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Beadle, Jiimes Pattle
Besuinell, AlfredGeo. S. 269
— Cliiirles Edward 117, 169
Beadon, Cecil 406
— Edw. Musgrave... 75, 297
— Oliver Armitage 583
— Reginald H 532^
— Kichard 406
Beagin, Edward G. D.... 557
— William Wliitiriore ...552^
Beal, Henry 109, 282
Beale, Antliony 256
— Bernard Arthur 236
— Henry Yelverton 245
— Oswald Frederick ...366
— Thos. Alfred 310
— Thomas William 384
Beiimes, David 295
Beamish,Alten A.W. 118, 208
— Charles 543
— David Gregory ...112, 240
■—Edward Spread 554
— George Perceval ...74, 273
— James M., JufZJ 382
543 Bedford, W. Fanahaw... 543
— WalterGeo. Ang.Jfii. 384
Bediiigfeld, Henry U.... 249
— Philip 42, 165
Beech, Charles Madock 532^
— John Robert 395
— Lionel 505
Rowland John 134
Bennett, William Fuller,
3-fi> 595
— Wm. H. Worthy... 47, 399
Bennitt, Wm. Ward 108, 148
Bensley, C. E. W. MD. 453
— Edwin Clement 453
Benson, Chas. Annesley 404
— Fred. William 159
Beechey, Fred. Robt. IIj, 3991—George Elliott 174
Beeching, Frank 405 — Henry Roxhy, CS
- Robert Talbot 383 — Herbert K
Bcedle, George 242
Becre, Daniel 551
Beers, William 554
Beete, John Picton 608
Beever, Henry Holt 174
Beevor, Cecil N 213
Begbie, Alfred G^-nn 111,207
— Elphinstone Waters.. 503
— Francis Richard 421
— Hamilton Luard 273
Belcher, J. W., MD 379
Belemore, Alfred J 379
Beley, Chas. Harold H. 425
Belfield, Edward 543
Bean,Arthur William... 293
— .lohnWm. Fred 543
Bearcroft, Edward H....532Ar
Bjiirdmore, Chas. F. H. 374
lioaslej-. Sec. Edward
, -M-.-B-l 457
Beath,JohnH.,.T/Zi.C«. 378
]5eMton,Ji!«i\l"atrick,.U'-l. 390
Beatson, Albert Bale.... 543
— FinlayC 3or
- Roger Stuart 543
— Stuart Brownlow 425
— William 455
— - William Burns, MD. 453
-- Wm. John Arncld ...
]ieattie, Jtei.: H. hJ
— Jas. Forbes, .t/.i>
Beiitty, J.->mes M'Xeill...
— Jotiu William, MD...
— Joseph 51,
— Kichard Garden Allen
•—Thomas Berkley,-lfjy. 529
BeauchMinp. (.'layton S. 20b
— Fit/maurice 79, 243
■— Sir ii. Edw. H., Bt.... 404
— Horace G. P
Beauclerk, C. W. W. D
— Ferdinand 210
Beaufort, M.Diike of, K.d 605
— Francis 172
Beaumont, Dudley 372
— Francis Montagu 305
— Fred. Edw. Blackett532((
— Geo. H.Wni 172
— Lindesiiy BcMUmont.. 276
— Richd. Heni-y B 532^
— Thomas, jViJ 504
— Walter Henry 557
Beavan, Reginald... 105, 418
Beaver, Fred. T. M. ...171
—GuyCampbellGIenure 246
— Philip K. Lons 170
Beazley, Geo. Gant 605
Bcch.'^r, Alfred 543
— Andrew Cracroft 245
— «irArt.Mitford,i'Ci<.3,410
— Arthur W. Reddie ... 450
— Cecil Leycester 142
— Charles AdrianGough 136
— Uecimus William 554
— Edw. French 17
— Emil, jlf7:» 595
— Fred. Williams 255
— John Reid, Ci? 3,21
— Septimus Harding, 4,410
