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War Services of Retired Majors. 122e
(Medal); also against the insurgent Boors. Served with the 18th Royal Irish in Burmah from
the advance against Promo in Sept. 1852 to the close of the war (Medal).
20 Major Brady served the campaigns of 1813, 14, and 15, in the Peninsula, France, and
Flanders, with the Royal Horse Guards, and was present at the battles of the Nivelle, Nive,
Bayonne, Orthos, Toulouse, and Waterloo, at which last he was severely wounded, and had a
horse shot under him.
21 Major Briggs served with the 1st Dragoon Guards in the Crimea from 10th August 1855,
including the battle of theTchernaya and siege of Sebastopol (Medal and Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
22 Major Burslenr served the campaigns of 1838, 39, and 40 in Affghanistan, with the 13th,
and was present at the storm and capture of Ghuznee (Medal), assault and capture of the town
and fortress of Tootumdurrah, storm of Joolghur, night attack at Baboo Koosh Ghur, destruction
of Khardurrah, and assault of Perwandurrab.
23 Major H. S. Bush served with the 41st Regt. the Eastern campaign of 1854 and up to
the 13th Jan. 1855, including the battles of Alma and Jnkerman (severely wounded) siege of
Sebastopol, and sortie of 26th October (Medal and three Clasps, Sardinian and Turkish Medals).
24 MajorCairnes served at the siege of Flushing in 1809, and at diflferent periods in the Peninsular
25 Major Berkeley Calcott served the campaign of 1808-9 with the 43rd Regt., including the
battle of Vimiera, the retreat under Sir John Moore, and the battle of Corunna. Expedition to
Walcheren in 1809. Subsequently in the Peninsula, including the sieges and captures of Ciudad
Rodrigo and Badajoz, battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive, and Toulouse. Expedition
to New Orleans. Campaign of 1815, and was present at the capture of Paris.
26 Major Caldecot served with the 39th Regt. in Malta and Sicily. Subsequently in the Penin¬
sular campaigns of 1813 and 14,including the battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle, and Nive,
action at Garris, battles of Orthes and Toulouse. Served afterwards in Canada during the
American war.
27 Major Henry W. Campbell served with the 79th Highlanders throughout the Eastern
campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and Balaklava, siege and fall of Sebastopol,
assault of the 18th Jan. and 8th Sept., expedition to Kertch and Yenikale (Medal and three
Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal).
28 Major Robert Campbell was employed on field service in India from August 1820 to March
1825, including the siege of Kittoor.
29 Major John C. Campbell served with a wing of the 13th Light Dragoons in the Kurnoul
campaign in 1839. Served in the 9th Lancers in the Gwalior campaign in 1843, and was present
at the battle of Punniar (Medal) ; in the Sutlej campaign in 1846 and present at the battle of
Sobraon (Medal) ; and in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the passage of the Chenab
at Ramnugger, and battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat—in the latter battle he commanded
the left squadron 9th Lancers which successfully charged the Sikh and Affghan cavalry (Medal
and Clasps).
30 Major Campsie commanded two Companies of the Ceylon Rifles at Borilla in suppressing
the Rebellion of 1848 in Ceylon.
31 Major Carey served with the 63rd Regt. the Eastern campaign of 1854 and up to July
1855, including the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol (Medal
and Clasps, Brevet of Major, and Turkish Medal).
31+ Major Clifton served with the 9th Lancers in the campaign on the Sutlej in 1840, and
was present at the battle of Sobraon (Medal). Served with the 12th Lancers in the Kathr war
is 1851-53 (Medal, and mentioned in Dispatches). Also in the Crimean campaign from 17th
May 1855, including the battle of Tchernaya and siege of Sebastopol (Medal and Clasp, and
Turkish Medal).
32 Major Clowes served with the 8th Hussars the Eastern campaign of 1854, including the
battles of Alma and Balaklava, affairs of Bulganak and M'Kenzie’s Farm, and siege of Sebas¬
topol : was wounded and taken a prisoner, and horse shot, at the battle of Balaklava (Medal and
three Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Served in Rajpootana in 1858-59, was present at the capture
of Kotah, battle of Kotaria, and commanded a detachment of the 8th Hussars in Brigadier
Parke’s long pursuit of the Rebels and at their defeat at Chota Oodeypore (mentioned in
despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal and Clasp).
33 Major Cochran served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Canada, including the action at
Moravian Town. Also the campaign of 1824-5 in Ava, including the capture of Rangoon and
Martaban, siege and capture of Denobia, battles of Prome and Pagahm Mew. Served the
campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan, and commanded a column of attack in the action of the
28th April in the Pisheen Valley; present also in the actions near Candahar, at Goaine, and
before Ghuznee; occupation and destruction of that fortriss and of Cabool. Expedition into
Kohistan, storm, capture, and destruction of Istalilf, and in the numerous minor alfairs in and
between the Bolan and the Khyber Passes.
34 Major Hon. Wm. Erskine Cochrane served with the 15th Hussars the campaign of 1808-9
under Sir John Moore, and commanded a troop which attacked and defeated the French cavalry
at Sahagun. In 1812 he accompanied his Regiment to Lisbon, and in the following year com¬
manded a squadron in the battle of Vittoria: he has received the War Medal with two Clasps.
35 Major Wm. H. Cockburn was detached from Gibraltar for the defence of Tarifa in 1811
and 12, when the French were defeated, leaving their guns behind ; served subsequently in the
Peninsula to the end of that war in 1814, and was present at the investment of Bayonne and
repulse of the sortie. Embarked afterwards for America, where he served until the termination
of the war with the United States.

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