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Orders of Knighthood, &c.
MEMBERS 4th CLASS (M.V.O.)—oontd.
Levlta, Hon. Lt.-Col. C.
B., C.B.E. g.
Ley land, MaJ. F. B..D.S O.
Liddell, Capt. A. F.,ret.
Lindsay Bt. Col. W. U., 3
Bn. Dub. Fui.
Liverpool, Lt.-Col. Rt.Hon.
A. W. de B. S.. Earl of.
O.C.M.Q., Q.B.E.% 8 Bn.
Lond. R. (MaJ. ret. pay).
Lloyd, Hon. Brig.-Gen.
A. H. O., C.B., C.M.Q. ,
f. td, Shrops. Yeo.
LLoyd, Hon. Col. (temp.
Brig.-Gen.) W. N., C.B..
Chea. Brig.R.F.A.fGen*.-
Loch, Maj.-Gen. E. T>..Lord.
C.B..C.M.Q.. D.S.O.. p 8.c.
Londonderry, Hon. Col.
C. S. H., Mara, of, 3
Northb’n Brig. R.F.A. &
4 Bn. R. fr. Rif. & 3 Bn.
Durh. L.I. (Bt. Lt.-Col.
Lucas, Hon. Col. (Army) A.
G., C.B., VD.
Lygon. Lt.-Col. Hon. R.,
late T.F. Res.
McBarnet, Lt.-Col. A. E.,
D.S.O., late Sco. Horse
Macfarl&ne, Hon. Col. J., vn,
late Lt. - Col. 1 Lanark
Mackenzie, Bt. Col. A. F.,
C. M.G., late 3 Bn. Sea.
Highrs. (MaJ. ret. pay;
Mackenzie Rogan,MaJ. J.,
Mu». Doc., Dir. of Music.
MacKintosh.Ool. D. J.,C.B.,
M.B-,A. Med. Serv.(T.F.)
Malcolm, Lt.-Col. P., D.8.0.
Hon.Sir Malik Umar Hyat
Khan, K.C.I.E., Hon.
Capt. Suss. Yeo. (Maj.
Res. of Off.) (Hon. Maj.
in Army).
March, Lt.-Col. 0. H.,Earl
of, D.&0.»T.F. Res. (Maj.
Res. of Off.)
Marriott. Hon. Brig.-Gen.
J., C.B.E., D.S.O.
Maxwell, Bt. Maj. G. A. F„
D. S.O., M.C.
Mears, Lt.-Col. C. D.
Measures, H. B.. Esq., C.B.E.,
F.R.I.B.A., late Dir. of
Barrack Construction
War Office.
Michie, J., Esq.
(I. Mlldmay, Hon. Lt.-Col.
H. A. St. J. (Gent.-at-
Milner, Capt. M. H.,D.S.O.,
Molyneux, Oapt- Hon R. F.,
late Res. of Off.
Monkhouse, Bt. Col. (temp.
Brig. Gen.) W. P., C.B.,
Montagu • Stuart - Wortlev,
Maj.-Gen. Hon. K.J., O.B.,
&O.M 9.. D.8 0.. ret. pay,
. p.s.c., q,s.
Muhammad Ali Beg, Navoab
Sir Afsar - i - Jang,
Afsar - ud - Daula, Aisar -
ul - Mulk, K.C.I.E.,
Bahadur. Hon. Lt.-Col.
Murray, Bt. Col. A, M., C.B.
Murray, Lt.-Col. C. F. T.,
Neeld,LL-CoL Sir A. D., Bt.,
Newington, Bt. Maj C,
Nicholas, Hon. Capt. J.,Rdg-
Norman, Bt. Col. (temp
Brig.-Qen. ) C. L., D.S.O.,
North, Hon. Brig.-Gen. B.
N., C.B., 3 Bn. R. Lane. R.
(Hon. Lt.-Col. in A rmy).
Northumberland. Bt. Lt -
Col.A. l.,Duke of, C B.E.,
(Hon. Col. 3 Bn. R. W.
Surr. R.)
O'Brien, Hon.Lt.-Col. Hon.
M., D.S.O.
Owen, Col. H. M., C.B.
late Lt.-Col.
Tel. Cos. R.E.
Park, Hon. Uol W. U., vn,
late Lt.-CoL 1 V.B. Arg &
Suth’d Highrs.
Paulet, Maj. C. S.Iret.
Pembroke & Montgomery,
Maj. R., Earl of
Penhorwood,Lt.-Col. S L.,
O.B.E., Can. For. Corps.
Pennington, Lt.-Col (few/?
Brig.-Gen.) A.W.
Phillipps, Bt. Bt.-Col. P.,
C. M.G.
Poock, Lt.-Col. and Hon.
Col. J. A., vn, late l E.
Ang. Brig., R.F.A.
Portal, Lt.-Col. W. R.,
D. S.O., ret.
Pryce-Jones, Bt. Lt.-Col.
H. M., D.S.O., M.C.,
C. Gds.
Rennie, Brig. Gen.R..C.R..
C.M.G.J).S.O.,Can. Local
Reyne, Capt. G. van R.
Ricketts, Lt.-Col. (temp.
Col.) P. E , D.S.O.
