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Home Counties Area.
The Cypher at Queen Catherine within the Garter.
In each of the four corners the Paschal Lamb with motto “ Prutinoe virtutis memoT.”
" Vel exuvias triumphant." A Naval crown, superscribed “ 1st June, 1794."
The Sphinx, superscribed “ Egypt.”
“Tangier, 1662-80,” ” Namur, 1695," “ Vimiera,” “Corunna,” “Salamanca,” “ Vittoria,” “ Pyreneei,”
“ Nivelle,” “ Toulouse,” “ Peninsula,” “ Ghuznee, 1839,” “ Khelat,” “ Attghanistan, 1839,” “South Africa
1851-2-3,” “ Taku Forts,” “ Pekin, 1860," “ Burma, 1885-87,” “ Tirah,” “ Relief of Ladysmith,” “ South
Africa, 1899-1902,” “ Afghanistan, 1919.”
The Great War—31 Battalions.—“ Mons,” "Retreat from Mons,” “Marne, 1914, ’18,” " Aisne, 1914,”
" Ypros, 1914, '17, ’18,” “ Langemarck, 1914,” “ Gheluvelt,” " Aubers,” “ Festubert, 1915," “Loos,”
“Somme, 1916, ’18,” “Albert, 1916, ’18,” “ Bazentin,” “ Delville Wood,” “ Poziferes,” ” Guillemont,”
“ Flers-Courcelette,” “ Morval,” “ Thiepval,” “ Le Transloy,” “ Ancre Heights,” “ Ancre, 1916, '18,” “ Arras,
1917, ’18,” “ Scarpe, 1917,” “ Bullecourt,” " Messines, 1917,” ” Pilckem,” “ Menin Hoad,” “ Polygon Wood,”
“ Broodseinde,” “ Passchendaele,” “ Cambrai, 1917, ’18,” “ St. Quentin,” ’’ Bapaume, 1918,” “ Jtosi^res,”
"Avre,” ” Villers Bretonneux,” ” Lys,” “ Hazebrouck,” ” Bailleul," ” Kemmel,” “ Soissonnais-Ourcq,"
“ Amiens,” “ Hindenburg Line,” “Epehy,” “ St. Quentin Canal,” “ Courtrai,” “ Selle,” “ Sambre,” “ France
and Flanders, 1914-18,” “ Piave,” “Vittorio Veneto,” “Italy, 1917-18,” “ Doiran, 1917,” “Macedonia,
1916-17,” “ Suvla,” “ Landing at Suvla,” “ Scimitar Hill,” “ Gallipoli, 1915,” “ Kumani,” “ Egypt, 1915-16,”
“ Gaza,” “ El Mughar,” “ Nebi Samwil,” “ Jerusalem,” “ Jericho,” “ Jordan,” “ Tell ’Asur,” “ Megiddo,"
“Sharon,” “Palestine, 1917-18,” “Khan Baghdadi,” “Mesopotamia, 1915-18,” “ N.W. Frontier, India,
Agents—Lloyds Bank, Ltd., Cox’s & King’s Branch.
Regimental Journal—“ The Journal of The Queen's Royal Regiment,” Corner House, Worplesdon, Surrey.
Regimental Association—Old Comrades’ Association, Guildford, Surrey.
Record and Pay Office (excluding ith Bn.) ... Hounslow.
Regular and Militia Battalions.
Uniform—Scarlet. Facings—Blue.
1st Bn. (2nd Foot) I 3rd Bn. (2nd R. Surrey Mila.)
2nd „ „ I
Territorial Army Battalions.
4th Bn. (63rd Searchlight Regiment)
l/6th Bn.
2/5th Bn.
l/6th Bn.
2/6th Bn.
1 7th Bn.
2/7th Bn.
Allied Regiment of Canadian Militia, The Queen’s York Rangers (1st American Regiment) (M.G.)
Allied Battalion of Australian Infantry, 2nd Battalion (The City of Newcastle Regiment)
Colonel-in-Chief H.M. QUEEN MARY.
Colonel Vesey, Gen. Sir Ivo L. B., K.C.B., K.B.E., C.M.G., D.S.O. (ret. pav),
1st and 2nd Battalions
Ross, R. K., D.S.O., M.C. (2)
Coates, J. B., M.C., p.s.ct. (1)
Pilleau, G. A., M.C. 3/12/33
Haggard, B. C. (2) 29/5/84
Bolton, E. F. (1) 25/11/36
Oxley-Boyle, R. F. C., M.C.
Veasey, H. G. (2) 1/11/37
1st and 2nd Battalions—contd.
Willis, N. A. (2) 1/8/38
Girling, F. E. B., M.C., p.s.ct. (2)
Pickering, R. B. (2) 1/8/38
Bathgate, D. E. (1) 1/8/88
Evans, H. G. M. (1) 1/8/38
Phillips, J. B. P. (1) 1/8/38
Block, A. P. (1) 1/8/38
Dickinson, D. C. G. 1/8/38
Combe, H. P. (2) 1/8/38
Denton, J. W. M. (1) 1/8/38
Ponsford, J. F. K. (2) [Details]
Whitfield, J. T., p.s.c\., s.
Burton, R. M. 1/8/38
East, L. C. 1/8/38
Elias Morgan, G. M., p.s.cj., s.
1st and 2nd Battalions—contd.
Parsons, C. D. H., p.s.ct. (2)
Hacket Pain, A. U. H. (2) 1/6/35
Dyke, T. H. 1/6/35
Wilson, H. E. 1/6/35
Grimston, G. S. (1) 19/10/35
Wood, H. 19/10/35
Burton, B. E. L. (2) 11/8/36
Kelly, H. S. 23/1/37
Sheldon, L. S., s. 12/2/37
Gibbs, D. L. A. [i] 12/2/37
Duncombe, H. G. (2) 12/2/37
Eealey, J. B. H. (Army Sch. of
Phys. Trng.) 24/11/37
Metcalfe, J. F. (1) Adjt. 24/11/87
Sydenham-Clarke, M. F. S. (2)
Adjt. 11/4/38
Sykes-Wright, J. 25/6/38
Terry, P. R. (2) 1/8/38
Fletcher, M. V. 1/8/38
Richardson, P. H. (2) 29/8/38
Watson, A. J. A., s.f. 8/1/39
Piggott, F. J. C. 29/1/39
Jenyns, E. T. R., s. 29/1/89
Barrow, D. de S., s. 2911130
Lock, D. G.. (1) 27/8/39

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