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3o6 Tilt; Kiii'/x Jcoi/nl Rifle Corjis.
^ Sir Arthur Cunj'nf-hamc proceeded to China in 1841 as Aide de Camp to Lord Paltoun, and was present at the
storm and capture of Cliin-kiang-Foo (led the Column of attack on the Heights of Makuikiow). and at the investment
of Nankin (Medal). In 1854 accompanied the Army to the East as Assistant C^uarter JIaster General to the ist Divi¬
sion, was present at the affair of Hiilganae, battle of Ahna, taking <jf ISalaklava, affair of 23rd Oct. on the Heights
of the Tchernaya,, battles of Balaklava and Inkerman (served with the Guards in the Rand-bag Battery, and led
into action a detaclied jjortion of the 20th Kegiment), and siege of Sebastojiol up to May 1855 (Medal'with four
Clasps, CJi., Officer of the Legion of Honor, Turkish Medal, and 4th (Jlass of the Medjidie). In March 1855 was
appointed local Major General, in May took command of a Division of the Turkish Contingent, and in August re¬
ceived the personal thanks of the Rultan and was created a Lt.General in the Turkish Army. In Oct. 1855 sailed in
command of men to occu]>y Kertch. a.nd assisted to maintain that position throughout the second winter
in the Crimea (Turkish War Medal, and 2nd Class of the Med.jidie). In 1863 commanded at Lahore the reserve forces
of the army employed in the Sittana campaign. On the 2nd and 23rd April i,S6g, when in command of the Northern
Division of Ireland, received the thanks of the Irish Government on the sup])ression of the Fenian rising. In July
i86g made AX'i*. Esrablished the militiiry occupation of the Transvaal on its annexation in 1877. Commanded
the combined forces on the Kei River m the war with the Galekas and rebelhon of the Gaikas in Kaffraria in 1877
(Modal with Clasp). In 187S made GCH.
- Colonel Ashbiirnham served with the 6ot.h Riflesinthelndianmutinycampaignin 1857-58,inchulingtheactions
on the Hindun, battle of Rudlee ke Reraiaml taking of the Heights before Delhi, subsequent siege operations, assault
and capture of the city, with the final attack on and occupation of the palace. Campaign in Rohilcund, including
the actions of bugawalla and Nugena, relief of Moradabad, action on the Do.iura, assault and capture of Bareilly,
attack and bombardment of Shahjehanpore defeat of the rebels and relief of the garrison, capture of the Fort of
Bunnai, pursuit of the enemy to the loft bank of tlie Goomtee. destruction of the P'ort of !Mahomdee, attack on and
destruction of Shahabad (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Candahar Column in the Afghan war of 1878-80.
Comm.anded the snd B.attaliou fioth liiflts from the outbreak of the war till the iStli February 187P, including the
surrender and occupation of and the advance on Khelat-i-Ghilzie. Was present at the action of Ahmed
Kheyl and surrender of Gbuznee, also at the attack on and cajiture of the Urzoo villiges (CS. Meilnl with Clasp).
Commanded the 3rd Battalion 60th Ritte* throughout the Boer war of 1880-81, a^id was present at the actions at
Lang's Nek (mentioned in despatches) and the Ingogo River (mentioned in despatches).
^ Lt.Colonels Henderson and Algar served with the 60th Rifles in the suppression of the mutiny in the Shahahad
district of Bengal in 1858 (Medal). Also throughout the campaign of i860 in China (Medal with two Clasps for
Taku Forts and Pekin).
* LL Colonel Bj-ron served with the 38th Regiment in the Indian campaign in 1857-58, and was present at the
assault and capture of Meaiiguiitre. siege and cajiture of Lucknow, and action at Barree (Medal with Clasp 1. Served
with the 2nd Battalion 60th iiilles in the Afghan war from October 1878 to November 1880, took part in the advance
on and occupation of Candnhar and Khelat i-Ghilzie, and was present in the enga-k^emerits at Ahmed Kheyl and
Urzoo. Accompanied Sir I'rederick Roberts in the march to Ca,ndahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar
<mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.t-'olonel, Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decollation). Commanded the
Battalion in the Marri expedition under Britradier General MacGreg'jr.
^ Lt.Colonel Ogilvy served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rilles in the Boer war in 1881.
'■* Lt.Colonel Charley served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from October 1S78 to February
j88o, and took part in the advance on and occupation of Candahar and Klielat-i-Ghilzie (Medal).
^0 Major J. G. Crosbie ser\-ed with the 2nd Baxtaiion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from ,Iune to September
1880. Accompa:nied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar
(Medal with Clasp, and Bronze Decoration).
" Major Trotman served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from October 1878 to July i33o,
took part in the advance on and occupation of Candahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie, and was present in the engagements
at Ahmed Klieyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee (Medal with Clasji).