Riddell, Col.J. S., M.B.,td,
late A. Med. Serv. (T.F.)
Roberts, Temp. Capt.
H.C., D.8.0.
Roberts, Col. (temp. Brig.-
Gen.) H. L.. C.B. ((]
Roy, Maj. J. E. G.f D.S.O.,
8. Afr. Def. Forces.
Ruggles-Brise, Maj.-Gen.
H. G., K.C.M.G., C.B.,
p.s.c., e. [IJ
Russell, Maj. temp. Brig.-
p.s.c. [L]
Ryan. Lt. C.H.,Aust.Imp.
St. Clair, Hon. A. J. M.
(Master of Sinclair), Ree.
of Off.
<£. Sandeman, J. G., Esq..
late Gent.-at-Arms.
Scott, Temp. Capt. W. C.
Scott-Kerr, Col. R., C.B.,
C. M.G.,D.S.O.
Seymour, Maj. R. H. (Eq
to the King).
Sheppard.Temp. Maj. E.G.
Sherwood, Col. Sir A. P.,
K.C.M.G., tan. Local
Simmons, Capt. F. K.,
M.C., tiigh. L.I.
Skinner, Hon. Maj.-Gen.
B. M.. C.B., C.M.G.
Smith, Capt. A. L. F., 9
Bn. Hamps. R.
Smith, Rev. CanonC.,M.A.,
Chaplain f2nd Class)T.F.
Somerset, Col.Uemp.Brig.-
Gen.) C. W., C.B.,C.M.G.
Somerville, Bt. Col. T.C.F.
Spitta, Capt. H. R. D.,
4 Lond. Gen. Hosp.,
R.A.M.C. (T.F.)
Standford, Lt.-Col. W.,
D. S.O., vn, S. Afr. Def.
tanton, Bt. Maj. H. J. C.
tavers. Temp. Capt. J.,
O.B.E., R.A.S.C.
Strachey, Lt.-Col. J.
Stretton. Hon. Lt.-Col. A.
J., Qr.-Mr. (Sen. Dir. of
Suffield, Bt. Col. C., Lord,
C. B.
Surtees, Hon. Brig.-Gen.
H. C.,C.B.,C.M G.,D.S.O.,
p.s.c. [L]
Symes, Hon. Col. G. P.,
vd, late Lt.-Col. 1 Dorset
R.G.A. (Yols.).
Teuma Castelletti, Capt.
J., Contino, K.O. Malta
Regt. of Mila.
Thompson, Maj. E. G.
Thornton, Lt. H. C., fl Bn.
Rif. Brig.
Thresher. Bt.Lt.-Col. J. H.
Trapani, Lt.-Col. A., g.
Trotter, Bt. Col. A. R.,
Trotter, Hon. Brig.-Gen.
G. F.,C.B.,C.M.Q.,C.B.E.,
Tweedmouth, Bt. Lt.-Col.
D. C.. Lord, C.M.G.
Twiss. Lt.-Col. F. A.,
C.M.G., D.S.O.
Tyrwhitt. Rev. Hon. L. F.,
O.D.E., the
Forces, 2nd Class.
Urquhart, Hon. Col. R ,
vd, late Lt.-Col. 3 V.B.
Sea. Highrs.
Valentia, Hon. Col. A.
Visct., C.B., td, Oxf.Hrs.
Yeo. (Hon. Col. in Army)
VandeWeyer, Capt. (Hon.
Capt. in Army) W. J. B.,
3 Bn. R. Berks. R. (Hon.
Maj. ret. Mila.)
Vaughan-Lee, Bt. Col.
A. V. H.
Vivian,Maj. Hon. O. R.,
D.S.O., td. Glam. Yeo.
Waddington, Capt. C. W.,
C.I.E., Ind. Vols.
itt. Waller, J. H., Esq.,
Walsh, Hon. G. H. W.,late
Walsh, Temp.Capt.Hon.R.
Walter, Maj. F. E.
Waterfleld,Bt. Col.A.C.M.,
P-s.c. [ij.
Watson, Col. (temp. Maj.-
Gen.) H. D., K.B.E., C.B.,
C.M.G., C.I.E. (Extra Eq.
to the King)
Way. Bt. Lt.-Col. B. G. V.,
Wiikinson, Hon. Brig.-
Gen. M. G., C.B., C.M.Q.
Willis, Maj. G. H., C.I.E.
Wood, Rev. J., D.D., late
Hon. Col. Harrow School
Cadet Corns.
Wray,Hon.Brig.-Gen.J. C.,
C.B., C.M.G., TD (Bt. Lt.-
Col. Res. of Off.) (Yeo. of.
Wyatt, Lt.-Col. F. O.
Wyatt, Hon. Maj. T. H.,
I.S.O., VD, late 19 Midd’x
Wylie, Lt.-Col. J. S.. S. A fr.
Def. Forces
Wyndham, Col. G. P., C.B.,
P.s.c. [1]
Wyndham, Bt. Lt.-Col. W,
F. G. [L]
Wynyardv Bt. Col. R.
Yarde Buller, Col. (temp.
Brio.-Gen.) Hon. H..
C.B., D S.O.,p.s.o.
Yates, Maj. (temp. Col.)
C. M.
Young, Temp, and Lt,
George. R. Mac

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