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Welchman.EdmundWal- ]
ter St. George 426
— Frederick Deffield ... 423
Weld, WiUiam Walter ... 597
Weldoii, Francis 80, 484
■—Thomas 73, 482
— Walter 550
— William 314
WcUer, Alex. Thoma'6... 423
— Goorge Herbert 346
Wellesley, ArthurC. 72, 229
— Edward Heury Chas. 245
— Hon. Fred. Arth 605
— Gerald Valerian 374
— Henry 608
— William H. Charles ... 605
Wellings, Barnard W... 382
Wellington,Arthur, Duke
of, KG 604
Wells, Cecil Urenville ... 314
— Edgar Piozin 238
— Grenville H 305
— Henry Lake 210
— Samuel, Cli 537
— William Henry ...11 fi, 40J
Welman, George Arthur 489
— Harvey 329
— Harvey Beauehamp 308
— Harvey W. V 553
— Herbert Loftus 329
— Hercules Atkin 550
— Wellesley 532/
— Wm. H. U. R. CB. ... 550
Welsh, Ascell Thos 55^
— David James 72, 177
— James 278
— John Thomson, MD. 529
Welstead, Harry M 256
Wemyss, Biniield 451
— Francis C 130
— George 253
— Henry Manley CB. 47, 412
— John George Patrick.332j:
-;-John Otway 611
— Robt. D. Sinclair 322
— W. Binfield 401
— Walter Holmes 532U1
Wentworth U'Arey 611
Wentvvorth-Fitz William,
Mon. William Charles 135
Were, Walter 361
Werge, Edward 518
West, Edward Wm...8i, 515
— Francis Edmund 75, 483
— Frederick 608
— John Temple Temple 608
— John Wm. Henry 252
— Mathevv Richard 106, 179
— Hon. Wm. Edwd. S.... 60S
— Wm. Henry Hore ... 550
Westby.Basil Clifton 80, 255
— Bernard Heyer 611
— - Heury Moor 532;'
— John Wright 571
Westcott, Sinclair 385
Wefoern, Charles M. ... 171
— CharlesM. T 173
— George 506
— James Halifax, 220
— Johns. E 489
— Wm. Geoi ge Balfour 294
Westlake, Almond P. ... 489
Westloe, Fred. Henry... 352
Westmacott, R. F 323
■ Richard
■103, 517
— Ruscombe Field 301
— Spencer 538, 541
Westmorland, Cha. H . 426
— Fra.W.H.,£arZof,C£. 605
— Isaac Peat 58, 219
— Percy ThuilUer 255
Weston, Alfred 141
— George Edward 503
— George Edward 385
— Thos. Barnes 162
Westropp, Edward H.... 608
— George R. Collier 51, 514
— George Ralph CoUier 520
— John Massy 154
— John Parson 535
— William Keily 114
Wetherall, Reo. C. A. ... 396
— Henry Augustus 231
— John Edward 106, 271
— Pritzler J. P 550
— WiUiam Alexander ... 518
Wethered, i^win R. ... 591
Wetherell,Robt.W.M.7g, 255
Weyland, John 611
— JohnTliorne 611
— MaikUlick 357
Whale, Thos. Martin ... 556
Whalley, Charles Edw. 570
— Fred. James 244:
— Percy Charles 104, 168,
— Robert 283
Wharry, Charles 574
— Herbert 488
Whateley, WilUam 169
Whately, Reginald P.... 279
Whatley, Herbert H. ... 208
Whatman,Wm. Douglas 162
Wheatley,Chas. R. E.105, 179
— Henry Spencer 423
— MoretonJohn ... 73, 205
— William 608
Whcatstone,John Butler 556
>Vheble,J. St. Lawrence 172
— Wm. Francis 374
Wheeler.Jieo. CharlesE. 437
— Edward 398
— Frederick 75, 414
George 45, 412
Reo. Horace N 603
John Laugford 369
— John Ross 60b
— Owea Edlestone 256
Patrick 405
— Robert 80, 415
Wheeley, J. Seager 532/
Whelan, Fred. A 583
Wheler, Chas. Stuart ... 424
— Edward 279
— Francis Henry 291
— Henry Isham 98, 416
— Trevor 553
Whichcote, George 533
Whieldon, G. H. M. O. 292
