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Agent*.. .. .. .. Masers. Bolt * Co.. 3, Whitehall Place, S.W.
Within a laurel wreath surmounted by a crown the rod of iBsculanlus with a serpent entwined
“J» Arduie FiddleV
tTwi/orm—Blue, Facinps—Dull Cherry.
Officer in charge of Record*
Thomson, Col. J., M:B„ Alderehot
1 Co.
2 „
3 „
i „
7 Co.
10 „
11 ..
12 „
13 Co.
14 .i
15 „
16 „
17 „
18 „
19 CO.
20 „
21 „
22 „
23 „
25 CO.
26 „
27 „
30 Co.
32 ,,
34 ,,
85 „
Depto Companies .*—A, 3, C.
4 May 12
Removed from the Corps and
still on the Active List.
Surgeon-General (ranking as
Lieutenant-General .
Slogget-t, Sir A. T„ Uunel4
K.C.B., C.M.G., K.H.S.
Surgeon-Generals ranking as Major-
Whitehead, H. R.t C.B., 21Jan.09
MacNeece,J.G..C.B.\'F] 23A.or.10
Corker, T. M., C.B., M.D., UDec.ll
FCBabtle, Sir W., K.C.M.G..C.B ,
M.B.. K.U.S.. s. llJ)e<*.«l
Bruce. Sir D., Knt., C.B., lApr.12
P.R.S., M.B., F.R.C.P.
Anderpoo, L. K., C.B ,s.
Hathaway. H. <4.. C.B.
Bedford, W. G. A., C.B.,
C. M.O.. V.B ,s.
Ford. F. W.. C.B., D S.”
Woodhou8e.T.P.,C.F. [F)s. HJulyH
Macpherson, W. G.. C.B..S. 14,lulyl4
C M G.. M n.. K.H.P .rF .
Porter, R., C.B..M.B. fFj s. 18Feb.l5
O’Donnell, T. J., C.B., 18Feb.l5
D. S.O., r-.
O’Keeffe, M. W.,C.B.,M.D.,s. lMar.15
Sawyer, R. H. S., C.M.G., lMar.15
M.B., F R.C.S.I. fL; s.
Calling, J. C., s.
Blrrell, W. G., M.B.,8.
Jencken. F. .1., itf.B.,8.
Traherne, F. H.. C.M.G
F R.C.S.Bdin.,8.
Barratt, H. J.
Trevor, IT. O., s.
Pike, W. W., C.M.G., D.S.O., 9Nov.ll
F.R.C.S.I. temp. SurQ.-Gen.),8.
Irwin, J. M., M.B. (temp ilDec.ll
Surg.-Gen.), s.
Mchol. C. E . C.M.G.,
D.S.O., M.B., s. 9Mar.l2
Westcott. S., C. B., C.M.G.^5. 2oMar.i2
Skinner, B. M., C.M.G , 4May 12
M.V.O., 8.
Kirkpatrick. R., C.M.G.. 21 May 12
M.D., 8.
Lynden-Bell, E.H.L , C. B. 19Sept.l2
M.B., s.
Firth, R F.R.C.S., 8. 13Nov.l2
1 Mar.15
28 Oct. 11
Removed from the Corps and still
on the Active List—contd.
Colonels—con td.
Tate, A. K. 3lDoc.l2
Faunce, C. R 28Jan. 13
Geddes, R. J., C.B., D.S.O., M.B., s.
5 Feb. 13
Sloggett. H M.,s. 27 Mar.
Maher, J.,C.B. (temp. 5K?’0'.-13Sept.l8
Gen. ) s.
Huit>er.G.D.,C Jf.G.,D.S.O.l6Sept.l3
! F) (temp. Surg.-Gen.) s.
Thompson, H. N . C.M.G., 17Nov.13
n.S.O„ M.B., t.
