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Commaidi (DomlBlom, &c.)—continued.
Militarv Dittrid No. 7—eontd.
Admikistkativb Staff—
Aigt. Adit. and Qr • Mr.-Oen....
Dep. Aist. Adjt. & Qr.-Mr. Gen.
Dittriet Engineer Officer
Diitrift Supply ami Trantport Officer
District Medical Offi/^r
Dep. DUtrict Medical Officer
District Ordriance Officeir
District Paymaster
District Veterinary Officer
XCock, Lt.-Col. H. T., M.C., R.C.R., j>.».ct 1/10/37
XDupuis, Lt.-Col. G. B. A., M.C., Rl. 22e Regt., A.D.C. 1/4/H8
XBlake, MaJ. (Qr.-Mr.) W. H., M.C., R.C.B 1/4/31
Bessoiii'fte, U. .1. R. W. T.. R.C.A.S.C 1/2/37
XHughes, Lt.-Coi. R. A., £,0., R.C.A.M.C. (N.P.) ... 18/5/37
XMaloolm, U.-Ool. D. C, M.C. R.C.A.M.C. (S.y.) ... 1/1/a7
Cliandler, Capt. ¥. E., R.C.O.C. (.actg.) 7/6/38
JiFuilong, Maj. G. V., B.C.A.P.0 1/4/38
Troopi in tha Dittrict
164h Infantry Brigad*.
^Wood, Col. H. G., M.C. (m.s.c.)
XMaMer.Maj. R. B., Carlt. <fe York R. (m.j.c.)...
Brown, Capt. R. S., St. John Fiis. (M.G.)
Carleton and York R., North Shore (N.B.j K., /Mew bninswjck Rangers, Saint Jolm Fus. (il.G.)
Brunswick R (Tank) iaOd.).
Brigade Commander
Brigade Major...
Staff r.iptain
Saint John, JV.fl.
. 15/9/37
. 15/12/36
. J/n/37
8th Princess Louise's N.B. Hrs.
The Royal Canadian Artillery.
12th and 23rd Fd. Bdes. (N.P.).
3rd (N.B.) Coast B.l^. N.l'.) (The
Loval Tov. nf Artv.1
4th Mod. Bty. (N.P.) (attd.)
The Corps of Royal Carusdian
No. 7 Det.
7th Dist. Eng. (N.P.).
6th Army Troops Coy. (N.P.).
Ist (Brighton) Fd. Coy. (N.P.).
The Royal Canadian Corps of
No. 7 Det.
No. 7 Dlst. Slgs. (N.P.). No. 7 Tank
Bn. Sig. Sec. (N.P.).
Other Troops in ths District.
Canadian Officers Training Corps.
Mount Allison University Contgt.
University of New Brunswick
Tlie Royal Canadian Army Service
No. 7 Det.
" B " Area H.Q.
2nd Pontoon Bridge Park.
1st Corps Ammn. Park.
Th« Royal Canadian Army Medical
No. 7 Det.
No. 14 Fd. Amb.
No. 7 Fd. Hyg. See.
The Royal Canadian Ordnance
No. 7 Det.
No. 7 Dist. Store Sec. (N.P.).
The Royal Canadian Army
Veterinary Corps.
No. 6 Mob. Vet. Sec.
The Royal Canadian Army Pay
No. 7 Det.
Canadian Postal Corps.
No. 7 Postal Unit.
Corps of Military Staff CUrki.
No. 7 Det.
The Province of Manitoba, and in tlie Province of Ontario, the Territory of Keewatin and the Districts of Eenora,
Rainy River and Thunder Bay.
Beadgiiarters—Winnipeg, Man.
XGordon, Brig. (temp. 1/6/33) 3. L., D.F.C., R.C.A.F.
i.d.c.,f.s '. 1/8/35
General and Air Staff—
General Staff Officer
Air Staff Officer
General Staff Officer, Zrd grade
Attached to Gknkrai. Staff—
District fnteHigence Officer ...
District Signal Officer
Administrative Staff—
Jsst. Adjt. and Qr.-Mr.-Gen.
Vep. Asst. Adjt. and Qr.-Mr.-Oen. ...
District Engineer Officer
District Supply and Transport Officer
District Medical Officer
Dep. District Medical Officer
District Ordnance Officer
District Paymaster
District Veterinary Officer
is;Leach,Lt.-Col. R. J., Jtf.C. R.C.A., 4/5(35
Johnson, Sqdn.-Ldr. B. F., R.C.A.F.,/.s 3/12/37
^Hunt, Capt. A. W., M.A/., P.P.C.L.1 23/12/38
Johnson, Sijdn. Ldr. B. F., R.C.A.F.,/.« 3/1/38
Billings, Lt. G. M., R.C.C. of S 1/9/37
^Grant, U.-Col. C. R.. R.C.A 17/2/36
XMiller, Maj. L. W., J5.5.0., C.S.A.S. (m.) 1/10.37
Dickenson, Maj. G. N., R.C.B 1/8/36
XTidswell, Maj. J. E. H.,R.C.A.S.C 19/5/36
XWilliams, Lt.-Col, J. V., M.C., M.D., CM., R.C.A.M.C. 1,4/37
^Arthur Lt.-Col. C. L. T., R.C.A.M.C. (N.P.) 6'8/35
Arm.stead, Capt. A. F., R.CI.O.C, o. 1/10/38
XGoodeve, Lt.-Col. H. T., R.C.A.P.C I/4/33
Shearer, Maj. W A.. R.C.A.V.C (N.P.) 1/12/36
Troop* in th* Dittrict.
4th Civairy Bri(ad«. Winnipeg, Man.
Brigade Commander XDiinwnortv, noi. .T. M.. D.S.O., n.C.M.,(m.a e.) ...15/12/36
Briaade Major XGrahara, Maj. R. G., Fort Garry H. (m.s.c.) 15/12/36
Staff Captain Baker, Capt. R. H., 12 D. (m.g.c.) 23/4/37
12lh Manitoba Dns., Manitoba Mtd. Ril , Hurt Uarry Horse, 2na Armoured Car. R. (attd.)
7th Infantry Brftad*. Winnipeg. Man.
Brigade Commander XMackay, Col. D. S., O.B.jB., F.Z). 15/12/36
Brigade Major McDouald, Maj. A. S., Caraerons of C. (m.s.c.) ]5/12;3ri
Staff Captain Goatling, Cupt. A. C, Wpg. Gren. (M.G.) (m.».c.) ... 15/12/36
R. Winnipeg Rif., Winnipeg Grenadiers (M.G.), Queen's Own Cameron Higbrs. of Canada, Wlnnloea
U Inf. (M.G.).

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