Whigham, Robert 50
Whinheld, C. Wm,...iii, 207
Whinyates, Francis A.... 553
— FrancisF 181, 533
— Frederick Thomas ... 550
Whipple, J. H. C, MD. 382
Whish, George Palmer 3,4x0
— Henry Edward 550
— JohnTulloch 108, 419
Whishaw, John Charles 4=^3
Whistler, Albert Edw.... 308
— Fuller 317
— Thomas K 181, 535
Whitaker, Albert Edw. 240
— Charles John 311
— Charles Uildyard T. 29s
— George Thomas in, 304
Whitby, Fred. Henry... 314
Whitcroft, James 574
White, Artliur Ogilvie.. 270
— Anhur Wellesley 170
— Aubrey Francis 285
— Charles 380
— Hon. Charles James ^43
— Charles Mills 553
— Hon.. Chas. Wm 607
— Daniel 309
— Finch 82, 297
Finch 275
Frederick 401
— Fred. Benj. Price 81, 360
— Fred. Power L 425
— George 597
— George 574
— George Augustusiio, 284
— George Francis 608
— George Frederic 295
— George Russell Holt.. 574
— George Stewart CB.76,321
— Hans Robert 611
— Hans Stannard 175
— Henry Arthur 550
— Sir Hy. D., KCB.,
148, 531. 535
— Henry Ellis 559
— Jion. Henry Fred. ... 23^'
— Henry George 50, 234
— Hen.Jervls Jervis 110,301
— Henry Lawrence E... 384
— Henry P. E ^05
— Herbert Southey
Neville 401
— Hugh Brady 382
— Jas. G 301
— John 161
;—John Alexander 367
White, John Hubbard47, 2231
— John Stephen 28ii
— Joseph Henry L 240I
— Lancelot Andrewes... 37S
— Lionel Algernon 297
— Loftus Otway 264
Hon. Luke 233
Mathew Lawrence ... 378
Raymond Herbert ...531*
— RajTuond W. E. 112, 271
Robert, CS 6
— i£oK. Robert 265
— Sam.Gamble,MZ*. ... 379
Samuel Dewe 553
Thos. Heury, 3i"/> 519
— Thos. Pilkington 100, 2^6
— Sir Thomas WooUas-
ton, Bt 608
— Walter H 210
— William ...112, 157
— William 532A:
— William Edward...4i, 480
—^ William Henry 553
— William Lewis 173
— William Michael C... 274
— William U'Byme 380
— William Richard. .71, 288
White-Thomson, Rob. T. 611
Whiteford, Baldwin K... 372
— Wm. Whiteford Bell.. 209
Whitehead,Edmund 109, 284
— Gervase Frederick... 347]
— Hayward Reader 385I
— Itandolph Edward ... 347j
— Robert Children, CB. 44
— Wilbraham T 366
Whitehill.Chas. Staff S. 295
— StephenJas.Keate 5, 513
Whitehorne, Arthur H. 171
Whiteley,ii;e[j.C.E.,Jf.^. 506
— David 598
Whiteside, Fred. R 360
— John 556
Whitfield, Geo. Digby... 395
Whiting, Hy. Harvey ... 265
vVhitla, George 378
— James Alexander 271
— William 81, 246
Whitley, Joseph 367
Whitlock, Chas J. T. loi, 485
— William Henry ... 47,482
Whitmore, Sir Edmund,
Augustus, KCB.... 2, 4
— Francis Locker 539
— Sir George Stoddart,
KCUU^ 611
— Mortimer Durant 209
— Mortimer R. S 550
Whittaker, Benj. R 553
— J. Henderson 378
Joseph 574
Whitiall. Fras. V 346
Whitten, Andrew 559
Whitting,Jn.Everard 81, 281
— lieginald 81, 253
Whittingdale.Tho Yeats 240
Whittingham,P. Bernard 550
Whittington, Geo. J. Ch. 372
Whittle, Charles Edw.... 236
Whitton, James no, 262
Whittuck, W. .Sam 5S3C
Whitty, Wm. Nassau ... 559
WhiLwell, Henry 454
— Robert Richard H. ... 456
Whitworth, Aug. Wm... 242,
Whybrow, James 556
Whylock,WatkinS.,MZ;. 597
Wh.vte, Charles 356
— Charles Wm. Fred... 318
— Edward 532'>
— John James 605
Wickenden, Geo. Thos.. 532^
Wickham, Charles B.
