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1st Bn.
Stegtl. Hd.-Qr*. - • Buckingham Gate, s.W.
— | 2nd Bn .. — I ?rd Bn. .. — I 4th Bn. .. — | 5th (Beserve) Bn. -
The King’s Colours
1st Battalion.—Gales (crimsons In the centre the Imperial €rowi;| in base a Grenade fired proper.
2nd Battalion—Gules (crlmcon): In the centre the Royal Cipher reversed and Interlaced or.ensigned with
the Imperial Crown; In base a Grenade fired proper; In the dexter canton the Union.
8rd Battalion.—As for 2nd Battalion, and for distinction. Isaolng from the Union in bend dexter a pile
wary or.
The Regimental Colours
The Union: In the centre a Company Badge enslgned with the Imperial Crown : in base a Grenade fired
The 80 Company Badges are borne in rotation 3 at a time, one on the Koglmental Colonr of each of the
The following honorary distinctions are borne upon each of t je King’s and Regimental Colours:—
“Tangier, 1680, “ Namur, 1686,” ” Gibraltar, 1704-6,” “ Blenheim,” “ Ramlllies,” “ Gudenarde,” “Malplaqnet ”
“Dettingen.” “Lincelles,” “ Egmont-op-Zee,”''Corunna," “Barrosa,” “Nlve” ''Peninsula,’1
“ Waterloo,” ‘‘Alma,” “ Inkerman,” “Sevastopol,” “Tel el-Kebir,” “ Egypt, 1882,” ,! Suakin, 1884,”
•'Khartonm,’' “Modder River,” “Sooth Africa, 1899-1902 ”
(7n</orm—Scarlet Faeings—Blue. ^4pen/s—Messrs. Cox A Co.
Colonel in-Chief #J .. THE KING.
Field-Marshal H.R.E. Arthur W. P, A., Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, K,G„ K.T.. K.P..
G.C.B., Q.C.8.I., Q.G.M.Q., QjG.LJE., G.O.P.O., CoL A. 8, C.^snd Col.-in-Chlef 0 Dns,
U L'.tJ.. V.U.a.Jit G.C.M.G., vr.v. r.v*., \^ut. /I. O. V’., tftliU
High. L.I., R. Dub. Fus. and Rif. Brig., Personal A.D.O. to the King
Streatfeild, Bt.-Col. Sir H., K.C. F.O., C.B., ret.
pay, (Extra Eq. to the King) (Eq. to Queen
Alexandra, 7May 10) (Hon. Col. Kent Cyclist Bn.)
bt. col.
Officer Commanding the Regt. and Regti. Dist.
1 May 04
Lt. Colonels
Earle, M.%D.S.O.%p.s.c.
s. Corkrsn, C. E.t
C.M.G., p.s.o.
(temp. Brig.-
Gen.) 30Jan.l5
bt.-col Uan.16
s. Loch, E. D., Lord,
C. M.Q., M.V.O.,
D. S.O., v.s.c.,
(temp. Brig.-
Gen.) 13Mar.l5
bt. col. Uan.l6
8. Gathorne Hardy,Hon.
J. F., D.S.O., p.s.c.
[I] (temp. Brig.-Gen.)
15Julyl5 3J uncle
, Knasell, Hon. A. V. F.,
H.Y.O., p.s.c. [LI
24 Jan. 10
* 29Nov.<
Jeffreys, G.D., C.M.Q.
bt. It.-col. PJunelP
6Hamllt.on, G. C.,
D.S.O., e. (temp.
It.-col. 8 Feb 16)
iSeymour, Lord H.C.,
D.S.O. (temp. It.-col.
11 Oof.16) llSept.14
SSerglson Brooke,
( Feb.16)
SMontagn Douglas
Scott,Lor dF.G.,
D.S.O. HNov.14
2Champion de Cres-
plgny, C. R., D.S.O.
ColPton. Hen. E. M.,
D.S.O., M.V.O.
(Comdt.) lBMar.16
SPowell, E.G. H
16 July 16
Dennlstoun, I. O.,
JVf.F.O. 16Julyl6
1M akglll-Crlchton-
Maitland, M. E.
(temp. It. col. 10
July 16) 16Jnlyi6
Gregson, L. M. 16July 15
6Pike, E. J. L., M.C.
iThorne.A. F. A. N.,
D.S.O. SCSeptlt
5Leatham, R. E. K.
D.S.O. 6Jnlyl6
Payne-Gallwey, W. T.,
M.V.O HJuiy08
e.e.Somerset, Hon.
Fitz R. R. 6Aug.l4
5Moss, G. C. G. 6Aug.l4
SStewart, E. O. (attd.
7 En trenchi ng Bn.)
Geyrt, J.S. S.P. V., Vmet.
M.V.O..M.C. 6Ang.i4
bt. maj. 3J unel6
2Ellic6, E. C., ret,
(attd. 7 En¬
trenching Bft. )190ot.l4
Lethbridge, Sir
W. P. C., Bt., ret.
(empld. Gds. Div.
Ba*eDep6t) !60ct.l4
iGlyn, A. St. L.,
Bt.Maj. (temp.
Maj. 29 Oct. 14)
Res. of Off. (Lt.-
Col.ret.T.F.) 5Aug.l4
d. Reeve, J. S., Res. of
Off. 6Aug.l4
lYaughan, E.N.E.M.,
Res.of Off. 5Aug. 14
iDrury-Lowe, W. D.,
D.S.O.,Res. of Off. —
Caver dish, R. H. V.,
M.V O (Regti.
Adjt.) 22Aug.l4
8. Digglc, W. H , M.C.
5Ridley, 5. D , M.C.
ZBasch.G. E. C„ D.S.O.
Forbes, A. L .C., Lord,
5Rose, I. St. C. 2Nov.l4
5Hughes, J. S. 3Nov.l4
f.c. Grey, R.CF] 8Nov.l4
6Murray, W. R. C.
Jolcey-Cecll, Lord
1 Garr. Bn. R. Berks.
R.) 30Nov.l4
5Needham, Hon. F. E.
5Yivlan, G. N. 26Dec.l4
!, Walker, C. F. A., M.C.
[LJ 26 Jan.16
4Pilcher, W. S (temp.
Maj. 7 July 16) 30Jan.l5
Hope, G. E.,M.C.
30 Jan. If
Captains— contd.
H. L., M.V.O. 8Apr.l5
Mitchell, C. 4Mayl5
4Greville, C. H. 4Mayl5
Symons, T. E. R. 20Mayl5
Hamilton, Lord C.N.,
D.S.O., M.V.O.
f.c. WeUesley, Lord G.,
M.C. 15Julyl5
2Bailey, Hon. W. R ,
Adjt. 15Jolyl5
H. H. Prince A. A.
of Bat t enber g,
G.C.V.O. 15 July 16
. Legh, Hon. P. W,
b Beaumont-Nesbitt,
F.G. 16Julyl5
2+Lloyd, M. K. A. —
■1 Rowley, C. S. —
ZNugent, G. G. B. 16July 15
K enyon-Slaney.R.O.K.
(Maj. R. Def. Corps)
15 July 16
t Special Reserve.

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