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$.09 3d
THE ROYAL SCOTS FDSILIEBS-dlegrfcl. DlBt. No. Z\)-oontd.
1st & 2nd Bns. -coxid.
Attached - contd.
2nd Lieutenants—contd.
’Low, G. A. 27Junol'
*Sang8ter, G.A.' 7Junel7
*McCrlndle, A. 27Juuel7
*!Vt»irray, J. 27Jnnel7
*Tait, W. B. 27Ju el
a-d,E. 27Jiinel7
#McQuillan,H.27Jut el7
*B yce, H. S. 27Junei7
*Knight, H. 27Juuel7
’Neil, J. P. 27Junel7
’Corbett, \Y. S.27J«inel7
*Morrirt'»utC.H.27June 7
•Smillle, T *"
*Weir, A.
♦Wlloon, J. G. 27J *n©17
•Young, D. MeC
Captains - contd.
3rd Battalion.
(See page *1. as tc
honorary Army ranh
aranted on account oj
Militia embodiment.)
Eon. Colonel.
^8aye and Sele, G. 0„
Lord, Capt. rat. pay
(Hon. Coi. ret. Mila.)
(Hon. Arn»y
tDec.OO)( Spec. Appt.)
In Command.
XOick, D. H. A., Maj
D.S O. [F], ret. pay
(Res. rf Off. (empld.
14 Bn. High. L.l >
Hunter Blair, F. C.
LawPM. J.N. Uan.16
f.c. Blatherxoick, R. Uan.16
i^Brown. C W., M.C.
(Empld. Min. of
Munitions) iJan.16
i.a.^Urvmmo-nd, J. L.,
M.C. 17Mar.l8
Wahelleld, G. E.
(War Office) l7Mar.l6
f.c. For son, A. ISApr.lfi
27Junel7^°- May^ry. S. laApr.u
Wakefield, fir. R
( War Office) ISApr.lf
Paton, R. L». 18Apr.l6
Grieve, J. J. (Offr.
Cadet Bn.) L7Mavl6
Gr iffiths, F. G. (empld.
10 Wk*. Bn.) 1-Ian.16
4) Young, J. W. 17Mar.l6
X^eW. R. M., M.U,
(Empld. Recg.
Du test !7Mar.i6
Martin, J. W.
XForbes, I. R.-I. F.t
Capt. ret. pay TSopfi 14
d. Rlddell.-Carre,
R. a.. ( Hon. Map
ret. Mila.) 90ct.l4
XBrook, W. B
(H), c.o. l6Mayl7
XCox, A. F. J., Lt.
ret. pay (temp,
maj. 7 271 nnflO>
c.o. Craven, Hon. R. C.
(Hon. Capt. in
Army .8 Sept. 021
p.a.j^CassiUis, A.,
Earl of ( Had.
ret. Spec. Res.)
(T 'ion Major) iSent.K
XBteuiit, C. B.,l te
Lt. Res. of Off.
2nd Lieutenants.
6) Laurie, J. 24Mar.l6
McHugh, P. 24.VIar.15
Gordon, A. McN.
(attd.R.tus.) 24Mar.l6
m.y.^Bond, C. M., M.O.
1) Newbigglng, A. T
24 VI ar. 15
XDawson W. B., M.
(Empld,R.E.)Sl Mar. 15
Nepean, E. C. (attd.
R. Fus.) SApr.15
0) Scott, J.W. 9Apr.l6
(S) Norfolk, 0. 14 Apr.l6
7) Carr, A. R. HMaylfi
Ballhache, C. H.
(attd. R.Fus. 119Mayl6
(1) Hadden, C. M. L1J unel5
Kennedy, W. R.
2) Young, W. N. 2Sept.l6
Macqueen, A. 40ct.l5
f.w.Glbb, J. S. 70ct.l5
Syvret, 8. de B. 70ct.l5
(1) Grnharn T. 16\ov.15
f.c. Cooney, R C. 3 Nov.i5
• Me izles, R. B. 7Julyl6
1) Scott, A. C. e>Aug.l6
Forsyth, J. C. A.
Boag, J. A. 22Mov.i6
Frve •, J. 25Jan.l7
l - Chariton, J. lMar.17
?.o.Williams, L. F. lMar.17
1) While, G.A. lMar.17
(1) Currer. T. R. 28Mar.l7
Turn bull; R.W.28Mar.l7
Graham, 1. 28Maf 17
1) Lin.isay, W. 26Aprl7
5 o. Urquhart, R.T. 2^ Apr. 17
Clarae, E S. 20Apr. 17
(1) Jaques, R. 26Apr.l7
Drury, G. G. de C.
26 Apr. 17
2nd Lieutenants—contd.
U quhart, J. M.