Edmund Hill 104, 168
Edmund Hill 255
Geo. Lampiugh ...118, 135
— Henry 233
— Thomas 608
t — Wm. James Richard 309
Wiehe, Fra. Geo. A 314
Wiggeus, Francis Edwin 450
Wiggins, Arthur 295
Wigijt, Ernest 0 335
Wightman, George 6081
Wighton, Edward ...117, 169'
Wigrani, Eustace R. ... 231'
— Godfrey Jas...C'i(. 47, 231
Wigram, Hy. Hampdon ajs
— Herwald'Kobt 2iiy
Wikeley, Charles Edw. 379
WilUoiid, James 184
Wilbraham,Artiiur Geo. 252
— Herbert Vere 297
— Hugh Kdward 284
— Lionel B 333
— Ralph James 276
— Sii-iiich., KCB. 243,535
VVilby, William,fl?.5310,538
VVilcox, Edw. R. C....';2, 413
Wild, Henry John 366
Wildes, George Henry. 532^'
Wildman, C.VVilberforce 363
Wiles, Julius 378
Wiley, Albert 286
— Henry 246
WUiord, Ellin. Percival
117, 27a
VV'ilgress, Edward 603
— (leorge 59i<^
Wilken, John 184
Wilkes, Edwin 379
Wilkie, David, MB 455
— Hales 43
— William 532i
Wilkieson, Chas. Boyd 210
Wilkin, Alexander 346
— Henry John 611
— James 361
Wilkins.H.St.Clair 223, 537
— Haighton 53251
— James 304
— Jas. Sutherland 530
— Thos. Jus. Hackelt... 505
— William Henry... 1. i, 417
Wilkinson, Alfred E. ... 611
— Allied Reginald 451
— Arthur 113, 284
— Charles 210
— Edward 386
— Edw. Grant 401
— Francis AUix 243
— Francis Tichborae ... 385
^ Frederick Green53ia, 538
— George AUix 550
— George Louis 572
— Henry Chandler 611
— Henry Clement, CB. 44
— Henry Green 60S
— Henry John 366
— Henry Thomas D. ... 28S
— John 556
— Johnson 44
— Josiah 532«
— Lionel Thos. Vemer 329
— Montagu Grant 269
— Thos. Henry Des. V. 357
— W. Edmund 109, 283
Will, Geo. Elmsly 379
— George 169
Willan, Henry Percy D.
116, 136
— James Douglas 589
— Stanhi>pe Leonard D. 130
— William Moflat D. ...611
Willans, Ob^ 374
— St.John 5326
— Thomas Joseph... 112, 207
Willcocks, James 346
— Reo. Josiah O. MA... 457
Willes, John Irwin 42, 411
— George Fred 427
WiUeit, John Saltren ... 736
Williams, Albert H. W.
47, 165
— Alfred Henry, MB.... 455
— Reo. Arthur A. MA. 506
— Arthur Bed 532/
— Arthur Blount C 253
— Arthur Wellesley 611
— Arthur Leonard 234
— Benjamin 73, 414
— Benjamin B. Dering 142
— Charles Augustus ... 175
— Coventry 138
— Reo. D. Payne 457
— David Walter 405
— Edward 82, 244
— Edward Arth., C'ii. 6, 164
— Ed.vard Ciias. Jas.... 237
— Edward Charles S.45, 21S
— Edward Matcham ... 294
Edwin Wilson Gres-
ham Hepworth 536
Frederic Thesiger ... 333

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