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43°e Bengal Staff Corps.—War Services.
63 Major General J. Burn served in the Burmese war in 1852-53, and was present at the storming of the Great
Pagoda at Rangoon (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Served as Adjutant of his Regiment throughout the Sonthal
campaign of 1855-56; and as Staff Officer to the Sasseram Field Force in 1858 (Medal).
69 Major General F. C. Anderson served with the force under General Wheeler in the Sutlej campaign of
1848-49 (Medal). Also in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857-58 (Medal).
,0 Major General M. Hunter served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857-58, including the operations on th'O
Rohilcund and Oude Frontier (Medal).
71 Major General E. Dandridge served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 (Medal). Served also in the Indian
Mutiny campaigns of 1857-59; was Staff Officerto Colonel Sherer at Julpigoree when the Native Cavalry mutinied1
at that station, and also during the operations against the Chittagong and Dacca rebels ; commanded a movable
column in Bundlecund and was engaged in repeated expeditions against the rebel leaders Dowlet Singh and Bur-
gore Singh from October 1859 to March i860 (Medal).
72 Major General T.E. Gordon served as second in command of the 7th Punjab Infantry during the Indian campaign
of 1858-59, commanded the Regt. at the attack and capture of the Oude Forts Dehayn and Turowl on 14th and 17th
July 1858 ; engaged in operations in the Futtehghur, Azimghur, and Gorrickpore districts in 1858, and in the Terai*
Nepaul, in 1859 (five times mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, and Medal). Served in the Afghan war in
1879 in command of a Brigade of the Cabul Field Force, and was present in the engagement at Ali Kheyl (men¬
tioned in despatches, CB., and Medal).
73 Major General I. F. MaoAndrew served in the Indian mutiny campaign as Military Secretary and Aide de Camp
to Brigadier General MacGregor, the Military Commissioner with the Goorkha Force under Jung Bahadore, and
was present at the capture of Goruckpore, passage of the Gogra, siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with Clasp)..
74 Major General J. J. H. Gordon served in the Indian campaign of 1857-58 with the Jounpore Field Force
attached to the 97th Regt.; at the actions of Nusrutpore, Chanda, Umeerpore, and Sultanpore, at the siege and
capture of Lucknow and storming the Kaiser Bagh (Medal with Clasp) ; and from Sept. 1858 to April 1859 as Field
Adjutant to Colonel Turner commanding the Troops on the Grand Trunk road, and Field Force during the
operations in Shahabad, final attack on Jngdespore, action of Noandee, and subsequent pursuit (mentioned in
despatches. Brevet of Major). Served with the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1877-78 (mentioned in despatches.
Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 in command of the Koorum Field Force and of the-
Koorum Brigade, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal (mentioned in despatches), and took part in
the Zaimusht Expedition including the assault of Zawa (CB. Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Mahsoodi
Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881 in command of the 2nd Column (mentioned in despatches, received the thanks of the
Government of India). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 in command of a Brigade and conducted:
the operations which succeeded in opening up the country between Manipore and Kendat (received the thanks-
of the Government of India, mentioned in despatches, Clasp).
75 Major General R. Barter served as Adjutant 75th Regt. throughout the Indian mutiny campaign of 1857-58, andi
was present at the battle of Budlee ke Serai (severely wounded), siege, storm and capture of Delhi, including the six
days’ fighting in the streets, where he commanded the remnant of his Regiment for nearly 48 hours, all senior to
him having been killed or disabled. Served with Greathed’s Column in pursuit, and present at tne c ction of Bolund-
shur, affairs of Allyghur and Akerabad, and battle of Agra. With Sir Hope Grant’s Column at Canoge, during the
advance on Cawnpore; crossed into Oude and present at Maharajgunge, and skirmish near the Alumbagh. With
the Alumbagh Garrison, and at the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde. Present with the force under Sir James Out-
ram at the Alumbagh until 14th Feb. 1858, and constantly engaged repelling the enemy’s attacks. Commanded two-
Ressallahs of Irregular Cavalry in the advance into Rohilcund and re-occupation of Bignourj (Medal with two Clasps)
Served as Brigadier General in command of the 1st Brigade of Sir Donald Stewart’s Division in the Afghan war oF
1878-80, including the surrender of Candahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie and the occupation of Candahar till March 1880.
Was present in the advance to Ghuznee and Cabul, and in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo and in the-
subsequent operations in the Logar Valley and about Cabul till Aug. 1880, when he was compelled by sickness to
resign bis command (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp, and CB.). Received the Reward for Distin¬
guished Service, 1883.
