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Saunders, Henry Geo. 80,413
— Herbert 385
— Herbert Rich 277
— Macan Wm 171
— MorleyC 550
— Saulez Unwin 532^
— Wm. Arth. Gore 172
— William Boyd 549
— Wm, Douglas ..r 579
— William Egerton 382
— George Roljert RoUo 209
— Harry Boscawen 556
— Henry Chas 282
— Henry J ." 553
— John Burke 395
— Johnuon,-IfZ) 594
— Johnson William 208
— Philip Uhas. Coffin ...S'i^g
— William ,....602
— William Henry 291
Savary, Wm.Tanzia ... 556
Savi, Thos. Brown Blake,
115, 208
Sa vile, Albany Robert... 259
— Charles Cornelius ... 532/
— George Walter Wrey 301
— Hen'-y Bourchier O... 568
— Walter Clare 173
— Walter S. Stewart ... 256
Saward, Michael H. 105, 179
Sawle.Fm.A Graves Si, 231
Sawi-ey,HenryBeckwith 610
Sawyer, Charles 538
— Charles Edw 291
— George Westrenen ... 517
— Herbert Anthony 421
— Manfred John .'. 374
— Richard HeuvyS.J/B. 384
— William Harcourt ... 238
Saxe Weimar,y/'i*.S(?rene
llighneKH Prince Wm.
Aug. Edward, JrCB.3, 246
Saxton, George Harper. 549
Sayer, Jas. R. S. CJi. ... 6
— Wm. Lawrence 559
Sayer8,Bei;. J.J.Brydges 506
— Martin Day 5910
Scafe, Chas_ Harington 400
Scaife.HnyB 279
Scales, Wm Henry 244
Soallon, Ro ert 1 520
vSeanlan, FitzGeraldEdw. 378
— James, MB 3S1
Scarisbrick, Anthony... 574
Scarlett, L. J. Y. C. 72, 233
— Robt. Lawrence 171
— Thomas Rowland ... 234
Sceberras, Attilio 553
Schalch,VernonAnsdell 423
Schank, Henry Alex. ... 317
Schaw, Henry 44, 205
Sohleswig - Holstein,
HSU- Prince Eredk.
Christian C. A.of,£a. 3
Schletter, Percy 244
Schmid, August 553
Schneider, Claude V. ... 253
— Frederick 41^ 513
— John William, CB. ... 403
— Stewart Melvill 520
Scholes, Henry Southey 311
Schomberg, Fred. S. ... 610
— George Aig. CB. .,.3, 397
— H. St. G. 117, 400
Schooles, Fred. Charles 286
Schreiber.B.Pra.CS. 74, 166
— Frederick E Lowther 258
— JulianMeade 255
Schuyler, Adoniah G.... 301
— Edw. E. S 253
Schwabe, Geo. Sails 79, 158
Sciortino, Walter 186
Sclater, Henry C 172
Scobell, Henry J 144
— Bev. John F. MA 457
Scobie, Mackay J. G... 532n
Sconce, James 73, 413
Scot, Patrick George ... 403
Scotland, David 559
Scott, Courcy ... 532
— Arch. Galbraith 175
— Arthur Binny 175
— Buchanan 210
— Charles 549
— Charles Darracott ... 175
•-Cha.B. Southouse 77, 166
Scott,/fo/i.C. Granthan 604
— Charles Henry 171
— Courtenay H. Salt ... 553
— David 55S
— Douglas 549
— Douglas Alex. ...118, 210
— Edmund Richard ... 256
— Edward Henry Corse 242
— Edward Holmes 553
— Edward Wm. Smyth 549
— Edwin Luddington ... 549
— Pitzroy Tulton Holt.. 401
— Fra.CunninghamCiJ.