— Sullivan Edward 45
Beck, Charles Edward... 154
— Frederick Henry 113, 157
Becker, Chas. Theodore 269
Beckett, Chas. Edw. 118, 145
~- John Robert 243
— Stephen 100, 416
— William Henry 450
Beckham.LionelGrafton 519
■—Thomas 605
Bcckley, Thomas 554
Beddome, Richard H.... 521
Bcddy, Edwin...'. 58, 416
— Francis Loder 141
Bedford, Henry 346
— J.Herbert 78, 223
a , 347
— feydne.y 175
— William 584
Belford, Ernest Aug.116,159
Belgrave.DacresT. C... 294
Bell, Alexonder W. C... 519
— Alexander 29
— Ch;'.ries Harland 608
— t'hns. Julian Ralph... 543
— Charles Thornhill ... 175
— Cj-rilWm.Bowdlerii4,iso
— Henry James 47
— Harry W. Bax 543
— James 402
-James Alex 427
— .Tames Archibalil R. 373
— .lames Gil)erne . ...51,482
— James Lancaster 105, 168
— John 572
— John Charles 557
— Leonard i7_
— Mark Sever 117, 2o«
— Robert 128
— Robert 608
— Sj-dney William 554
— Thomas 372
— Thomas 51, 514
— Thomas Lj-nden 45
— Whiteford John 532U
— William i
— William 372
— William 605
— Ree. William Charles 457
— William John 74
— William Morrison ... 608
Bell-Irving, Andrew ... 172
Bell-Martin, Arthur G.. 605
Boliairs,S/> William,Ci?.
Bellamy,Percy Lytton 78,278
Bellasis, George Montalt 421
Bellers, Ernest Vernon 301
Bellew,SirH. C.G. i?ar<. 140
— Patrick Francis 453
Belling, John 602
Bellingham, S.ydnoy E. 301
Bellis, John Francis 113, 252
Bellord, iJec. James 396
Bellwood, Fred. H. D. B. 138
Benbow, John Edw. ... 136
Bendall, John 368
Bengough, H. M 73
Bennet, Edward Gully 292
Ferdinando W 210
Bennett, Adrian 532^
— Alfred Charles 5321"
— Charles Henry 505
— S?". D. D..M'D 396
Edmund Herbert 347
Ernest Albert 301
— Ernest Emilias 395
— F. E 308
Francis Levett 584
George B 59i«
— John, MD 454
John Anstej' 271
— Levett Holt 374
— Richard Dawson 381
Robert 48
— Robert 249
Thomas 378
William 605
H9. S3'. 536
— Henry W 275
— Lionel Seymour 532^
— Percy Hugh, 3f5. ... 505
— Robson 7, 480
— Starling Meux ...109, 159
— Thomas Charles 347
— Tom 605
— Wm.George Sackville 288
— Wm. WelboreH 571
Bent, George, CiJ 543
— Thomas 579
— AVm. Hy. Morris 282
Benthall, J. Mathew ... loS
Bentinck, H. C. A. F. W.
Aldenburg 605
Bentle.y, Alex: C. D....... 557
— William A 532/
Benwell, Jas. Limond ... 543
Benj'on, J. Spencer 110, 147
Beresford,C.E.delaPoer 271
— Charles i'red. Cobbe 209
— Edward Marcus 46
— George de la Poer ... 543
— George William. ..115, 419
— Hamilton de la Poer 398
- Henry Marcus 608
" ~ " ~ 267
John P. De la Poer
— John B. DelaP.
— John Claudius M. ... 210
— Marcus 172
— Marcus de la Poer ...5-2*
— M.Wylly dc la Poer,.. 551
— Moatj-n de la Poer ... 44
— Robert Henry 532m
— Xo/-(/W.LesliedelaPoer 151
— Wm.RandalHaniilton 265
Beresford-Peirse, Wm. J.