76 Major General B. Walton served with the 53rd Regt. in the Punjaub campaign in 1849, and was present at the
battle of Goojerat (Medal with Clasp). With the expedition against the hill tribes on the Peshawur frontier m-
1851-52 (Medal with Clasp). Campaign in India in 1857, including relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, and severely
wounded at the storming of the Secunderbagb (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major),
77 Sir Hugh Gough served as Adjutant of Hodson’s Horse throughout the siege of Delhi (wounded). Com¬
manded a Wing of the Regiment in the actions of Bolundshur, Allyghur, and Agra, reliefof Lucknow by Lord Clyde,
battle of Cawnpore, affairs at Seraighat and Khodagunge, siege and capture of Lucknow (severely wounded, and
two horses killed), and action of Ranode (mentioned in despatches on several occasions for “ distinguished bravery,"
and thanked by the Governor General of India, Brevet of Major, Victoria Cross, and Medal with three Clasps) r.
received the under the following circumstances:—“Lieutenant Gough, when in command of a party of
Hodson’s Horse, near Alumbagh, on the 12th November 1857, particularly distinguished himself by his forward
bearing in charging across a swamp, and capturing two guns, although defended by a vastly superior body of
the enemy. On this occasion he had his horse wounded in two places, and his turban cut through by sword
cuts, whilst engaged in combat with three sepoys. Lieutenant Gough also particularly distinguished himself
near Jellalabad, Lucknow, on the 25th February 1858, by showingabrilliantexample to his regiment, when ordered
to charge the enemy’s guns, and by his gallant and forward conduct he enabled them to effect their object. On.
this occasion he engaged himself in a series of single combats, until at length he was disabled by a musket-ball
through the leg, while charging two sepoys with fixed bayonets. Lieutenant Gough on this day had two horses
killed under him, a shot through his helmet and another through his scabbard, besides being severely wounded.”'
Commanded the 12th Bengal Cavalry in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868, and was present at the capture
of Magdala (mentioned in despatches, CB., and Medal). Served throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80. Com¬
manded the Cavalry of the Koorum Force in 1878-79, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal, in
the pursuit of the Afghans over the Shutargardan, in the affair in the Maugior Pass, and during the operations-
in Khost. Served with the Cabul Field Force in 1879-80 as Brigadier-General of Communications, and was
present in the engagement at Charasiab, and in the various operations around Cabul in December 1879
(wounded); accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar in command of the Cavalry Brigade,,
and was present at the reconnaissance of 31st August in command of the troops engaged and in the cavalry pursuit
on the following day (frequently mentioned in despatches, KCB., Medal with four Clasps, andBronze Decoration).
78 Major General J. P. Sherriff served with the 2nd Punjaub Infantry during the Indian Mutiny campaign in
1857-58. and was present at the siege, assault and capture of Delhi including the battle of Nujjuffghur. Accom¬
panied Greathed’s Movable Column and present at the battle of Boolundshuhur; was detached with a portion
of his Regiment at Allyghur; and subsequently commanded a mixed force in the Etawah District, where he hadi
several engagements with the enemy ana captured five guns, after driving the enemy from his position—received
the thanks of the Governor General (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major). Served with the Looshai Expedition
in 1871-72 (Medal with Clasp).
79 Major General H.H. Lyster served on the Staff of Sir Hugh Rose as Interpreter and Aide de Camp throughout the
Central India campaign from Dec. 1857 to July 1858, including the siege and capture of the town and fort of Rath-
ghur and repulse of the rebels in an attack on the camp during the siege, action of Baroda (sabre wound and charger
also wounded), taking of Baroda, forcing the Muddinpore Pass, siege and storm of the town and capture of the
fort of Jhansi, battle of the Betwa, action of Koonch and capture of the town (charger received one bayonet and
two sabre wounds), attack on the camp of the 2nd Brigade at Muttra, attack on the camp of the 1st Brigade at:
Goolowlee, taking of the town and fort of Calpee, action at and capture of Morar cantonments, storming of the
Lushker and fort of Gwalior (three times mentioned in despatches, twice for gallant conduct in the field. Brevet of
Major, Victoria Cross, and Medal with Clasp): was awarded the ITffi; under the following circumstances:—"Date-
of act cf bravery, 23rd May 1858. — For gallantly charging and breaking, singly, a skirmishing square of
the retreating rebel army from Calpee, and killing two or three sepoys in the conflict. Major General Sir Hugh.
Henry Rose, GCB., reports that this act of bravery was witnessed by himself and by Lt.Colonel Gall, CB., of

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