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Infantry. Territorial Force.
London Regt.-
2nd Bn.—contd.
2nd Lieutenants—contd.
4Cooper, A. 8July 15
iGillespie, A.S. 13Julvl5
4Ford, E. (*Lt.
3 June 16) 13July 15
iGray, W. (*Lt.
23 Apr. 16) 14July 15
James, H. F. 14Julyl5
lTicehurst,G.H. 14 J ulylS
2Newton, L. H. 14Julvl.F
2Stubbs, G. A. 22Julyl5
lUrsfll, W. 22July 1.'
iGrosfleld, J. 22Julyl5
4Downey, C. 22Julyl5
iGretton, H. E. 23Julyl;
4Whittirgham, M.
23 July 15
iSanders, J. W. 19Aug.l5
4Winterboum, F. T.
IGray, L. S. 24Aug.l5
4Kenwick, H. (,*Lf.
3 June 16) 3Sept.l5
iFarley, F. A lOSept.15
istrange, W. F.10Sept.l5
2lteeves, D. A. 16Sept.l5
2Wimpey, A. T. 17Sept.l5
4Widdeenmbfl. A. J.
(*Lt.3Junel6) 29Sept.lf
iManson, A. M. 29Sept.l5
4Lockhart, W. E.20ct.l5
4roppeu, W. J. 2Oct. 15
2Arnott, F. G. V.20ct.l5
4Keene, W. J. 50ct.l5
1 Waller, L. A. 10Oct.l6
4Heagerty, R.B.lOOct.15
2Falkner, C. B. 14Gct.l5
iWiggs, A. E. 160ct.l5
4Taylor, G. A. 160ct.l5
4Hopper, H. G. 170ct.l5
4Harris, W. s. UOct.lS
lArthur, H. 2lOct.l5
Horton, A. 210ct.l5
Hatchett, W. E.260ct.l5
2Hicks, C. C. J. 260ct.lf
Astley, R. O. G>.290ct.l5
1 Buxton, B. R. 3Nov.l6
4Gambrav, W. C. 7Nov.l5
4EUlott, A. E. 15NOV.15
iGosnell, H. C. 15Nov.l5
iStone, W. L. 26Nov.l5
4Channon, H. J.26Nov.l5
4Sproule,A.L.B. 26Nov.i5
lGroves,R.G.T. 26Nov.l5
4Andrews, R. 26Nov.l5
2Heading, B. S. 26Nov.l6
iBlows, H. F. 26NOV.15
2&Page, L. S. E. (*Lt.
23 Feb 16) 28Nov.l6
Hulme, R.L.,m.p.3Dec.l5
4Williams.H.E V.3Dec.l5
4Bou8tred, R. W. W.
4Sullivan. A. J. 9Dec.l5
4Warrener,J.V. 13Dec.l5
2Lovett, A. J. 19Dec.l5
4Skeet, J. R. 20T>ec.l5
Fradd, K. M. C..rn.p.
4Stephen,A. 24Dec.l5
4 Bennett, H. P 24Dec.l5
4Keen, S. W. 24Dec.l5
4Ward. W. J. 24Dec.l5
4Lockey. E. W. 30Dec.l5
4Allen, S. E. 30Dec.l5
iSendall, W H. 30Dec.l5
4Swaffield. H. G. 9Jan.l6
4$Francis, W. A. 19Jan.l6
Jarvis A. S. 23Jan. 16
4 $ Harvey, J. 1-. 25.Tan.l6
4<iAlliston, G. H. 25.Tan.16
4?Wright. A. 29Jan. 16
2?Spong, F. W. E. 3Feb.l6
4?Pascoe, C. A. L. 3Feb.l6
Inst, of Musk.
Marians. R. I.,
oapt. (*Maj.) 15Jiilyl2
2Miller, J. A., 2nd Lt.
(*Capt.) 4 July 15
Jones, S., 2nd Lt.