'2 Major C. H. Smith, Captain Thurlow, and Lieuts. Miles, Lysley and Pigott served with the 3rd Battalion 60th
Rifles in the Zulu war from April to September 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Bjer war in 1881.
■'-1 Captain Fetherstonhaugh and Lieuts. Nevill and Myers served with the 3rd Battilion 60th Rifles in the Zula
war from April to September 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
1^ Lt.Colonel Terry, Captain Dickenson, Lieuts. Wells and Herbert served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in
the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879 (Modal with Clasp).
'* Majors Wallace, Fraser, Davies, and Holbcch served on the Red River expedition of 1870.
15 Major Morris served with the 60th liitles throughout the campaign ot 1S60 in China (Medal with two
Clasps). Served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
'* Colonel Grenfell served as Aide de Camp to Sir Arthur Cunynghame in the operations of 1877-8 in the
Transkei; also as Staff Officer to Colonel Glyn, commanding a field force in th.i Tianskei, and was present in the
engagement with the Galekas and Gaikas at Quintana Mountain on the 7th Feb. 1878 (mentioned in despatches.
Brevet of Major). Served in the Kafir war of 1878 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General
at Head Quarters. Served in the Zulu war of 1879 as Deputy Assistant AujutaiLt General at Head Quarters,
and was present in the engagement »t Uluiidi (mentioned in despatches. Brevet ol Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
Served under Sir Evelj-n Wood in the Boer war of 1881 as Assistant Quarter Master General. Served in thj
Egyptian war of 1882 as Assi.'^tant Adjutant and Quarter Master General on the Head Quarters Staff, and -(vas
present at the engagemenrs of 'Tel-el-Mahuta and Kassasin (9th Sept.), and in the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (men¬
tioned in despatches, Aide de Camp to the Qaeen, Medal with Clasp, and 3rd Class of the Medjidie).
'" Major Donald Browne served in the Bour war in 1S81 as Aide de Camp to Major General BuUer, Chief of the
1" Lt.Colonel Cramer, Major Birchnm, and Captains Astell and Allfrey served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in
the ZiUu war of 1879, and were present at the action of Giugindhlovu and relief of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp).
"Major Farmer served with the 2nd Battalion 6oth Rifles in the AfVhan war fioin October 18)8 to October
i88o, and took part in the advance on and occupation of Candahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie (Medal). Served in the
Marri expedition under Brigadier General MacGregor (mentioned in despatches).
'■" Major Chalnier served with the 2nrl Battalion 60th RiflcS in the Afjdhanwar from February 1879 to November
1880. Was Brigade Major to Brigadier General Barter's Brigade, and was present, in the engagements at Aliined
Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee (mentioned in despatches). Accompanied Sir Frcerick Robej-ts in the march to
Candahar as Brigade Major to Brigadier (Genera! MncCiiegor's Brigade, and was present at the battle of Can¬
dahar (mentioned in despHtches, Brevet of Major, Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Also served
as Brigade Major to Brigad-Rr General MacCiregor in the Marii expedition.
^' Major Tilden served with the 2nd Battalion 60th the Marri expedition under Brigadier General
MacGregor in October 1880.
2^ Captain the Hon. Keith Turncur served in the Red River expedition of 1870. Also with the 3rd Battalion 60th
Rifles in the Zulu war of 1879, anil was |iresent at the action of Ginuindhlovu and relief of tkowe (Medal with Clasp).
Served as Garrison Adjutant at Pielermaritzbiirg during the Boer war in 18S1.
2^ Major Blackwood-Price served with the 2iid Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from October 1S78 to
November 1880, took part in the advance on and occupation of Candahar and Khela t-i Ghilzie, and was present iu the
engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Ui zoo near Ghuznee. Accompanied Sir Fredericiv Ri.berts in the march to
Candahar, and was piesent ai the battle of Candaliar (mentioned iu despatches, Bri^vet ol' Major, Medal with two
Clasps, and Bronze Decorition). Served in the Marri expedition under Brigadier General MacGregor.
^'i Major Forstcr served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rihesm the Afghan war from October 1878 to February 1879,
and took part m the advance on and occupation of Cxiidaliar ai d Khelat-i-Ghilzie (iv.edai).
''' Captain Marsham served as Adjutant in the Red River expedition of 1870. Served with the 2nd Battalion 60th
Rifles in the Afghan war from October 1878 to November 1880, took part in the advance on and occupation of Can¬
dahar and Khelat-i-Gliilzie, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed Klieyl and Urzoo near Ghuzuee.
Accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar
(mentioned iu despatches. Medal with two C asps, and Bronze Decoration). Served in the Marri expedition
under Brigadier General MacGiegor.

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