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Kitching,Cha.Wm. Ross 400 Laffan, George, MD. ... 383 Lane, Willinm Mooye 69, 482'Lawford, Eustace E. M. 487
Kitson, 2^cij. E. B 396)— Henry Da,vid 212;—AViUiam Moore 175]—Thonia>^ Wright 367
- G. Andrew Nohio ... 583;—^Richard Chas. Kirby 384 — William Ralph 378:Lawless,//om. Denis ... 357
Gerard <-;iiarles 305 Laibne, William B 249
— James Edward 37^
Klingender, William 538
Knaggs, Henry 378
Knapp, Charles Barrett 592
— William Frederick ... 5.'9
Laing, Herbert Wm. ... 333
— James Anderson 505
— Joseph 55,.
— Patrick Sinclair 594
— William 52r
Knapp-O'Brien, T 532/lLake, Edward 170
Knatchbull, Charles 532/
— Francis 72
— Norton 532a
— ReginaldB 543
Kneebone.Frederick ... 609
Kneller, GodfreyT.C.S. 373
Knight, Arnold More ... 606
— C.A.Rouse-Boughton 233
— CharlesLewisWm.M. 175
— Frederick Chas 583
— Henry 171
— Henry John 31"
— Henry Pabner 211
— Henry Raleigh 237
— Henry SoUers G.S. ... 555
— Lewis Edward 7
— Thomas 574
— William Henry 70
Knightley, Edward 265
Knipe, William 60^
Knocker, Herbert Paget 208
— CuthbeitU 262, 367
— John Bedingfield ... 546U
KnoUys, Arth. Cyprian 233
— Henrv 115, 168
— LouisF., CJl/G 532/1
—StMun. Sir W.T. XCB.
308, 533
— William W 71
Knott, Charles John ... 254
— William 574
Knowles, C. B., CB 50
— Francis Edw 589
— Frederick 82, 416
— Robert Townley 234
Knox, Charles Edmond 297
— Charles William 281
— Eustace Chalouer ... 160
— Francis Blake 169
— Fra. Robt. B 424
— ii!ey.Fred Vivian, J/--1. 457
— G. Williams CJJ. 48, 233
— Howe James 115, 265
— James 609
— John Hunter 77, 156
— John Simpson 609
— Maurice 381
— Richard 538
— Richard 114, 155
—RichardAnnesley io5, 238
— Robert John 329
— Thomas B., CB. 5310, 538
— Thos. Fran. Bdmunds32i
— Vicesimus 532c
— William 163
— William 6o5
— William George 105, 170
•— Man. William Stuart 609
Knyvett, Wm. L. N. 75, 4S3
Koe, Fred. Wm. B 401
— Lancelot Charles 258
Konarski, Samuel P. L
Koyaji, Beranji Nasar-
vangi 530
Kreyer, Fred. August C 520
Kunliardt, H. Geffoken 210
Kuper, Chas.Victor B... 172
Kyle, J 555
— Samuel Cotter 98, 167
Kynaston, Hy.Edmonds 558
Kynsey, Wm. R 597
Kyrle, Audley W. W. M. 259
— J. Ernie Money 606
Kj^'sh, Douglas John ... 401
— John Anthony 591
Labalmondiere, D. W. P. 606
^ Julian Arthur 174
Lachlan, Robert 609
Lackey, Daniel 386
Lacon, Henry Edmund 317
LaCoste,Chas.Fred.ti2, 399
Lao.y, Gilbert H. de Lacy 256
— Richard S5i(<
— Richard Walter 537
— Seymour de Lacy 105,168
— William 546a
— William Chas. James 254
— Noel Montagu 210
— PercyHenryN, 274
Lakin, Edmund 5326
Lalor, Jas. Nicholas ... 401
Lamb, Sir Archibald, Si. 134
— Charles A 357
— Charles F. Grant 546a
— Edward John 264
— Frederick 360
— George 103, 178
— George 574
George 346
Lang, Alexander D 2d4i—Skerrett, Bdw. Geo. 175
— Arthur George B... 264!—Wm.HampdenEvans 278
— Arthur Moftat 51, 2i8lLawley, i/oK. Arthur ... 152
— Charles Edward 249J—ijTow. R. T 149
Elliot Brownlow 175 Lawlor, W. Patrick 116, 274
Lawrell, D. Weston 106, 179
Lawrence, Sir Arthur J.