130, 532a
— Francis Henry 4, 480
—Fras.Walt.Montagu D.287
— Fred. B., MV. CMG. 379
— George Arthur 532^
— George John 137
— Harvie, MB 382
— Henry 610
— Hy. Young Darracitt f04
— Hopton Bassett 607
— Horace Wm 261
Horatio, .W£> 378
Hugh Aboukir 172
— James 591
— James 568
James 506
James Alexander 366
James Creagh R 400
James E., JV/2> 556
James S. R 145
James Thomas 348
— JamesWoodward 83, 399
— John Alexander 379
John Mortimer 584
Lothian Kerr 117, 208
— Beo. Matt. Robt. AM. 603
Richard Alex 160
Robert 591
Robert 253
— R. N. Dawson 5
— Stanley S53
Theophilus Leslie 549
— Thomas Archibald ... 3"
— Thomas Augustus 100, 416
Hon. Thomas CharleS532e
Walter 105, 51-;
Walter Henry 274
— William 100, 556
— JJer. William, BA 506
William 589
Willi.ara 574
William Angelo 325
Wm. Aug 321
— Wm. Erskine 242
William Fortescue ... 591
Wm. Glendonwyn ... 607
Wm. Lane Robinson 556
William W. Hopton... 451
Soott-Moncrieff, G. K... 231
Scovell, Edm. John 532
— Edward W 604
Soratchley, Peter H
CMG .'5,2
Scriven, Algernon S. ... 2S7
Scrivener, Frederick ... 59
Soudamore, Chas. P. ... 263
Frederick Wm 250
ScuUey, John 185
Scully, John 455
Seacome, A. Keeling... 5326
Seager, Edward,C5. ... 538
— Meering Bloomfleld... 400
Seagram, Henry Fred...532^
— John H. Stawell 113, 289
Seagrim, Albert 553
Sealy, Chas. Wm. Henry 518
— Francis 607
— George Prince ...183, 533
— Henry Humfrey 264
Seaman, Albert Baird... 454
— William C. MD 594
Searle, Alfred E. S 259
Arthur Thad 48,482
— Geo. Archimedes 549
— Henry Lindsay ...76, 124
William Ramsay 553
Sears, Jas. Walter 282
Seath, Alexander
Seatou, James, Lord ... 536
— William John 80, 484
Sebright, Guy T. S 231
Seccombe, Thos. S 5320
Seddon, H. Cooper,..78, 206
— Charles H 5
SedgeSeld, Arthur R.W. 456jSharp, Wm. Edwards... 169
Seigwick, William 115, 20S — Wm. Granville... loi, 485
Sedley, Frederick 512.9 Shirpe, Alexander, IfX". 384
Seed, Wm. Henry 532/I—Charles F 51, 413
Seel, E. H. Molj'neux ... 244
Segrave, Geo. O'Xeil ... 259
Selby, George 181, "537
— Henry Oliphant 209
— Robert Grey D 592
Seiby-Smyth,'Ed~. Guy 329
Solfe, Sydney G. Fred. 17.
Sellar, Walter D 269
Selwyii, Charles Wm. ... 135
Semini, Victor 236
Semplo, Andrew, M.D. 594
— John 6io
John 385
Senior, Henry \V. J. 103, 418
Thomas Palj~icr 371
Sennett, Chris. Thos. ...532U
Seppings, ThomasJohn-
8on 295
Serbutt, Charles 574
Serres, Ernest D 277
•Servante, Chas. Edward 359
Seton, Alex. Reg. ... 98, 220
Augustus St. John ... 244
— Bruce Outiam ...103, 22c
— Charles 245
George 610
— Henry James 329
Miles Charles 108, 28
William B( wnianii6, 51
Wm. Oarden 61
— William Samuel. ..100, 516
— Winton 277
Settle, Henry Hamilton 209
Seward, G. Edw., MD. 329
— Leicester 2T
Sewell, Algernon Robin. 607
— Fnancis Wni. Jas 356
— Hem-y Fane H 98, 485
— Herbert 395
— John Aug. Geo. Freil. 356
— John Dalrymple W. 559
— John Henry 24
— Sewallis A 401
Sewell - Gana, George
Seguudo 539
.Sexton, Edward, MD. . 329
— .lohn Malone 71, 313
— Michael J 98, 167
Se,ymour, Lord Albert C. 233
— Charles, JifS..
