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Yeomanry. Territorial Force.
Ltr Colonels.
s.Peacon, E., late Lt. 1
.. .. 18Jan.ll
s.^Colvin, It. B.,
Lt. ret., hon. <\ .. *30ct.l4
s.Whitmore, F. H. D. C.®
a.i^Roddlck, A. (Hon. Lt.
in Army 18 July 01)® 27Jan.09
».i4Gold, G. G.® .. ..l8Jan.ll
Buxton, A. (li,®.. ,.l7Junel2
Hill, E. (IT® • ..17Junel2
s.Greville, Hon. A. H. F.,
M.V.O. (Capt. ret.)
(Hon. Lt.-Col.ret.Impl.
Yeo.) (Extra Eq. to the
King) 2lOct.l4
XLermitte, H. J., Capt.
ret. pay, (H)
Digby, E. A. 'Hon. Capt.
in Army) *27Nov.14
Gold, A. G. .. ..*27Nov.14
Woodhouse, R. ..
s.Ruggles-Brise, E. A.(H,®
Parker, J. O.® .. .. 3Aug.l2
Proby, R. G., late Lt.
R.A® .. Uunel3
Gepp, H. H., Adjt. .. 19Aug.l4
Middleton, M.,Za£eCapt
Lan. Fus. .. *HNov.l4
Chaplin. J. C *27Nov.l4
Dudding, M *27Nov.l4
Morgan, D. .. ,.*27Nov.14
Edwards, R.® . .. 3Sept.l2
Wedd, E. P. w ® .. 3Sept.l2
Hlne, V. T. G.® . .. UunelS
Johnston, G. S.® ..19Sept.l3
Tower, C. C., s.® ,.l9Sept.l3
s.Thomson, R. A., p.v.o.
(H)® 5 Aug. 14
28J uly09
Blyth, Hon. R. A., s. .. 5Aug.l4
Sperling, St. J. V. H.,
late 2nd Lt. 3 Bn. Sea.
Highrs *27Nov.14
Balfour, F. D *27Nov.l4
Rose, A. W *27Nov. 14
XLlin, H. D *27Nov.14
2rea Lieutenants.
Gilbey C N ® . .. ISJulylO
Holt, H. P.® .. .. 17Jan.l2
Tufnell, S.J.® .. .. 18Mayl2
Egerton-Green, J. W. E.®8Mar.l3
Swire, J.K. .. . 25Julyl3
Reid. G. P. N.® . .. iTOct.lf
Buxton. T. F.® . .. 16Mar.l4
Swire, A. G.® .. 26Aug.l4
Meyer, F. C.® .. 26Aug.l4
Round, C. J 30ct.l4
Pelly, E. P. L 2lOct.l4
Hoare, C. G 220ct.l4
de Zoete H. W. .. 25Nov.l4
Weatherby, R. C. .. 9I)ec.l4
Gilbey, F. N 9Dec.l4
Batters, W. P 30Dec.l4
^Steele, A. R., Capt. 4
Hrs 2Jan.l2
Gepp, H. H., capt. . .16Sept.lJ
Quarter-Master s
i/Sayer, E. J., hon. It. ® 9Mar.ll
Hadler, W. R., hon. It. 130ct.l4
Medical Officer s.
White, Lt. G. F. M.D.,
R.A.M.C. (T.F.) lattd.)®
Robertson, Lt. H., M.V.,
R.A.M.C., (T.F.) (attd.)
® Fife and Forfar.
The Thane ol Fife.
“ South Africa, 1900-01.”
Uniform. Scarlet—Faoinos, Blue.
Hon. Colonel.
ks. Erskine. T. H.% vd (Lt.-
Col. (& Hon. Col. ret.
T.F.) lSMar.12
>.«.Mltchell. A., TP (H)® .. l2Nov.ll
^Oswald, St. C., Bt. Col.
ret. pay *14Nov.l4
'•a.^GRniour. J., Jun.
(Hon. Cart, in Army
26A.Mp.01)® .. .. 28Sept.01
t.s.^CKing, A. j.,D.S.O., q.s.%
Maj. ret. pay (Maj. Res.
of Off.), hon. l.c. (H) 8Sept.06
Younger, J., Jun.® .. lAug.OS
Russell, G... .. .. 18Apr.l2
Nairn, R. 8.® .. .. 28Apr.l3
de Pr6e, C. G., late Lt.
16 Hrs. ® .. .. lOc
p.s.XLumsden,J. L. ..*10Sei
s.Erskine, T. H., vd
(Hon.Col.) .. . .*14Nov.l4
a.Mltchell, S. (H,® . l8Apr.l2
Osborne, G. E. tt. (H)® 6Dec.l2
s.^CJackson, O. E. (t),s. .. 28Apr.l3
, Hutchison, A 14Nov.l4
Ocrllvle, D. D.® .. .. iODec.14
^Simpson, J. . ..*14Nov.l4
Webb, J.V. .. ,.*14Nov.l4
XBarrett, C. F. .. ..*14Nov.l4
Hassall, A. E. Adjt. . .*lODec.l4
Hutchison, R. O.® .. 28Ap
Stewart, R. W.® .. 28Ap
MacLeod. O. R. {Lt.Res.
of Off’.), r.c 25Mar.l4
Colville, D..Jun.® .. 6Aug.l4
^Corbett, E. H 260ct.l4
i^Carey, H.V.S., lateLt.
