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Territorial Force Associations-continued.
Lincolnshire, Hon. Col. Rt. Hon. C. R. Marq. of, K.O., O.C.M.O., late 3 Bn. Oxf. L.I. (Lord Lieutenant).
Chairman. Vice-Chairman.
Mosley, Tonman, Esq., C.B.. D.L., J.P. \ Fremantle, Lt.-Col. Hon. T. F.. D.L., YD, Bucks. Bn.
I Oxf. & Bucks. L.I., e.
Military Members,
Barron, Maj. 0. A., 8. Mid. Divl. Train, A.S.C.
Bull, Col. W. EL, K.H.S., vd, Asst. Dir. of Medical Ser
de Havilland, Lt.-Ool. R. 8., vd, late Unattd. List (T.F.)
Disraeli, Mai. 0. R. Bucks Yeo.
Fremantle, Lt.-Col. Hon. T. F., D.L., vd, Bucks. Bn.
Oxf.A Bucks L I., s. ( Viee-Chairman).
Grenfell Lt.-Ool. 0. A., td, Bucks. Yeo
Hooker, Mai. J. El., Bucks. Bu. Oxf. A Bucks. L.I.
Lawson, Col. Hon. H. L. W., If.P., D.L., td., Bucks
Lepper, Vety.-Maj. H. G., late Bucks. Impl. Yeo.
Levi, Lt.-Col. W. J., td, late Bucks. Yeo.
Rothschild, Mai. L- W., Lord, late Bucks. Yeo.
Wethered, Lt.-Col.F.O., vd, 6 Ba. R. War. R.
Williams, Lt.-Col H M., vd, Bucks. Bn. Oxf. &
Bucks. L.I.
Representative Members.
County Council.
The Vice Chairman of the County Council, I Higgens, F., E»q.
O&rlile, W. W., Stq. | uSSrtJ.Sir
D.L., J.P.
Buckinghamshire, S. C., Earl of,
D.L., J.P.
James, Lt.-Col. B.R., Res. of Off.,
Mann, W., Esq.
Co-opted Members.
Mosley, Tonman, Esq., C.B., |
D.L., J.P. (Chairman).
Pigott, Vice-Admiral W. H.
J.P., ret
Pope, Col. R.B., D.L., ret. pay. j
Jll* ^Trueman, Col. T., ret. Bo.
Wood, R. 8., Esq.
Secretary « Swann, MaJ.-Gen. J. C., C.B., ret. Ind. Army, Territorial Force Association, Aylesbury,
(Regd. tel address, “ Terrors,’' Aylesbury.)
Units administered by the Association.
Yeomanry. I Infantry. | Army Service Corps. I Royal Army Medical Corps.
Bucks. Bucks Bn. Oxf. k S. Mid. Divl. Train, 8. Mid. Div. San. Sect.
Bucks. L.I. 8. Mid. Brig. Co. 2 8. Mid. Mtd. Brig. Fd.
Bute, Col. J., Marquis of, 4 High. (Mtn.) Brig. R.G.A. Lord Lieutenant).
Chairman. Vice-Chairman.
Buchanan, Lt.-Col. M. R. G., late 3 & 4 Bns. Sco. Rif. I McIntyre, A., Esq.
Military Members.
Hicks, Capt. G., 4 High. Ammn. Col., 4 High. (Mtn.)
Brig R.G.A.
Hill, Lt. A. H., Bute (Mtn.) Batt., 4 High. (Mtn.)
Brig. R.G.A.
McKinlay, Maj. A. M., TD. 4High. fMtn.)Brlg. R.G.A.
Robertson, Lt.-Col. 0. McL., td, High. Divl. Ammn.
Stewart, Capt. W. A., T. F. Res.
Representative Member,
County Council.
MacRae, Oapt. C. W., Res. of Off. (Yeo. ofGd.)
Co-opted Members.
Buchapan, Lt.-Col. M. R. G., late 3 & 4 Bns. Sco. Rif. | Fisher, J., Esq.
(Chairman) | McIntyre, A., Esq. ( Vice-Chairman).
Secretary .. ^ _ Alexander, Lt. J., T.F. Res., 78, Sf. Ffncenf Stfreef, GJaspoto.
(Regd. tel. address, “Phoenix,” Glasgow.)
Units administered by the Association
- Royal Artillery.
4 High. (Mtn.) Brig R.G.A. { High. Ammn. Col. (1 Sub section.)

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