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War Services of (he Lieutenant Colonels. 76
the Gogra at Fyzabad, capture of Rarapore Kussia, and subsequent operations in Oude across the Gogra and
■ Raptee rivers (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major). Served with the Sikkim Field Force in 1861 (mentioned
in despatches).
64 Lt.Colonel Swinfen served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 5th Dragoon Guards, including the battle
of Balaklava (wounded) and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with two Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
65 Lt.Colonel W. H. Kerr served in the Indian campaign and commanded the Lett Wing 13th Light Infantry in a
general action at Amorah on 17th April 1858, also on 25th April he commanded 150 men in an action before the same
place; on 29th April commanded the Left Wing 13th Light Infantry at the attack and capture of the Fort of Nuggur ;
and on 9th June at the attack of the rebels’ position at Amorah j and was at Hurriah when attacked by the rebels
on 29th August (Brevet of Major, and Medal).
66 Lt.Colonel Welman commanded a Detachment of the 80th Regiment embarked in the private schooner Arielt
at the capture by surprise of the piratical schooner Hannah in a harbour off the Mercury Islands on the 26th Oot.
1843, for which he receiyed the thanks of the Governor of New Zealand, and the approbation of the Duke of Wel¬
lington. He served the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46 as Adjutant of the 80th, including the battles of Moodkee,
Ferozeshah, and Sobraon (Medal with two Clasps).
67 Lt.Colonel Rhodes served the campaign of 1853 and the spring campaign of 1854 on the Danube as Aide de Camp
to the Spanish General Prim, was present at the battle of Oltenitza. Subsequently was attached to Selim Pacha’s
! Staff and accompanied the Turkish Irregular Cavalry in three successful sorties from the Quarantine Station; present
1 in the Tete de Pont when the Russians unsuccessfully attacked and bombarded that position, retiring with loss; was
also at the retreat of the Russians from Giergevo and Slobodsia in 1854. For the above-mentioned services he has
received the Spanish Order of Isabel the Catholic, also the Turkish Order of the Medjidie 4th Class, with a Sword of
Honor from the Sultan. Served the campaign of 1854 on the Staff of the Army in the Crimea, and was present at
the battles of Balaklava and Inkerman and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
68 Lt.Colonel Cotton served as Aide de Camp to Sir Sydney Cotton commanding the Peshawur Division in the sup¬
pression of the Indian mutiny from Dec. 1857 to its termination. Also served in the expedition on the Euzofzie
border under the same General in 1858, and was present at the destruction of Chingalee, also at the destruction of
Mungultanah, a stronghold of Mokurrabkleans on the Mahabund Mountain. Subsequently at the destruction of
Satanah, and at the taking of the Stockade belonging to the Hindostanee Fanatics on the heights above—mentioned
in despatches (Medal with Clasp).
69 Lt.Colonel Rice served with the 7-nd Highlanders in the Crimea from 16th July 1855, including the siege and
fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served at the siege and capture of Kotah, and was
present with the leading Column of assault on 30th March 1858, subsequently throughout the operations in Central
India and pursuit of the rebel forces under Tautia Topee and Rao Sahib in 1858-59, and action of Oodeypore as
Staff Officer to Brigadier Parke (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
70 Lt.Colonel R. H. Rocke served in the China w,ar of i860, and was engaged in the actions of the 12th and 14th
August (Medal with Clasp for Pekin).
71 Lt.Colonel Blackett served with the Rifle Brigade the Eastern campaign of 1854, and up to 26th July 1855; and
commanded a ladder-party at the attack of the Redan on the 18th June and was dangerously wounded—left leg
amputated (Medal with Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal).
73 Lt.Colonel Dowson served with the 29th Regiment throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the
affair of Ramnuggur, passage of the Chenab, and battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
74 Lt.Colonel Gough served with the 3rd Light Dragoons throughout the Punjnub campaign of 1848-49, including
the action of Ramnuggur, passage of the Chenab, battles of Sadoolapore, Chillianwallah, and Goojerat (Medal
with two Clasps). Served with the 12th Lancers throughout the Kaffir war of 1851-53 (Medal), and was present
with every expedition, including the action of Berea, where he commanded the Detachments of Cavalry with Sir
George Cathcart’s Column (mentioned in general orders and despatches), and for one year commanded Sir George’s
Escort until peace was established. Served in the Crimea with the 12th Lancers from their landing on the 8th
May 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol, battle of Tchernaya, and operations near Eupatoria under
General D’Allonville (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
75 Lt.Colonel Buller served with the 57th Regiment in the Eastern campaign of 1854, and was very severely
wounded in the Trenches before Sebastopol, and again whilst being carried back to the camp (Medal with Clasp,
and Turkish Medal).
