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Keglmentsl Dieirlot No. 42. [Ho. 2. District.]
The Royal Oyoher within the Barter. The cadge and motto of the Order ol tho Thistle. In aaob of
the four corners the Royal Cypher enelgned with the Imperial Crown.
The Sphlni, superscribed " Egypt."
" Buadalonpe, 17*8,” "Martlnloue, 1702.” ‘‘Havannab,” " North America, 1763-64,” “Mangalore,”
" dysore,” “Serlngapatam," “Corunna," ‘'Unsaeo,” "Fnentes d’Onor,” " PyreneeB,"
“NlTelle,” "Nlve," “Orthes,'’ "Tonloneo.’’ "Peninsula,” "Waterloo,” “South Africa, 1848-7.
18H-2-3,” "Alma” "SevaBtopoi,” “Luchnow." “‘ehantee, 1875-4," "Tel-el-Keblr,” "Egypt, 188J.
188*,’' “Klrhekan,” "Nl’e, 1884-8*.." "Raardeberg,” "South Africa,ISM-1802."
.sgenrs--Keasre. i'oa A Co
1st Bn. (42nd Foot)
and,, (7Srd Foot)
4th Bn. ..
5th ., ..
Regular and Special Reserve Battalions.
Unt/orm—Scarlet. Faeiage—Bine.
3rd Bn. (R. Perth MU.) .. —
Repot ..
Record Office
Territorial Force Battalions
r>rm Ball. Bell Street, Dundee I 8th Bn tay Street, Perth.
Yeomanry Premieee, Forfar, I 7th Drill Hall, Hunter Street, Kirkcaldy
13th Bn. .. .. .. .. .. Tay Street, Perth.
14th Bn Drill Hall, Hunter Street, Kirkcaldy
Service Battalion ^ .. . . . 9th Bn.
Allied Regiment, of Canadian Militia.
»th Regiment "Royal Hlgblandera of Canada." ‘ .. .. Montreal, Quebec.
Allied Regiment of Australian Commonwealth,
let Battalion New South Wales Scottish Ride Regiment .. .. .. •• .. Sydney, K.S.Walea.
Oolonel-tn-Chtef .. .. THE KINS.
Colonel.. .. Maxwell, Qen. Rt. Hon. Sir J. G,, O.C.B., K.O.H.O., O.V.O., D.S.O. [R] [F] .. Ilian.14
Oflloer Commanding Dep6t
Innes, Maj. 8. A., R. Highrs
1st and 2nd
Drummond, Hon. M.C.
A., C.M.O.% D.3.O.
[F] s.c.s. lSept.16
bt. It.-ool. iJan.lS
Krook, A. D. C.
(Spec.Empld.) 190ct.l6
iHenderson.N. Q. B.,
D.S.O. 8Jan.l7
lHamilton, J. G. H.,
D.8.O. 15Sept.l6
28ntherlaud, H. H.,
D.S.O. 2Jimel8
Wanchope, A.Q,tC.M.O.% a
C. I.E., D.S.O. [F]
{temp. Brig.-Oen.
2b May 11) 15Sopt.l4
bt. doi.28Dec.16
«. Eden, 8. H.sC.M.O.y
/)S.O. fF) 17Feb.l5
bt. It.-ool. IJan.lS
Roberbson.F.M B.,
D. S.O. (temp. Lt.-
Col. {Cadet Bn.)
20 Oct. 18) (Empld.
Camp) 26Feb.l5
d. Innes, 8. A., D.S.O. „
I8ept.lfi '
23rant-8uttie, G. D.
Hore-Rutbven, Hon.
G. M.,C.M.G.tD.S.O.,
p.s.o. 18ept.l5
bt. It -ool. Uan.17
2Bulloch, R. A.,
D.S.O. [FJ (S%C.)
bt. K.-ooI. 3Junel9
SCEvans, L. F., C.M.O.,
D.S.O. rF , p.s.o.
(%>Lt.-Col. 23 Jan. 18)
(temp. Brig.-Oen.)
Lamb, C. C. lSept.15
Green, W„ D.S.O. [F]
(Empld. 0 Bn. R.
Highrs. Armies of
Occupation) I8ept..l5
be. It.-col. 1 Jan. 19
West, C. C. lSept.15
2Tarleton, F. R., D.S.O.
[F] lSept.15
N. A. B.(<S.C.)l8ept.l6
Campbell, K. J.
(Empld. 11 Bn.'Leio.
R. Armies of
Occupation) 8Mayl6
Wavell. A.P.,C.M.G.,
M.C.,?.o.o. ILj [Fj
bt. It.-ool. 3 June 17
«. Wallace, R. F. H.:
C.M.O. (F , p.s.c.
bt It.-col. IJan.lS
C apt nine.
Fortune.. V. M.. D.8 O.
[Fl (Comdt. Sch.
of Musk.) I78ept.l4
bt. It.-col. lJan.19
s c s, Rowan-Hamilton
O.B., D.S.O., M.C.,
(8.0.) 178opt.l4
« c.s.Chalmer. F.O..D S.O., „
M.C. 26Sept 14 *•
bt. maj. Uan.17
Botoes-Lyon. O. F.
( War Office) 29Nov.14
f.o.Borton. A. E.. C.M.G.,
D.S.O., A.F.C.
[F] (temp. Brig.-
Oen.) 29 Nov. 14
bt. It.-col. 3Junel8
m.g.Cruden.J. W.F.29NOV.14
i.a Fhoing. J. L. 8., M.C.
29NOV.14 8.
.. 19Mar.l9
o. Anderson. F.. D.S.O.,
M.C [F] 29D6C.14
bt. maj. Junel9
IHoU. A. V.. D.8 O.
McLeod. A. K. SOJan.16
Orr-Ewing. H.E.D.
(War Office) 2Feb.l*
2Durie. J. A.. M.C.
bt. maj. IJan.lS
2Anstruther. R. E..
M.C. 2Mayl»
lRy<?ro^. J. N. 0.,
D.S.O., M.C.,
Adjt. lOot.l*
bt. maj. 8Junel9
Willcooks. J. L..
D.S.O., M.G. 1 Oct. 16
Rennie, J. L. lOct.lft
MoTavish, F. H. C.
(empld IGarr.Bn.
Qcnd.Highi 8.)
2 Hollo, J. E. H. 20ct.l&
Hoastoun- Hob wall,
W. Em M.C.
2Gllmour,C. D., M G.
Hay.L.F. SMar.lS
• AotAug,

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