Leitch, J. R. 27Jiiael7
L »rl or, D. 27JunPl7
McMillan. M.L.27Junel7
Stewart. B. D. lAug.17
Batty-Smith, H. L.
Maxwell, J. 29Aug.l
Orr, A. P. 29Auk.17
Ross, V. A. C. 29Aug.l7
XSteuart, Capt. C. B.
1 July 15
Quarter Master.
Finch, W. W., 'ion. m
iJuin 16
1J unel6
4th Battalion.
“South Africa 1900-02.M
Hon Colonel.
XHowardde Warden,
T.E.,Lord,late Lt.
10 Hre., «aj. 3
Co. of Load. Veo.,
a. ifCkfl.lS
p.s. Balfour. J. R. (H)
(*Lt.-Col. 8 Bn.
Manch.R.) 6Mayl6
ip.8. ^Alexander, J.,
TD. 29Apr.lO
2i^Hunter, J. M., fd
(Em. Capt. in
Army 7 Aug. 02)
McCosh,J. M. (*Lt.-
Col. 5 Nov. 15 80ct.l4
Turner, .l .R H
(*Lt.-Col.6 May 16
s. IJunelG
IWlHIaon, J. W
(H) 2lApr.l7
p.s. Dunn, G.L-' H)
25N OT.09
Wallace, D. J., s.
(r) Longmuir.R. G.27.1ulyl5
D 'nn, W. L. 13Aug.l5
l^Bruce, J., Ad/*-
18 An ^.15
Mackay, G n. 5Mayl6
IHenrv, 1 (QMaj.
4 May 17) 6Mayl6
IMcConnell, J. B.
(r) Boyle, J. S., Add.
(1) Keizer, M.
1) Sleep, C. F.
1) ^ ond, E. L.
(2) Wood, A C.
(2) Riddtll, W.
120ut.l4j Blair, J.
26 Apr. 17
26 Apr. 17
20 Apr. 17
80 Hay 17
2 J ohnstnne. J. R. (® Capf.
21 July \1) 6 H avi0
2Macgregor, J. UunelO
Gil'..our, M ,l.c. Uunel6
Blood, II. R. R. Uunei6
IRobertson, H. E.
IKirkhope, E. G.
2Robertson, A. Uu-ield
(r) Craw ford, A. T. (®Capt.
18 Aug. i7), Aajr.
iJ »n^6
LLongmulr, A.
llngiie, A.
l Muir, W. A.
SGarven, A. B.
ITemploton, W. F
l Junel6
(r) Carmther^, D., .lun.
(®Capt. 27 July 17)
1 Juael6
Motherwell, G. B. L.,
(empld. reog. duties)
Kennedy, T. S.,9j J .n-10
IBaln, A. D. Uuneie
Williflon, C. A Uuuel0
Atchley. C. A (E 1 Id
R.E.) IJiinelfl
(r) ^tfiggins, G. lJuntl0
ICochrane, J. E.,
t.m. Uunel6
2Blw.rth.H. Uu'.eie
Turney, J. A. E., late
Cant. 7 Bn. Notts
& Derby. R. *27Feb.l7
2nd Lieutenants.
IMcCall.M B.W l Feb.15
iMcOule, K. E. l8Mar.lfi
(r) Oatta.J. D. 18Mar.l5
) Morton, A. lSMar.10
iMi-Nair, A. 20LMar.l5
iLogan, J. 20.Mar.lfl
1 Burnet., J. B. l6Apr.l6
1 Auld, R., jun. 16 A pr.15
Shead H P. (T.F.
Record 0ffice 122Apr. 15
lAnderson, R., m.ff.
22 Apr. 15
Dunlop, J. D.,
m.g. 22 A pr.15
Ewing, G. H <<g)Capt.
8 Bn. R. War. R..
1 Mayl 6
Wyllie,A. I. 8uMayl5
Cunningham. G.
2<j myia
Gtlmour.A (aftdbBn.
N. Staff. R.) UAug.15
iLyon, J. W. 14Aug.15
IHamllton, J.G Uimel6(r) Lauder,H. A i*Aug.l5
iXs ,therlaud, H E.(
M.C. Uunel
r) ^Robertson,D.Y.M L
1J une16
iMortou, A. J. UuneK
Uohnstone, J. H. iF
lHamilton, J. Uunel6
Ket nedv C- chr-ne
Patrick,N .1. Uune <
2Hodgson,W.L. Uunelt
22J uuel5
® Acting*
Barnes. R. (2ndLt.
38 Bn. R. Fus. fSept.15
Harding, H. G., n.g.
r) Gavin. H.M. ’SSept.lfi
Campbell. R (atto, 8Bn.
R. War R. 15Sfept.l5
r) Malr,W.C. 10Sei>t.l5
2Shaw. L. G. I68ett.l5
n Henderson. 0 l"8epV.15
(r) XCarnan, J. M.C.

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