— Edw. Adolphus 56!:
— Edw. Hamilton 348
— Sir Fra..,Bt.,KCB. 249, 534
— Fred. Hor. Arthur 75, 336
— Henry Wm 3;
— John "iiobartCulme...332/
— Leopold Richard 607
— i^ord W. V. E 47, 231
— Wm. Henry, CB
— Wilton W. March 172
Shackleton, William ... 571
Shadforth, Geo. Arthur 34S
Shadwell.J.FitzTho. ... 333
Lawrence, CB. ...331, 337
Leonard Julius 230
Shairp, Alex. Bassett S. 559
Fran. Mordaimt 116, 400
Shakerley, Geoffrey J.... 603
— Henry Webster.,. 77, 166
Walter Geoffrey 305
Shakespear, Arthur B... 398
— Charles Maxton 549
George C. C 333
George R. James 106, 418
— Henry A 406
John 346
John Davenport 607
John Talbot 4, 410
— Leslie Waterfield.
— William Frederic
Sliakospeare, Geo. B. ...
Shand, Geo. J. MD. ...
Shanks, Joseph Geo. ...
Shanly, William John...
Shannon, Thos. Patrick
Sharland, Arth. Henry
Sharp, Archib. Hen. 109
— Charles Frederick ...^^_.
— Men. James ''506
— John Edward 607
— John Rimington 112, 23^
'— Richard Grainger A, 27
Edward John 3°'
.Tas. Birch 211
— John H 353
— Martiu Samuel 53^.?
— Robert Good 583
Samuel 359
— William, MD 597
Sharijin, Rev. Frederick
L., MA 531
liec. G. W !.. 533
Henry 571
Sharpies, John 339
James 374
Shaw, Alexander John 503
— Charles Conrad 140
— Chas. E. M 3S0
Clements Robert...43, 412
David 46, 481
— David George L 281
— Edward William...83, 484
Elphinstone loi, 485
— Frederic Charles ... 289
— Frederick George 506
— Frederick William ... 143
— George, CJ3 349
— George Francis 256
— George Jocelyn 489
— George Kennedy 78, 314
— Hugh 99, 258
— James 270
— John Alexander, MD. 380
— John Cardy 454
— John Hay 532(i
— Ponsotby S3^'
— Robert Leith 113, 348
— Thomas Barton 212
— Wilkinson 336
— William Druiy 234
— William Edward 556
.Shawe, Douglas 139
— R(jbert Baker 426
— Williani Butler 404
Shea, Henry John F. 82, 167
— William 314
Shearer, Johnston, MB, 456
Shearman, Francis 356
Shearme, Frank 134
•Sheehan, P, E, C 270
Sheehy, Roger 584
Sheffield, WiUiam 356
— William Robert.,. 100, 4S3
Shell, Henry 113, 169
— Richard 610
Shekleton, Hugh P 284
— Joseph 349
Shellabear, Wm. G 213
,Shelley,Arch.DoBglasG. 213
— Charles 607
— Henry Richard 303
— Thomas Martin 404
•Shelton, Geo.A. F., JfB. 593
Shophard, Charles S. ... 238
Shepherd, Alex.Iimeaii3,419
— Charles Edw io6, 419
— Charles Herbert 243
— Frederick Edward ... 263
— Frederick Savile 339
-F. S 603
— George Alexander ... 574
— Thomas 103,418
-Beo. Thoo Clifford ... 437
— Thomas Viret 346
— William 584
—^William no, 219
Sheppard, Chas. H. 116, 487
— Henry 584
— John Francis 348
— Ponsonby loi, 361
— Thomas Williams ... 453
Sheppee,Fran, Faulkner 336
Sherard. R,Woodchurch 234
— Robert Castel 487
Sherer, Josejili Ford ... 549
— Lionel Copley 236
Sheringham, Arthur W. 234
Sherlock, Edwin 128
— Ephraim T 286
— Woodford Wright 336
— Wright 607
Sherman, S.W. B. ,.,75, 483
Sherrard, Charles Wm. 210
— Jas. Ormsby 282
— JohnMeade 374
X X 2

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