(*Capt.) 130et.l5;
ILomr. .1. W., 2nd Lt. I
(*Capt ) i6Nov.15(
iBerosford, P. W.
(*Lt.-Col 23 May 16)
16 Aug. 10
l^Samael, F. D.
(R)(b) 9Nov 10
4^Webb, T. M., Capt.
ret. pay (H) (*Lt.-Col.
10 Jaw. 15) *13Nov.14
Quarter-Most ere
4VVarrener, J., Qr.-Mr.
(hon. capt.) ret. pay
hon. eavt. 11 May 11
2XBradley, G. J..
hon. It. 26Sept.l4
Shepherd, D. D. J.,
hon. It. 18Mar.l5
iShackleton, A. G.,
hon. It. SFeb.15
2Miller, E , hon. It. I
Medical Officer*
3p. Moore, Capt. Y. T. G., ,
R.A.M.C. (T.F.)
(attd.) 1A prll|
McHoul, Capt. J.,
R.A.M.C. (T.F.)
{attd.) 5Aug.l4i
Coplans, Capt. E.,
R.A,M.C. (T.F.)
[attd.) 21Mayl5
Bell, Rev. W. G.t
M.A., Ctaapl. 4th
Class (T.F.) {attd.)
f U nliotm—Scarlet,
ip.s ^Moore, H. A (*Maj.
9 Sept. 15) 4Mar.08
1 ReevHG N Uuly 0
^Livingstone, G.,f.c.
(Q) 'J4jau.ll
iNoel. E. A. (*Maj.
23 May 16' ’M.Tan.nj
Prance, tt.W. (*Maj.
1 Sept. 14) 2Sept.l2
4^Agius, A. V. L. B.
1 May 13
Cornelius- Wheeler,
F.,s. fiDee 13
4Jenkins, F. C. lSept.14
iNoel. E. V. 2Sept.i4
Simmons. W. D. W.
{*Maj. 15 Aug. 15)
Jones, F. K. *l6Sept.l4
Dickson, J. B. S.
p.s. ^Bailey, F. R., late
Capt. 3 Bn. Wilts.
R.(H) *2 A nr. 15
4XNewson,W. A. (*J/aj. I
10 Jwwe 16) *2Apr.l6
D. J., Adjt. ^ISJunelfi
p s. Trapman. A. H. (H)
{Attd. 5 Bn. E. Surr.
R.) *3Julyl5
STaylor, C. O. h.{*Maj.
19 Aug. 15) *17July 15
3rd (City of Lon¬
don) Battalion,
The London Regi¬
ment, (Royal
The Arms of the City of
In each of the four cornerv
the United Red and WhUe
Rose enslgned with the
Imperial Crown within
the Garter.
‘South Africa, 1900 02.”
The Paddington Armoury,1
Harrow Road, W.
. Clermouti. A. {*Capt.
1 Sept. 14) 2Sept.l2
1 Agios. A. J. J. P.
{*Capt. 30 Apr. 15)
1 Rochford.C.E. {*Cdpt.
2 Sept. 14) 14Feb.l4
4 Moremg, A.O. (*Capi.
30 Apr. 15) 14Feb.l4
3Edwards.G.H {*Capt.
30 Apr. 15) 14Feb.l4
iSutciiffe.R. D.(*Capf.
30 Apr. 15), Adjt.
Sorley, O. M., s. 2Sept.l4
iPage, C. J. (g) {*Capt.
30 Apr. 15) 2Sept.l4
l^Hammerton, C. W.
(late Lt. Impl.Yeo.)
2Clarke, FT. F. (*Mai.
27 Feb. 16) 2lMar.l6
Apewfs—Messrs. Cox & Co.
Hon. Colonel.
Parsons, Sir H. J. F.,
Knt. 4Nov.K
lp.«.i6Howell, A. A.,
C.M.O. [Bon. A rmy 1 Dec.00)
8Mnr l
Bendall, F. W.
(fl) *b6ept.l4
2nd Lieutenants.
4Reeves, E. J. {*Lt.