Btrt.C. i Jan.14
Henderson, R. 8. F., M.B., 2Jan.l4
K.H.P., c.o. 22Nov. 10
Russell. M.v* , C.B. (temp. l4Jau.!4
Reilly, C. C. 23Apr.l4
Hlck^or, S., C.B., M.B.,
KM.8., s. 7Julyl4
Jones,F.W C C.B.,MP.,s. 14.Tulyl4
Mean. .1., C.B., 7'., 8. 3Aug.l4
Tyrrell. C. R.. Res of Off. 6Aug
Swan, W. T., C.B., M.P., s. 8Aug.14
Macleod. R L.K.. .Vf.P., e lMar.15
4dams.G. G lMar.15
Shine. .1. M. F., Af.P.,8. lMar.16
frerguson, N. C.. C.M.G., lMar.15
MB ,8
ree. G , C.M.G.,s iMar.lfi
RMlnon. S. C. IMar.lfi
Allen, S. G. IMar.ift
Gordon, P. O. H , 8. lMar.15
Nash, L. T. M., C.M.G., s IMar.lfi
iTaly. J.P..8 IMar.lfi
Rowan. H f>., ftf.B.,8. IMar.lfi
Carr. FT., C B. M.F).,s. iMar.lfi
>aly, T,,« IMar.lfi
Sexton. M. J.. C.B., M.D. s. IMar.lfi
Cree, H. E. IMar.lfi
St’irr. W H. IMar.lfi
Sutton. A. A . 0.8.0 ,s. lMar.15
Tarr. M. T.. C.B., P R.C.8 I. IMar.lfi
Melville, C. H., M.B., s. iMarafi
24 Feb. 19
WUaon.J.B. C.M.G.,M 0.,«. iMar.15
Got Ion-Hall, F. W. G., C.B., lMar.15
M.B ,8.
Kdamsoji. H. M., C.B., M.B. IMar.lfi
Lavle. T. G. IMar.lfi
Burtchaell, C. H., C.M.G., IMar.lfi
M.B. IF] 8.
Gerrard. .1. J . V.B , s. IMar.lfi
Davidson, , s. IMar.lfi
Removed from the Corps and still
on the Active Lisi—contd.
Fallon. J., s. IMar.lfi
MacDonald. C. J. M.D IMar.lfi
Wright.. R W., M.B., s. IMar.lfi
Bekersley. E., M.B. IMar.lfi
O’Callaghan. D. M , s. IMar.lfi
Barefoot, G. R„ C.M.G., s. IMar.lfi
Newland F. R.. If.B., a IMar.lfi
Wlndle, R. J.. M.B. lMar.16
Russell, J J . C.B., MB .8. IMar.lfi
Wbalte, T. Du B., M.B., a. IMar.lfi
Knaggs. H. T.. M.B. IMar.lfi
Renton, R. H.. n $ o [F] IMar.lfi
Bate. A. L F , C.M.G. IMar.lfi
Morgan, F. J., a. IMar.lfi
Horrocks.W.H., M.B., K.H 8.IMnr.IS
(Member of 20Mayll
Adirfnorv Board)
Hale, C.H., C.M.G., D.S.0.,8. IMar.lfi
Thurston. H.C., C.M.G. IMar.lfi
Scott, B. H., 8. IMar.lfi
Julian, O. R. A., C.B., IMar.lfi
C.M.G ,8.
Burnside. B A. IMar.lfi
Macdonald. 8.. C.M.G.,M.B.,8. Mar.lfi
Holt, M. P. C.. C.B., D.S.O., s. IMar.lfi
4.1 uly!4
Gray, W. L.. M.P., s. IMar.lfi
Browne, K. G., C.B. IMar.lfi
Morgan, J, C.,8. IMar.lfi
Pocock, H. I ,s. IMar.lfi
Kliiott. C. R.. M.D.,s. IMar.lfi
Young, C. A., C.M.G., 8. IMar.lfi
Ballen.J. W.. M.D. IMar.lfi
innlss. B. J. IMar.lfi
Clark, 8. F.. M.B. IMar.lfi
Hassard. E.M. IMar.lfi
Lelshman, Sir W. B., Knt., IMar.lfi
C.B., V.R.S.,M.B.,F.R.C.P., 150ct.l2
K.H.P. 'F (Member of
Advisory Board)
Thomson, J., M.B.
Rawnsley. G. T . C.M.G.. «.
Blenkinsop, A. P., C.B.,8.
Glrvtn, J., 8.
Luther, A. J.
Hallaran, W., M.B.
Moores. S. G., C.B. fF]
Beach. T. R.. C.M.G.. s.
Healey, C.W. U., C.M.G.
Austin, J. H. E.
Mould. W. T.. s.
Bewley, A W , 8.
Copeland, R. J., M.B.
IMar 16

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