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Officers of the Army on the Active List.
Commeline, (Phelps,A.(Ja*«^.S.C.) a. W&,Qordon,W.E.%QtQT&.
Ind Army {temp j 2Junel8 Hlghrs., A.D.C. 90ct.l3
Brig.-Oen ) s. 31Dec.l2iCarleton, M. L. (late Troiman, C. N.,
HlcRson, 8., C.B. M.B., R.A.) {temp. Brig.- R. Mar. (temp.
K.H.S. (lateR.A. M.C.) \ Oen.) a. 2Junel3 Brig.-Oen.) 8. 120ct l8
ilnspr. of Med. Ewbank. W., R.E., Moore, J.t C.R.,F.R.C.F.S,
Servioee) 2Jan.l8 p.a.c. 2Junel3 (late A.V.C.) (temp,
Taylor, A. H. M.,D.S.O
(temp. Brig.-Qen.) s.
? J
Magee, A. H., A.
P. Dept. l8Jan.l3
Faunce, C. E. (late
R.A.M.C.) 26 Jan. 18
Miles, P. J., Ind.
Army (temp.Brig.-
Qen.) 8. 81 Jan.13
Geddes, R. J.,C.B.,D.S.O.,
M B. (late R.A.M.C.)
Lansr, E. B., Ind.
Army s. l4Feb.l8
Sullivan, R. E , Ind.
Army 21Feb.lS
Boyle, R. C., C.B., (temp.
Brig.-Oen.) 8. 6Mar.l3
Fox, R. F., C.B., D.S.O.
(late R.A.) (temp.
Brig. Oen.) s. 6Mar.l3
W anle^s-O’Gowan,
R., C.B.[FJ (temp.
Mai.-Qen.) 8. 6Mar.l3
Cripos, A. W., Ind.
Army l3Mar.l8
Colomb,G. H. C , Ind
Army (temp. Brig.
Qen.) 8. 24Mar. 13
Brown, R. J. R., Ind.
Army 24Mar-13
Sloggett, H. M. (late
R.A.M.C.) 27 Mar. 13
Walton, W. C., Ind.
Army (Comdg. 8
(8erv.)Bn. R. Berks.
R.) 3lMar.l3
Anley, H. A., A. Ord.
Dept.,/., a. 1 Apr.13
Hale, T. W., A.Ord.
Dept. [FI lApr.18
Hendley, C. E., Ind.
Army a. 23Apr.l3
Walters, H. F., Ind.
Army lMayl3
Crocser, 8. F., Ind.
Army (temp.Brig.-
Oen.) 8. 3lMayl3
Phillips,H.deT ,C.Af.Cr.
(late R.A.) 2Junel3
Macbenn, W. A., p.s.o.
[L] (late R.A.) (temp.
Brig.-Oen.) a. 2Junel3
Powell, 8- H.,C.B. [t]
(late R.E.) 2Junel3
Harrison. G. H., R.E.,a.
Breeks, R. W., R.A.
(temp. Brig-Oen.)
(Inspr. of R.U. &
R.F.A.) 2Junel3
Dealy, J. A., C.M.Q.
(late R.E.) 2Junel3
Jackson, L. D., g, (lai<
R.A.) s. 2Junel3
Grier, H. D., R.A. 16Dec.l3
Fasson, D. J. M., C.B.,
p.s.c. iL](temp.
Qen.) s. 16Dee.l3
Burton, R. G., Ind.
Army (LJ a. l9Dec.l3
Birt, C. (lateR.A.M.C.)
Frith, H. C. [L] [Fj Brig.-Oen.) 150ctl3
(temp. Brig.-Oen.)e. Bernard, rt. C., Ind.
2Junel3 Army (Lt.-Col. 10
Cowans, E. A. (temp. (Serv.) Bn.R.Ir.Rif.)
Brig.-Oen.) n. 2Junel3 220ctl8
Onslow, W. H., C.B., g. Soady,G. J., FitzM.,
2Junel3 iwo .UemPo20r»t la Robertf,« H- L-M.F.O.,
Danlell, F. F. W. Thompson, H. N.." ' % -WeO J*1 ^ISnn 14
(temp. Brig. Qen.) D.8.O., M.B. (late urlQ' ue’">8- SJan.14
a. 2Junel8 R.A.M.C.) 17Nov.l3 Dyson, T. E.M.B.,
Laurence, E. T. E.(ia(e Gayer, E. A., Ind. ; Ind. Med. Serv. HJan.14
B.E.) 2Junel3 Arms- ““o* U|HuBgeU, M. W. (Jote
Geddes, J. G„ C.B. Schrelber, A. L., D.S.O.. R.A.M.C.) s. 14Jan.l4
{temp. Brig.-Qen.)t. \ A.V.C. {temp.Brig.-
2JuneU! Qen.) s.|8elwyn, C. H , Ind.
