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Unattaonea List.
Territorial Force—Officers Training Corps—cojiM
2nd Lieutenants.
Farnfleld, A. J.iprov. Lt.,
30Aug.ll) .. ..15NOV.08
Webbe, W. H. . .. lApr.09
Inglis, C. £. (temp. Lt.
in drmi/), s 24MayOS
Landon, J.W. (temp.
Lt. in Army).. .. 24May09
Morris, J. (H) .. .. 18Dec. 13
Taffs, L. H I30ct.l3
Johnston, W. H. (temp.
Lt.R.A.M.C.) .. SJunelO
Grundy, G. K. .. .. ISNov.lo
Holzapfel, J. W. .. 28ept.l3
Buckle, C. L. .. .. 16Dec.lO
England, E. T. (prov.
Oapt. 1 Feb. 12) (H) .. 18Feb.ll
Russell, T. G 290ct.l3
Livingston, H. G. (temp.
2nd Lt. 6 (Serv.) Bn. R.
Muns. Fus.) .. .. 4Mar.ll
Bowlby, H. R.(temp.Lt.
8(Serv.) Bn.Rif.Brig.) 120ct.l3
West, J. 1 May ll
28 Mar. 12
Tustaln, S. .. ..HSeptl2
Brough, C. B. (prov. Capt.
\2July\l' .. .. SOMayll
Plant, P. W 15Sept.l4
White, T.J 280ct.l3
Colman, G R. R. .. 23Nov.ll
Keddle, C. M l6Sept.ll
Kirk, L. C. .. ..26Sept.ll
Hughes. T. G... ..26Sept.ll
Hughes, A. .. .- 10Oct.ll
Elischer.M. H... .. 4Apr.l2
Hutchings, C. E. ..
Williams, A. .. .. 2lOct.ll
Fison, W. G. .. .. 130ct.l3
Strong, A. N. .. ,.28Mar.l3
Hllller, G. .. .. 13Jan.l2
Plgg. C. H. (temp. Lt. 10
(Serv.) Bn. Wore. R.) 31Jan.l2
Hall, E. F. .. .. 31Jan.l2
Surfleet,W. A. .. 12Feb.l2
Morgan, I. A 20Mayl2
Tyndale, H. E. G. (War
Offloe).. .. .. 29Mayl2
Gabaln,W. G. (temp. Lt.
in Army).8 8Junel2
Williams, G. C. (*Lt.
1 May lb) 22Feb.l4
Haines, F. P. (temp. Lt.
8 (Serv.) Bn. Leic. R.) 22Ang.l4
19J unel2
Michell, N. B 28Feb.l4
Alderson, A. E 27Junel2
Williamson, K. B. .. l6Junel3
4J ulyl2
Scott, J. G lOct. 13
10 July 12
Lee, S. G. (Capt. 8
(Serv.) Bn. Rif. Brig.) 19July 12
Board, D. L 25July 12
Norman, C.W 22Dec.l4
29.1 uly 12
Dalziel, C. .. .. 20Julyl2
Mats. S. P. B 4Sept.l2
Piper, S. H. (temp. Lt. 9
iflerv.) Bn. Notts <&
Derby R.) .. .. 120ct.l2
2nd Lieutenants—contd.
Smith, C. R. Le B. ,. l7Mar.l4
Bradley. G. M. (Lt. 6 Bn.
Rif. Brig.) .. .. 120ct.l2
Hussey, L. D. A. .. 14.1 ulyl4
Musgrave, C. N. .. 16Nov.i2
Hotbiack, G. V 18Nov.l2
Smith, O. C lOet.13
Wood, H. A. .. ..HNov.14
Roberts, A. J. R. .. 3Dec.l2
Martin, H. F. (temp. Lt.
\b(8erv.)Bn.High.L.I.) 5Dec.l2
Newell, G. G 30Sept.l3
Yates, J, 8 7Dec.l2
Adams, C. J. N 18Dec.l2
Truelove, H. E. .. l8Dec.l2
Mirtteld, F. G 26Dec.l2
Evans T. H. T 15Jan.l3
Ince, S. R .. 17Jan.l3
Lee. H. V. (2nd Lt. (on
pi'Ob.) 3 Bn. Suff. R.) 30Apr.l5
27 Jan. 13
Cockey.C. E. E 30Jan.l3
Baker,.1 5Feb.l8
Shaw, D P 10Feb.l3
Whitworth, E. E. A.
(temp. Lt. 12 (Serv.)
Bn. S. Wales Boid ) HFeb.13
Hilnonrne. G. M. .. 26Feb.lS
Mertens. R. H. C. .. 13Mayl3
Moline,R.W. H.(2ndLt.
6 Bn. Rif. Brig.) .. 14May 13
Wood, E. H. H) .. 2Junel3
Roxburgh, J. F. .. 25Junel3
Dougal, D. .. 28Junei3
Bavin. J. T. (temp. Capt.