A'CJJ 292, 534
— Frederick Eyre 357
— George D'Aguilar ... 230
— Henry 402
— Henry John 451
— Hy. Jno. Hughes 378
— Jfo«. Herbert Alex.... 159
— Hugh Duncan 275
— Julian Babonan...115, 518
— Richard C. B. ... 118,140
— Rich. Charles, CB. 4, 410
Robert 579
Thomas 574
— William Alexander 77,419
William Hudson 558
Langlands, John S 287,—Wm.Wylly 258
Langley, Edward H. R. 5291 Lawrence-Archer, J. H. 558
— Sir Geo. Colt, A'CB. 534!Lawrenson, .Tohn ...155, 533.
• John Penrice 174
I — Lionel 210
- Oliver 604
■William Savage 118,170
Langmore, Erskine G.... 547
) — Edw.Ham 5516
Laiigridge, Geo. Thos .. 3S2
173 Langriche, Hercules R. 532/
' Langrish, Thomas 185
Langtou, Joseph 27S
' Langtry, Henry 80, 150
Lanyoii, Sir W. O. CB.
KCMG 45, 361
Lapham, Robert John... 368
John Crofton 505
Lawrie, Edward, ifi}.... 455
— James Adair 115, 169
— John 609
— John Paton 373
Lawson, C. Fairb....iio, 236
— Francis Bernard 292
— George .-}
— Henry Merrick 212
— Herbert 360
— James 76, 274
— Marmaduke Charles 555
— Robert, MB 593
Lay, Tudor 420
— Hugh Graham 37
— Iteo. Jas. Paisley 507
— James Wolcott 246
— Menzies Charles R. 309
— Percy Owen 401
Rich. T. Montgomery 450
Samuel 532/
Langdon, Allan H 366
— John 379
John Sydney 384
Langford, Alexander ... 574
— Francis 297
George Edward 373
Hercules E., Lord ... 606
— Henry 596 — Rep.Robert John,ir.4. 457
Henry Campbell 422 — William Bookey 547
— John 426 — William John
— John Alexander 597
— Stephen Eaton 283
— Thomas 45, 412
Thoffias 284
William 530
Lambart, Hon. Arthur 173
Fred. R. H 262
Edgar Allan 174
Percy Francis 240
Lambe, Arthur F. 116,419
Lambert, Edgar Alan
-Edwin A. C 551?-
— Felton Edward Foley 27S
George Craster 546a
— James 395
— John Arthur3,333, 531, 534
Joseph Alex 137
Parry 78
Sydenham John 208
— Walter 174
Walter Miller 398
Walter Rathbono ...5460
— William 425
— William 574
— AVilliam. CB 532
Lambkin, Fra.«. Joseph 385
Lambrick, George 541
Lambton, Arthur ... 47, 231
— lZo«. Charles 240
— Francis 606
Frederick William 44, 317
Lamert,Ji;'^o.Mathew,i<j. 457
Lamont, John Henry ... 151
Lampen, John 72, 43?
— John 42;
Lamprey, Jones, MB... 377
— Joseph John
Lancaster, JohniVJ?. ... 505
Lance, Frederick 76, 415
— Wm. H. Joseph 55i(<
Land, James, MD 596
— Isaac 184
Landale, Jas., MD 378
Landers, J. Edmonstone 402
Landon, Aislabie 451
— Edward 384
— Fred.Wm.Bainbridge 27;
— Hermon James S 242
Lane, Alfred Ambrose 426
— Alfred Luther 171
— All red Vavasour
— Benjamin 5g6|Lautour, Wm. Youn^
— CharlesPowlett 546uJLaver, Robert 574!- Wm. Walter 424
— Charier, Stuart 5471 Lii vie, Augustus J. loS, 1791 Leaping well. Art. Hy.... 505
— Uriah F 263^Layard, Arthur A. M.... 212
Lapsley, William 596 — lirownlow V 532/
Larcom,SirChas. .B/.115, 169 — Charles Edmund 80, 254
Large, Brisbane W 383—Frederick P 7, 410
Toim Edward 371
Larken, AViUiani Hare 568
Larminic, B. Merry 108, 208
Larpent, Sir Goo. Albert
de Hochepicd, Bt. 114,
— Lionel H. P. de H. 69,
Lasalle, Aug. BoUe de..