Liddell, W. A. {late Tullocb, J. A. S., C.B., Army, p.s.c. [L] 20Jan.l4
R.E.) SJnnelS E.E., p.e.c. [1J {temp. Mercer, D„ E. Mar.
Maklns, E.. D.S.O., Brig.-Gen.) t. ISDec.lS {temp. Brig.-Qen.)
Everett, H. J., C.B., _ s. 22Jan.l4
" Chown, E. E., P. Mar.
Cole, E. H., Ind.
Armv (Temp. Lt.-
Col. Notts. Yeo.) 2Jan.l4
D, X!4., X/.O.i/.,
Qen.) s. 2Junei8i p,a.c. [7] a. l6Dec.l3
Blugham, Hon. F.R.,C.B. £van8< u. W., C.B.,
R.E, a. 16Dec.l3
(lateR.A.) (temp. Brig. -
Uate R.A.) (temp.
Brig.-Qen.) a. 2Junel3
Gordon, L. A. C., C.B.
(temp. Brig.-Oen.) s.
Sandilands, H. G., C.B.,
R.F.A.,p. (temp.Brig.-
Oen.) 8. 2Junel3
Chichester, A. A..tC.B„
D.8.O., p.e.e. (temp.
Brig.-Qen.) a. 2Junel8
van Straubenzee,
C. H. C. (temp.
Brig.-Qen.) s. 2Junel3
Haggard, H. (temp.
Brig.-Oen.) 8. 2Jnnel8
Cayley, W. de 8.
(temp. Brig.-Qen.) a.
Maxwell, R. P. (temp.
Brig.-Qen.) 8. 2Junel8
Robinson, W. A., C.B.
(late R.A.) (temp.
Brig.-Qen.) 8. 2Junel3
Shute, C. D., p.a.c.
(temp. Brig.-Oen.)
a. 2Junel3
Prendergast, D. G
Robertson, R., If.B.,
Ind. Med. Serv. SOJunelS
Seton, Sir B. G., Bt.,
Ind.Med. Serv. 30Junel8
Maher, J. (late
R.A.M.C.) 188ept.l8
Hunter, G. D., D.8 O,
Oen.), s.
Bland. E. H., R.E.
(temp. Brfg.-0en.)8.
Graham, L., C.M.O.,
Carleton, L. R.,
D.8.0.,p.8.e.,a: l0Dec,18
Hedley, W. C., C.B.
(temp. Br/g.-Gcn.)aJan.l4
Douglas, J. A., C.M.O.,
Tnd.ArmyfL] (temp.
Brig.-Gen.) b. 28Jan.l4
Rice, G. B. H.t Ind
"" "'’ieDec.13 Army, p.e.e.. s. 16Mar.l4
Stokes Eoberts, E. E. B., Cadell, A., Ind. Army
E.E. ISDec.lS {temp. Brig.-Gen.) s.
Fisher,F.T.,<!a«e lApr.14
B.A.),g.o.e.,». ISDec.U Banatvala, H. E„
Ind. Med. Serv. 2Apr,14
Pratt, E. St. G.,
{temp.'Rrig°beic) Wateon.H, D..C.M.G.,
a. l6Dec.l8
Seccombe, A. K.,
D.S.O. [Fj (late
A.8.C.) 8. ltiDec.13
Sutton, H. C„ a. 16Dec.l8
Hill, H. C. de la M.,
C.B. (temp. Brig.
Gen.) f
C.I.E., M.V.O., Ind.
Army (Extra Eg. to
the King) (temp.Brig.-
Otn.) a. 19Apr.l4
Reilly, C. C. (late
R.A.M.C.) 23Apr.l4
Willoughby. M, E.,
Jones, H. B., C.B.
R.E. 16Dec.l3
Lee, R. P., C.B., R.E.
(temp. Brig. Oen.) a.
Close, G. D., R.E. l0Dec.J3
Sorsbie, R. F. (late
tiikuw, , R.E.) 16Dec.l3
(late R.A.M.C.) [F] iEdwards, R. F. (late
i5Sept,18 R.E., (temp. Brig.-
16Dec,13; Ind. Army
O’Hara, J., A.P. Dept.
Clay, C. H., Ind.
Army, p.a.o.[l],a.
16 Dee. 13
M.V.O. (late A.8.C.),
p.a.c., e. (temp. Brig.-
Oen. ) a. 16Dec.l3
Lane.H.E.B., R.A. 16Dee.l3
Smyth, R. N., D.S.O. a,
" 18
p.s.c. [LI s. " 4Mayl4
Tod, J. K„ Ind. Army,
p.a.o. [L], a. 10Mayl4
Strickland, P.C. H.,
Ind. Med. Serv. 15Mayl4
Edwards, W. R., C.B.,
C.M.Q., M.D., Ind.
Med. Serv. 25Mayl4
Ridout, D.H.. C.M.G.,
Glcnter, G. M. (temp.
Brig. Oen.) 8. l6Junel4
Cartwright, G. S., K.E.
Jennings. H. A. K.
late R.A.), f., s. 15Juncl4

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