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Corps of Royal Engineers.
Henry Helsham Jones, Executive Engineer, xst Grade, Department Public Works, x Mar. 7x, N.W. Evinces, 4th Circle of Irx-igaUon, |
Nurora Division, Lower Ganges Canal
Jotm^homa?Twigge^Executfvo1'Engineer; 3rd Grade, Department Public Works, Irrigation Branch, Punjaub, Kumanl Division,^
R^fnaldU(^™CT%^orold; Executive Engineer, 3rd Grade, Department PubUo Works, i Feb: 73! Northern Bengal State Railway, Dinapore
*. Robert S:1oine^’t^Sl!';'cbi April 74; Assistant, Topographical Department, War Office
Herbert Locock, Exeter
Wdlia^K^tlu^^ASrtant’supe^rintemient^MiHtary Discipline, Schooi of Miiitary Engineering; Chiitixam '
Ferdinand Beckwith Mainguy, Ireland, Cork
Henrv Frederick Chapman Lewin, Chatham District ••••••••; ^
Vrthur George Durnford, Commanding “C ” Troop Royal Engineer Tram, Chatham.
T ,?-,n W Assistant Military Secretary to Major General W. Munro, CB., Commanding m West Indies
George^Edward^Langham^Somerset'saixford. Ex^ecutive^Engineer, 3rd Grade, D. P.Works, 4 Dec. 73, Lucknow, Bengal
Edward Fraser Spearman Lloyd, Northern District, Preston
Henrv Dari ey Crozier, Gibraltar ;
Henry Spencer Palmer. Special Service, hew Zealand
Robert Barton, Ireland, Clonmel
Valentine Gardner Clayton, Secretary to the Royal Engineer Committee, Chatham
Henry Cooper Seddon, War Office
Frederick William Richard Clements.80 Ireland, Athlono
Edward Micklem, Commanding “A” Troop Royal Engineer Train, Aldershot
Frederick Tynte Warburton,81 Pembroke •••.••••••:;
Arthur Parnell, Commanding 29th Company Royal Engineers, Gibraltar
Charles^Edward Luard, Aide do Camp to the inspector Generai of Fortifications, War Office
Bruce Brine, Ireland, Galway
John Knox Tisdall, Ireland (Fermoy). Ordered to Mauritius
Alexander Charles Hamilton, Commanding 40th Company Royal Engineers, Chatnam •••••■••
Ovaries CraxXrd, Executive Engineer. 3rd Grade, D.P. Works, 1 March 74, 8th Circle, Military Works, hawul Pmdoc, Punjaub
Frederick Augustus Le Mesuriei, Commanding 26th Company Royal Engineers, Bermuda
Charles Richard Tierney Davidson, Commanding 3rd Company R. Engineers, Gibraltar
Bruce Hull Melville. On sick leave W i'"-"!!
Charles John Moysey, Commanding 18th Company Royal Engineers, Woolwich
foseph Allan Millar, Garrison Instructor, Dover
John Roberts Hogg. On leave. Ordered to St. Helena
Napier George Sturt,82 Home District (Oxford)
Thomas Pilkington White, Commanding 20th Company, Royal Engmeers, Berinuda . : ' x :
Charles John 0!Neill Fergumn™ on Temporary Beterved List, Assistant Surveyor General and Assistant Director of W orks, Jamaica
George Herbert Bolland", Ordnance Survey, Inverness, N.B. Ordered to Gibraltar
Richard Warren Stewart, Commanding 23rd Company Royal Engineers, Cork Harbour, Ireland
William Salmond, Instructor of Musketry, Gravesend, 3° Nov. 7«
i Aug. 55 29 July 63
i Aug. 55 3 Aug. 63
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20 Feb. 67
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8 Jan. 68
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4 Mar. 68
17 Mar. 68
;o Nov, 68
4 Aug. 72
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15 Jan. 73
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11 Dec. 73
11 Dec. 73
1 Apr. 74
2 Dec. 74

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