1 Feb. 15) 23J une!4
4 Reeves, J. T. (*Lt.
10 J/ar. 15) 5Ang.l4
Uones, D.W. L. {*Lt.
10 Mar. 15) 6Aug.l4
Giles, G. M. {*Capt.
19 June. 1ft) Adjt.
2Clarke, E. F. (*Capt.
Hi Aug. 15) 20Aug.l-l!
IHavis, F. C. {*Lt.
30 Apr. 15) 2lAug.l4
2nd Lieutenants—cootd.
iWilcox, E. N. (*Capt.
7 Nov. 15) 4Sept.l4
2Edlundh, R. M. A.
(*Maj. 18 Mar. 16)
Baker, E. C. {*Lt.
21 July 13) 7Sept.l4|
4Spear, T. H. (*Lt.
1 Feb. 15) 7Sept.l4
2Smlth, R. A. C. {*Lt.
29 Nov. \3) 7Sept.l4
Hartman, K. T. (*Capt.
15 Aug. 15) 7Sept.l4
4Bnrge, B.E.J. (Lt.
21 July 15) 7Sept.l4.
2Palmer, G. E. (*Capt.
15 Aug. 15) 7Sept.l4
2Agius, R. V. J. R
(*Capt. 28 Dec. 15)
/Sept. 14
2Page, G. R.(*Zf.
17Fe&. 16) 7Sept.
Lidiard, H. S. (*Lt
27 Aug. 15) 7Sept.l4
4Taylor, G. L. F, (Lt.
19 Mar. 15) 15Sept.l4
4 Wallace, W. Q.(*Lt.
19 Mar. 15) 30Sept.l4
2Kn'*wles, M. B.
(*Capt. 16 Dec. 15)
Parsons, G. H. S. (*Lt.
1 Feb. 15) 12 Oct.14
2Crompton, J. (*Lt.
21 July 15), Adjt,
4Wrinch, H. S. (*Lt.
19 Mar. 15) 19Nov.l4
4Thomas, E. H. 22Dec.l4
2Thomas, J. L. 23Dec.l4
lAbbott, 1). L. (*Lt.
30 Apr. 15) SlDec.U
IGarrard, T.G.C. (*Capt.
20 May 16) 31 Deo. 14
ILloyd, E. A. (*Capt.
23 May 16) 16Jan. 15
4 Bateman, A. H.16Jan.i5
Rice, F.L., w.g.l6Jan.l5
Burn, H. F. J. 16Jan.l6
Price, C.J.R. 16Jan.l5
ITabor, G. J. H. (*Lt.
30 Apr. 15) 16Jan.l5
iBrady, S. E. J. (*Lt.
7 Nov. 15) 16Jan.l5j
4George, a. E. (*Lt.
26 Jan. 16 > 16.Jan.15
4Pulman, G. C. (*Lt.
26 Jan. 16) 16Jan.l5
1 Feb. 15) 16 Jan. 16
Cooper, S. C. P.
( Army)
s. l6.Tan.15
IMinshuU, J. L. *Lt.
17 Jan. 16) 23Jan.i5
4Agius, E. E. G. (*Lt.
26 Jaw. 16) 24Jan.lf
3Rodgers, J. (*Capt.
6 Feb.16) 24Jan.ia
3Hay, H. J. (*Capt.
6 Feb. 16) 24Jan. Iff
lAJnsworth, S. J. (*Z/. >
20 May 16) 24Jan. 15
3Rodd, F. T. (*Lt
30 Nov. 15) llFeb.Ui
Watkins, H. R. B.(*Lt.
1 Sent. 15) (B'ig.
M. G. Offr )
IMorley, C. S. 27 Feb. 1
4Lloyd, H. I6>lar.l
1 Morn helm, H ImVIhp. |j
3Taylor, N. S. (*Lt.
30 Nov. 16) 28Mar.l;
2Walkinshaw, I. C.
{*Capt. 9 Feb. 16)
2 Apr.:
§ On probation

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