Impl. Yeo 14Nov.l4
Don, W. G.® .. .. IODec.14
Sharp, H. 8. ® luDec.14
R. S.(Hott.L£.in<4rm?/)*14Nov.l4
Temperley, H. W. Y. .. *5Dec.l4
2nd Lieutenants.
Cox, F. B. H 20Nov.0f
Nairn, I. C. . .. 7Dec.l2
Robertson, J. R.® .. 26Mar.lS
Home-Rigg, P. J.® .. 26Aug.l4
Herdman, C. W. ® .. 26Aug.l4
Ogilvy, P 26Aug. 14
Babtngton, G.®.. .. iOSept.14
Bengough, N. J 10Oct.l4
Mi.'ler, A. G. S 240ct.l4
Lumsden, R. 0 3lOct.l4
Campbell, W. A. A. 4Nov.l4
Gray, W 4Nov.l4
Myburgh, P. R 4Nov.l4
Me Dongal, A. R. . .20Nov.l4
Inglis, J. .. ., 6Doc.l4
Cope, G. S .. .. IODec.14
Smith, H. W 29Dec.l4
^Lindsay, M. E., Capt.
7 D.G 9 ' ur.lf
Hassall, A. E., capt. .. IODec.14
iCSlmonds, H., hon. cajii.lNov.crt
^Ricketts, W., hon. Zi.®12Sept.l4
Medical Offlc<r.
Tuke, Capt. A. L. S., M.B..
R.A M.C, (T.F.)(a«d.)®
Chaplain. 27
Thompson, Rev. G. S.,
B.D.. TD [C.B.l.Chapl.
2nd Clasn (T.F.) (attd.)
(temp. Chapl. tth Class,
A. Chapl. Dept. 6Julyl3
Uniform, Blue—Fac/npe and Plume,
Hon. Colonel.
Plymouth, Rt. Hon.
R. <?.,Earl of .C.R.'hon.c. SAug.Ol
p.s.Nicholl, J. I. D ® .. 20Junel4
C. L. (Hon. Capt. in Army,
6 Oct. 00) 10Sept.l4
p.s.Bruce, G. T.® .. ., 4Oct.02
Vivian. Hon. O. R.,
M.V.O 2lNov.03
Moore-Gwyn, J. G., late
Lt. 6 Bn. Wore. R.®.. llApr.i2
Cope, W.® .. .. 4July 14
Helme, E. (H) s.® .. 26Aug.l4
Prichard, H. C *lOSept.l4
Marsham, H. W., lateLt.
Impl. Yeo *290ct.l4
Morris, W. S. G. (Hon. Lt.
in Army28 Jan. 03) *23Nov.l4
p.a.^Prichard, R.G.M.(J7or>,
Lt. in Army 19Aug.01 ®24Feb.l2
jK^Price, Sir F. C. R., Bi.,
late Lt. R. W. Fus ® 26Aug.l4
Carne, G. S. N. <D® .. 26Aug.l4
Lewis, R. W.® .. 26Aug.l4
bCMlers, R. H. P.® .. 5S«pt.l4
Watson, H. S *23Nov.l4
Dowues-Powell, J. H. R.,
late Lt. Impl. Yeo. .. *23Nov.l4
Baskerville, R. H., late
Lt. 1 Dns *23Nov.l4
Brnce, Hon.. J. H ® .. OMar.lO
Fisher, O.® .. . 26Aug. 14
Aylett-Branflll. C. L.® 26Aug.l4
David, E. J. C.® .. 26Aug.l4
XMarten, E. R *l2Sept.l4
Lewis, W. H. P. . .*24Sept.l4
ina Lieutenants.
Fisher, P .. 1 Jan.12
Llewellyn, G. R. P., s.® 15Apr.12
Wilson. R. C ® .. 16Sept.l3
XOavid, L. W.®.. .. 8Aug.l4
Bruce, J. G. ® .. .. 8Aug.l4
Aylett-BranfllL G. D.® 8Aug.l4
James. W. F. T.® .. 8Aug.l4
Byass, G. R. S.® .. 8Aug.l4
Morell-Mlller, C. A.®.. 8Aug.l4
Homfray, H. C. R. ..12Sept.l4
Abraham, G. W. P.® .. 18SeptJ4
Christy, H. A 2lSept.l4
Bruce, C. N. .. ,.21>,iept.l4
Strick, C. C 30Sept.l4
Wilson, W. H 30Sept.l4
Hern, W. R 290ct.l4
Morris, F.H.® .. ..290ct.l4
Crawshay, F. G 290ct.l4
Graham-Clarke, J.E.H. 8Nov.l4
Buckley, W. H lODec.14
Helme, V. B. L 10Dec.l4
Astley, A. G, L., Capt.
14 Hrs.® 24Dec.12
Quaner-M aster s.
Barrett, A. S., hon. It.® lNov.13
XSmith, F. W., hon. It. 2Nov.l4
Medical Officer,
p. Simons. Maj. R. J. R. C.,
R.A.M.C. (T.F.) (attd.) HMayl2
® 10J une96
Nicholl, Rew. H. S., Chapl.
4th Class (T.F.) (attd.) 6Mar.ll

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