Lascelles, Hon. Chas. G,
— Claud G. W
— David Arth. G
— Hem-y Arthur 532?
— Walter Edward 357
— Walter Richard ...79, 356
—William James 357
Lassetter, Harry B 282
Latchford, John, MB.
La Terriere, F. B. de S. 160
Latham, Charles 5324
— Hugh 103, 178
— B. Noal D 451
— W. Puget 75, 515
Lander, Wm. Thos. S....532H1
Laugharne, Montague... 209
Laughton, Art.Fred. 98, 485
— Daniel Wilson 74, 483
— George Arnold 44, 513
Laurie, John Wimburn
— Wm. F
WilliamTwisleton ... 536
Lave, Joseph Henry 531, 536
Josex)li Henry ...105, 270
Lazzarini, James, CMO. 547
Lea, Fred. Percy ...132, 606
— Samuel Job 145, 367
— Samuel Percy 558
Leach, Cecil Francis ... 366
— Edmund 71, 294
— Edw. Pemberton 77
— George Archibald ..
— Hai-old Pemberton ... 210
— John 171
— ReginaldP 172
— Walter 596
Leacock, C. Edw. B.104, 168
— Frederick Schuler ... 528
Leadbitter, Jn. Graham 558
Leader, Francis H. M. 173
— John 381
— Nichi las 383
— Thomas A. F 487
Leahv, Chas. Albert ... 213
— Edward Nash 288
Leak, William Heniy ... 264
Leake, Geo. D. Nugent 382
Henry 609
238!—W. Jl 606
Lean,Cha. Edw.Stuckey 255
Beatson S5ii;—Francis 555
6o6l—Kenneth Edward 262
Christopher W. M. ... 174
— Clayton Turner 103, 417
FrodBowyer Bowyer 5321
Frederick Clias. B. ... 346
— Geo. Howard Moore 373
Geo. Hale 347
Henry Eyre Wyatt... 558
Henry Frederick 774
Henry James 532c,
— Henry John Bagot ... fio6
Herbert Edw. Bruce 175
Hor itio Powys ...51, iSi
J. Theo., CU 177, 533
Maitland Moore 115, 168
— Ronald Bertram 83, 356
'— Samuel Wiilington ... 174
— T. Gordon Moore 547
— William Lemon, MB. 383
Robert Comyn ...47, 481,Learoyd, Cha. Douglas 213
Lavies, John Arch 538 Learmonth, John Henry 154
Law, Cecil Henry 283JLeask, Jas. G. MB 596
— Chas. Frederick 609 Leathern, George H. ... 275
— Chas. Wm. Albert ... 139■—Thomas William C... 272
— Edward Augustine ... 555 Loathes, Bernard de M. 245
— Edward Fitzgerald 532^ Le Bailly, Alex. C 311
— Edwin 272'—Stewart Louis H. ... 3or
Fra. TowryA. CB 51
— George Vanbrugh... 5516
— Henry Fatten ... 109, 262
— Robert 551&
— Robert T. H 301
— Samuel Crozier 547
— Victor Edward 502
Lawder, Edw. Jas. ... 7, 480
Lawford, Arth. John ... 271
— Edw. Melville 404
Le Breton, Ed. Hemery 258
— William Inglis 518
Le Champion, Henrv ... 555
Leckie, David, MB'. 382
— Fred. W. Vans 517
— George Alexander 5, 513
— John Warriiigton 273
— Norman Houstoun ... 294
— WilUam 5516
Lecky, Frederick B 173

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