76 Lt.Colonel Jarvis served with the 82nd Regt. throughout the Indian campaigns of 1857-59 ; was in temporary
command of three Companies during the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde; present at the defeat of the Gwalior Con¬
tingent at Cawnpore on 6th Dec., action of Khodngunge and occupation of Futlehghur, capture of Bareilly, relief of
Shahjehanpore Jail, and action of Khankur (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
77 Lt.Colonel Ross King served with the 74th Highlanders throughout the Kaffir war of 1851-53 (Medal), and was
present in the engagements of the Amatolas, Kroomie, Waterkloof, &c.—thrice honourably mentioned in despatches,
also in General Orders 20th Sept. 1852.
78 Lt.Colonel Hon. James C. Dormer served in the Crimea from 30th June 1855 as Adjutant to 13th Light Infantry,
and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and battle of the Tchemaya (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish
Medal). Also served in the Indian mutiny, including the relief of Azimghur and campaign in Gorruckpore in 1858
(mentioned in despatches); was afterwards appointed Aide de Camp to Lord Clyde, and present at the actions
during the Oude and Trans-Gogra campaign of 1858 (mentioned in despatches, Medal, and Brevet of Major). Pro¬
ceeded to China in i860 as Assistant Adjutant General to the Expeditionary Force, and was present throughout the
operations of that campaign, including the capture of the Taku Forts, advance on and entry into Pekin (promoted
to an Unattached Majority, Medal with two Clasps).
79 Lt.Colonel Orme served with the 3rd Light Dragoons during the Sutlej camj)aign of 1848-49, and was present
at the battles of Moodkee and Ferozeshah, at which last he was severely wounded in the arm (Medal and one
81 Lt.Colonel T. S. P. Field served in the Kaffir war of 1851-52 (Medal). Served in India in 1858 and was present
with the Central India Field Force at the attack and capture of Fort Lahorie, attack on Koonch, and capture of
Calpee (mentioned in despatch, Medal).
82 Lt.Colonel Charles Steel served with the 12th Lancers in the Crimea from 29th July 1855, including the siege and
fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
83 Lt.Colonel Stackpoole served with the 18th Royal Irish in the Burmese campaign of 1852-53 (Medal with Clasp
for Pegu). Also in the Crimea from 30th December 1854 to nth April 1855, including the siege of Sebastopol (Medal
with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
84 Lt.Colonel L. Hook served with the 9th Regiment throughout the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan (Medal),
under Sir George Pollock, and was present at the forcing of the Khyber Pass, storming of Mamookail, storming
the Heights of Jugdulluck, affair in the Tezeen Valley, storming of the Tezeen and Huft Kotul Mountains, occuimtion
of Cabool, expedition into Kohistan, storm capture and destruction of Istaliff. He served as Adjutant of the 9th
Regiment the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, and was present in the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah (horse shot
under him), and Sobraon (Medal and two Clasps).
86 Lt.Colonel F. W. Gregory served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 44th Regiment, including the
battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, attack and occupation of the Cemetery on the 18th June
(Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served also in the campaign of i860 in the
north of China, including the action of Sinho, storm and capture of the Taku Forts (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet
of Major).
88 Lt.Colonel de Ruvignes served with the 80th Regt. in the Burmese war of 1852-53 (Medal with Clasp for
Pegu); was present at the capture of Prome, and repulse of the enemy’s night attack. Served with the force
which escorted elephants from India across the Gonin Tonug Mountains, and in pursuit of the Woozeer Monung
Shera Monung’s force, resulting in the destruction and capture of the entrenched position of Tonesh.
89 Lt.Colonel G. Longley served with the local rank of Captain in the Turkish Contingent Engineers in 1855-56
(Turkish Medal). Served with the Expeditionary force in China in 1857-59, and was present at the capture of Canton,
affair at the White Cloud Mountains, capture of Nam tow, attack on the Peiho forts—dangerously wounded (mentioned
in despatches on all the above occasions, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
92 Lt.Colonel G. Gaynor served the campaign of 1845 against the Hill tribes in Scind under Sir Charles Napier.

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