <9F6b.l5
iSanderson, A. E. E.
(*Lt. 26 May 15)
2Carter, H. O. l8Feb.l5
3Maybury, H. P. (*Capt.
8 July 15) l8Feb.l5
l^Easman, L. W.
*Lt.l June i5)18Feb.!5
l^Tomlinson, A., Jf.C. ■
(*Capt. 2 Aug. 15)
25 Feb. 15
iLevy, R. P. (*Lt.
21 July 15) 26Feb.l5
SMichie, G. F. (*L*.
8 July 15) 25Feb. 15
iScott, L. H. 26Feb.l5
3 Waddams, C. T.2Mar.l5
8Peerless,T.H.(*' apt.
2 Feb. 16) SMar.15
3Black, J. fiMar.U
XfLine, G. E. A., M.C.,
Spec. Appt. 5Mar.l5
3Kroenig-Ryan, A.
C. T. 5Mar.l5
On probation,

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