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21 fVar Services of the General Officers.
has received tho M/ar Medal with four Clasps for Vimiera, Cerunna, Vittorla, and Pyrenees
(severely wounded).
21 Major General Grant served in Hanover in 180,5, under Lord Cathcart.
22 Major General Crawford served in a bomb vessel on the coast of France in 1804 and 5;
in the lines in front of Sjbral in Portugal, in 1809; with the army in Sicily in 1811, 12, auci 13;
at the capture of Genoa in 1814; and subsequently in the American war, including the battle
of Bladenaburg, capture of Washington, and engagements before New Orleans, on 1st and 3rd
Jan. 1815.
23 Afajor General Dirby served in Hanover in 1805; at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807;
and the Coninna campaign in 1808-9. Has the War Medil with one Clasp for Corunna.
24 Jlajor General W. H. Slado was present at St. Sebastian in July and August 1813;
blockade of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. He was one of the officers selected to accom¬
pany the boats from Socoa to the mouth of the river Adour, and to assist in laying the bridge
across. Ho has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for St. Sebastian.
25 Major General King served in a mortur-boat in the Faro of Messina for two months
in 1810. Advancrd into the United States with Sir George Prevost's army, and commanded
a batttry against Plattsburg.
26 Major General Victor served in the Peninsuli from December 1812 to the end of the
war, including the battles of the Nive, Orthes, and I'oulousc (War Medil with three Clasps).
27 Major Gtneral Dalton served at Walchercn auJ at the sirgo of Flushing in 1809.
28 Major General Barry served in the Peninsula from August 1812 to October 1813, and
was severely wounded by a grape shot, 31st August 1813, when lea^ling a party to the breach
at the storming of Sr. Sebastian. He has received the Silver AVar Medal with one Clasp.
29 Major General Whinyates was present at the attack on A'giers by Lord Exmouth on
27th August 181G. Served with the army in France in 1817 an-1 1818. In February 183')
was commanding officer of Engineers with the Field Force in New Bruiiiwick when the dis¬
puted territory was invaded by the stite of Maine. Has the INIodal for the battle of Algiers.
30 Major General R. G. B.Wilson served in Holland, B.-lgium, and France, from December
1813 to January 1816, including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo.
31 Major General Emmett's tervijes :—sieges of Badiijoz in J811 and 12; passage of
the Nive, baUles before Biyonne, Orthes, and Toulouse. .Atta;^k on the An^erican lines at New
Orleans, every affair on that expediiion, and the siege of Fort Bjwyer. Slightly woun led at
Badajoz in 1811; again on the advance towards Orthes; and very severely wounded at the
assault of Badajoz in 1812. lie has received the Silver War ]\Iedal wilh fcur Clasps.
32 Major General Waters served in the Peninsula from April 1812 to September 1814. Was
at Cadiz when the siege was raised in the former year. In 1815 he was prestnt in the actions
of Quatro Bras and Waterloo. He led one of the columns to the assault of Peronne on the
26th June 1815, and was at the capture of Paris.
33 Major General Pilcher served with the boats of the British fleet in 1801 in their
occasional attacks on the Spanish gunboats and vessels off Carliz. In 1803 he served in the
North Ssa. lu 1804 at the attack on the gun-boats and batteries at Boulogne. On 22nl July
1805 in the genoial action and defeat of the combined fleeti of France and Spain ; and on 16th
Aug. in action with La Topaze French frigate. In Jan. 1806 he landed with the K. 51. Bat¬
talion at the attack and capture of the Cape of Good Hope ; in June following vtith the same
Battalion at the attack and defoit of the Spanish troops on the road to Buenos Ayres, and at
the capture of that city ; also at its defence in August, and alter three days' action was taken
prison-r with the rest of the Briti-h. In 1811 he served in the North Sea in several actions
with Danish gun-boats. In 1813-14 off the coast of France and America. Appointed to the
2nd Battalion II. M., and as A'ljutant was at the attack of the American Army andits defeat on
the road to Baltimore : at the attack on the American troops at Farnham Church he commanded
the advance. In 1815 he was at the attack of the American Rifle force near Point a Petie, and
at the capture of that fort in West Florida. From 1819 to 1821 heserved at St. Helena—during
the last nine months of Napoleon'i; life, and as:;isted with the Royal Marines at his interment.
34 Major General Thomas Stevens was present blockading lirest, the Helder, and Cadiz, and was
engaged with batteries. In 1809 he was engaged with gun-bi-ats in passing convoys through tlie
Sound and Categat; in II. M. S. Cerberus, with convoy of armed transports and gun-boats in the
Gulf of Friedlaud ; in the boats of the squadron in the successful attack upon the Russian Flotilla
of heavy armed gun-boats and armed Transports; and at the capture of a Russian schooner.
From 183G to 1840 he served in the Royal Marine Battalion on the north coast of Spain; was
deta;hed in comuaand of a company for the defence of the Eastern Heights of Passages attacked
by the Carlists, and in the Carlist attack of the Lines on the 6th June 1836; and he was also pre¬
sent at Fuentarabia, lUh July 1836. Has received the Wer Medal wita one Clasp.
35 Major General Donald Campbell served at Walcheren in 1809. Has received the War
Medal with (me Cia^p.
36 Major General Whylook served in Sir Robert Calder's action off Ferrol; in boits cutting
out from under batteries at Rota, 7th April 1808; commanrled the Royal Marines landed from the
Anglo-Sicilian Squadron to assist in the defence of the island of (^apri when besieged by Gen.
la Marque; at the capture of Leda from the harbour of Rovigno, 1st April 1809; at the attack
and capture of a convoy under protection of a battery at Pessaro, 23id April; on 15ih May
at the attack on the town of Rota and destruction of seven vessels; on flh September at the
cutting out of Ln PiigUesse from the harbour of Barletta. On 1st June 1812, commanded a
storming party in Isle Verte, near Toulon—enemy routed and a dtmi-luue battery destroyed.

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