10 (Res.) Bn. Norf. R.) 26Julyl3
Purvis, J. 8 27July 13
Blaxland, J. B. 'temp.
Capt. 4 (Serv.) Bn. S.
Wales Bord.) .. .. 6Aug.l3
Thomas, W. J. .. .
Baines, R. R. .. . 17Sept.l3
Mayne, A. 8 2lSeptl3
Cossins, H. J. D. .. 15Apr.l5
Perry, H. C 10Oct.l3
Brachi, C.G., (temp. Lt.
10 (-Serv.) Bn. R. Lane.
R.) 130ct.l3
Madden, W. H. .. 240ct.l3
West, G. W. r .. 22Nov.l3
Brown, W.H 24Nov.l3
Elliott, V. A 24NOV.13
Curnock, W. E. McB... 27Nov.13
Furness, W 3Dec.l3
Williamson, G. H. .. 4Dec.l3
Thompson, A. R. .. 10Dec.l3
Catto. W. 8 l2Dec.l3
Hntchison, R. H (temp.
Lt. 8 (Serv.) Bn. R.
Highrs.) 20Dec.l3
Lloyd, W. R 20Dec.l3
Cattermole, J. W. .. 30Jan.14
Stanley, R.(temp.Capt.R.E.)
Taylor, A. .. .. l4Feb.l4
Lomas, G. G 16Feb.l4
Coleman, H. C l8Feb.l4
Tombling, J.H 23Feb.l4
Christison, A. F. P.Uemp.
Lt. 6 (Serv.) Bn. Cam'n
Highrs.) 4Mar.l4
Robinson, G. (temp. Capt.
7 (Serv.) Bn. R. Ir. Fus.)
11 Mar. 14
2nd r ieutenanU—aontd.
Key, Rev. W. T. (*Lt.
21 Dec. 14 > 14Marl4
Jones, C. J 15Mar.l4
MacCunn, F. J. (temp.
2nd Lt. 6 (Serv.) Bn.
Cam'n Highrs.) .. 22 A pr. 14
Armi' age, B. F 29Apr.l4
Henderson, S l6Mayl4
Perry, J 19Mayl4
Pakeman, 8. A 25Mayl4
Lubovius, F. R. .. 27Mayl4
Barnby, F. H 28Mayl4
Gately, V. H 6Junel4
Alderson, Rev. A. G. J.,
M.A l3Junel4
Buxton, C. E. V. (2nd
Lt. R.F.A. Spec. Res.)»20Junel4
Spark, 8. rt. .. UulyU
Earn ell, H. L (temp.
2nd Lt. Bedf. Trai ing
Dei ot, Bedf. R.) .. 18Julyl4
MacAlisier, D. A. (temp.
Lt.R.G.A.) .. .. 3Aug.l4
Cummins, H. C. B. (temp.
Capt. 0 (Sero.) Bn. Sea.
Highrs.) 13Ang.l4
Phillips, W. R 29Aug.l4
Dyer, H. F. .. .. lSopt.14
Littlewood, A... .. lSspt.14
Farr, H. F. .. .. 8Sept.l4
Woodhead, A. E. (Local
Lt.9June\5).. .. 9Sept.l4
Worster, F. C 9Sept.l4
Gillett, G. H 18Sept.l4
Jones, A. M. .. ..2l8ept.l4
Kent, A. F. 8 24Sept.l4
Peers, E. A. .. ..26Sept.l4
Reinert, £. L 26Sept.i4
Crosse, E. C. .. ..28Sept.l4
Southwell, P. H. G. .. 29Sept.l4
Lemmey, F. G 30Sept.l4
Rudkins, F. P. .. lOct.14
Bevir, W lOct.14
Robinson, P. H. .. 30ct.l4
Newman, J. B. .. 30ct.l4
Morton, L. 8 SOct.14
Hendrie, H. A. .. 50et.l4
Rand, H. M 27Julyi5
Mathers, R.P. .. 60et.l4
Watou, A. H. (temp. Capt.
18 (Serv.) Bn. Durh.L.I.YlOatM
Gough, H. P. B. .. 7Oct. 14
Tester, A. F.
Clark, .».A.
Hare, A. B.
Phillips, G. B. ..
Buck, G. R. ..
Walters, F.Y. ..
Prys-Jones, A. G.
Bartlett, V, F. ..
Hallsworth, H. M. (*Lt.
15 July 15)
Patterson, R. F
Habershon, S. H.
Evans, H. B. (Temp.2nd
Lt. A.S.C.)
Cross, P.M.
Taylor, W. R
Ley, G. N
Rebsch, R. F. W. (temp.
Lt 5 (Serv.) Bn. S.
Wales Bord. ) ..
Headlam, G. E.
Waterhouse, G. (*Lt.
2b June 15) ..
14 Oct. 14
17 Oct. 14
17 Oct. 14
17 Oct. 14
18 Oct. 14

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