de la Poer 293
Berger, Ernest Archd 77,246
Bergman, (.'has. Herbert 405
Berkeley, Edm. Hen. 114
— Edmund Robt 5^8
EmerickStreatfeild75, 483
Frederick George 79, 291
Geo. Sackville 557
— Heni-y W 608
Jas. Cavan 405
— Richard William 379
Robert £08
Tho.Mowbray Martin 286
Bernard, Edw. Henry... 288
Henry. L. Chas 551
James Walker ...106, 168
— John 401
— Luke FitzGerald 591
Paolo j36
— Thomas 608
— Tho. ScropeWellesley 568
Berne, Jas. Coleman 395
Ben'y, Edward Ring ... 551
— Joun 370
Berryman, John 147
Berthon, John Frederic 543
Thomas Porter ...72, 183
Bertie,./io«. G.A.Vere 76, 231
Hon. Reginald H 265
Bertram, CharlesPelgue 605
— William 309
Berw^iek,Win.Noel, Lord 604
Besant, Walter H. 245
Best, George i 3, ibS
Maudistly Gaussen... 608
— Richard Mordesley... 538
Thos. Chas. Hardinge 608
Thomas George 175
Thomas William 277
Boswick, Anthony S.... 590
— Frederick 608
Bethell, Alfred James... 284
Edw. Hugh 211
— Henry Arthur 174
Beihune, Edw. Cecil ... 321
Henry Beauclerk 281
Robert 608
^ Bett, Henry Inilach 543
William 106, 259 Bettesworth, Heurj- 568
Belts, George 608
Betty, Joshua Fred. 52, 165
— William Thomas 532
Bevau, Eustace B. L. ... 294
— George Buchanan 80, 291
— Geo. Fred 505
— Henry 5321
— Reginald Jchustone 171
— Rich. Robinson 5321?
Beveridge, A. W., MD.. 595
Beville, Charles I'rancis 272
— Edw. Sperling 557
— George Francis... 71, 516
— Henry,CB 543
Henry Edw.Walter... 519
Bewes, WjTidhamEdm. 604
Bewicke, Hugh B. N. ... 285
Robert C. A. B 305
Bewley, George Wm. ... 573
BejTion, Wm. Howell... 543
Bibby, Alfred no. 142
Bickerstafi', Piobert 605
Bjckford, Edward 174
W. G. Tomhn 398
Bicknell, Hj'. David 532^
— Maldion BjTOn 175
Biddulph, Fra. Edward 605
- George Warren 175
— John loi, 419
— Sir M. A. S. KCB. 4, 164
— Middleton Westenra 240
Sir R. CB. KCMG.41, 165
Stephen Francis 428
Biden, Horatio 551
Bidie, Ceorge, MB 504
Bigg, Frederick 170
— George Kilworth S. 384
Bigge, Arthur John 171
— Thomas Scovell 532
— William Matthew 605
Bigger, Samuel F 456
Biggs, Henry Voro 213
Jas. Anib-ews M 551
— Thomas 605
Thomas 551
Biggs-Baldwin, William
Henry 532./
BigncU, Cha. Phillips... 572
— Edw.Uuucan Fred.... 423
— John 321
Bildeibeck, John 504
Billings, Clement H. ... 274
Billington,GeorgeM. ... 605
Bingham, Jloii. Cecil B. 145
— Charles Thos 422
— Edmund G. Hemy ... 171
— Edward Heniy 421
— George, iord 605
— Man. George Charles 357
— (ieorge Wm. Powlett,
CB 531", 538
— Richard John 361
— Thomas Richard D. 568
Binne.y, Chas. Richard 605
Binning, Geo. Lord 135
Binny, Wm. Henry 543
Binyon, Alfred E 314
Birch, Alex. Harry C. ... 174
— Alex. Jno. C 76, 414
— Arnold Wilson 267
— Arthur Lea 294
— Downward P. Lea ... 175
— Edward 74, 2
— Edward Alfred 4
— Fred. Macdonald 71, 4
— Fred. Henry John ...
— Frederick Wm. ...115, 261
— Henry George 175
JamesFrancis 551
— James Rich. Kemmis 275
— Joseph 573
Lightwood Thomas 538
Richard Graham 406
— Robert L.C 275
Valentino loo, 516
— William James Alex. 421
— William Brereton 102,41
Bircham, A.Humph.113, 304
Bird, EustaceEdw.G.... 400
— F.Vincent Godfrey 117,400
— George Corrio 76, 484
Geo. Bdw. Godfrey
Waller 242
— Henry 531a, 538
Henrj'Charles 608
Spencer Godfrey 348
M'illiam James 150

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