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Militia of England and Wales.
1st royal LANCASHIRE.
{The Luke of Lancaster's Own,'}
[No. 45.]
Heiid Quarters, Lancaster.
" Mediterranean,*'
John Talbot Clifton, DL. JP.
late L.ieut.\ Life Gia 8 Oet. 52
Ed. Every Ckytou, DL. JP.
late Capt. 80 >. 25 Keli. 53
Georjie Orred 10 Mar. 46
\Vm. Asshetou Cross, DL. JP. 24Nov. 55
K. J. T. Williamson 25^'ov.31
Henry Master Keilden, UL. JP.15 Nor. 43
Kicliard Pudsev Dawson 1 Oct. 53
James Clarke, DL. JP 3 Nov. 52
Robt. Whittle (8) late Lt. 91 F.19 Nov. 52
Clarence Horatio Cary, JP. ...21 .Mar. 53
Luke Henry Hansard, DL. ... 6 Ajir. 53
John Bayly 11 Mar. 56
Edni. G. Slanlev Hornhv ...17 July 58
John Gould Noble .' 16 0rt. 5S
Evan Francis Anderton 29 Apr. 59
George Parker 5 .May 60
Joiin Scott 24 "Nov.55
Jojm Wood Younghusband ...24Sept. 68
AVni. Urijwniiig Gaitlner 5 Vov. 58
Robert Higliat 13 May 59
Geo. T. Robert Preston 5Nov.59
Henry Cnrrey 4 Feb. 60
Glovjic Innes 1 May 60
Tliouias Hillicr I'ercival 29 Sept.60
j Alj._ 4- Capt.—iia. Wcir, late
I of Srnts Fvs. Gds 7Feb. 4G
\ Faj/tiuister.~
<^r.Master. — David Bilhani,
Hon. Capt. h.p. 20 F 21 Dec. 54
.S'jivfi. — William Hargreaves
.\iaiiiIold 5 Feb. 55
AssisLSury —Andrew M'Caul 28 Mar.60
Scarlet Facings.
AQe/U, Vesiy W. llolt, Esq.
John Paris Bradshaw
Charles Wm. Powys 4 Feb 60
Adi.}-Capt.—V,TSAn Thornliill,
late Capt. i Dr. Gds 25Feb. 59
Paymmter.—^ Francis Dick-
son(ll), h.p. 52 F 2S July 54
Qr.Master, — llobt. Knights,
late of 12 Brs 1 Dec. 56
Sur{j.—Metcalfe Joljnson 15 Aug. 59
XMi*(.5«(ry.-John Oldman... 1 .^ug 59
Blue Facings.
A(/euts, Messrs. Cox and Co.
{The DiiJte of Lancaster's Own Rifies.)
[No. 113.]
Head Quarters, Liverpool.
LiKUT.Coi.oNKi. Commandant.
Sir T. G. Hesketh, Bt, DL. JP. \ Mar. 52
James Wardlawfl) 4 Oct. 62
^icllola3 Blundell, DL. JP. ... 3 Nov. 52
Robert Johnson 25 Apr. 46
Peter Slingsby Fitzgerald, late
Capt, 6() Rifles 40et 52
Thomas Littlcdale,DL.JP. ... 7 Oct. 52
James Thomas Bourne, J P. ...14 Apr. 63
Alexander Thomas Knight ...IB Apr. 53
Thomas Richardson Lane ...18 Nov. 54
John Downes Rochfort .SOAue.55
Mathew Forde 15 Feb. 56
Charles S. Garraway !]7 Sept.56
Le Geudre Starkie 4 Se|it. 68
Charles Blundell 26 Nov.69
Robert William John BarloH...15 May 60
Francis Howard Wright 12 Jan. 56
Frederick Charles Cross 7 .Mar. 56
Astley Jephson 5 Nov. 5b
Geo. Nathan Billjani do'
Henry Nichols do
(The Ditlce of Lancaster's Own.) [No. 125.]
Head Quarters, Preston.
'■ Mediterranean "
John AVilson Patten, MP. DL.
Aide-de-camp to the ^ueen\5 Nov. 42
William Malhia8,(U) late Lt.
Col. 62 i*'. 3 Nov. 55
Montague Joseph Feildeu.MP.
DL 11 Mar.53
James German 1 Oct. 52
Thomas Richard 2 Oct. 62
William Nicholson 12 Mar. 63
WnL Thus, li-txnis, late Capt.
35 F. 25 May 54
John Edward OrreU 13 Apr. 55
Frederick Silvester 14 Apr. 55
F'rederick Townley Parker ...16 Apr. 55
! John Robinson Pcdder 7 Feb. 57
' Robert Furey 4Sept.58
James Ormsby 20 July 59
Thomas Hargreaves 19 Dec. 59
Frederick Rcasley 1 May 60
Peyton Sheals 8Dee.55
Thomas Con ry Knox 8 Dec. 55
William Turner 4Sept.58
Thomas James F^ccles do
Wm. Fitcli Story do
William Henry While 15 Oct. 68
Francis Law 16 Oct. 58
John Leyland Feilden 20 July 59
ThoaiasGriiushaw 13 May 60
William Gardner Bird do
John Hargreaves 22Sept.60
Ciiarles Birch do
Adj. ir C'np<.—Per<7 Godfrev
Botlield Like ". 2 Apr. GO
Vaymaster.—S.^\\\Kt Lambert
Bnurkc, late Cupt. Vnatt. ...22 Dec. 'A
Qr.SIaster,—John Hewitt ... 8 Dec. 54
Awr^. - Richard ,\ilen 2 Feb. 58
.issist.SuTff. — Henrv Con-
stantine Colgan, MJ) 5 Apr. 56
Blue Facings.
Agents, Mcssrs.Alex. F. Ridgway & Sons.
4th royal LANCASHIRE.
(Tlie Txike of Limcasta's Chen Light
[No. 84 ]
Head Quarters, Warrington.
Likut.Coj.onkl Comman dant.
John Ireland Blackburne, lute
of 5 Dr.Gds 22Mar.53
Richard Phibbs, DL. (9), late
Capt.iS /■• 28Mar.53
John Southcote Mansergh,
late of i Drur/oon Gds 31 Mar. 63
David Ainsworth 28Mar.53
Thonms Bourne, JP 29 Mar. 63
William Waller Trafford 29,Mar.53
Henry Chas. Adolphus Clarke,
late of-i F. 29 Mar. 53
Arclid. Wm. Clarke 29 Mar.53
Wilham Gray, MP. JP 29 Mar. 53
Chas. Hoghton, late Capt, 1 Dr.
Gds 25Nov. 54
Lawrence Hey worth SMay 54
George Arthur Crawford 17 Apr. 58
George Barlow 18 Apr. 69
William Gibton 4 Aug. 59
John J. Westenra Smith 10 Ocf 69
Frederick Phillips ISept. 55
Bartholomew Lloyd 0'Brieii...U Mar. 58
Wm. Selby F. Taunton 24 Apr. 68
Cecil Wm.Betham 16 June 58
Henry M. Howard 18 Apr. 59
Henry Edward Butler 30 May 59
Henry Wm. Covne 5 Aug. 59
Win. Shcfliehl I'ielham 10 Oct. 59
Charles Gore Ring do
Hugh Hilton Hornby 26 Nov. 60
James Fred. Steiner do
Adj. #■ Capt.—Thos. Robbins,
late LI. ^ Adj. 5 Dr. (Ids....29 Mar. 53
Paymaster.— Sheffield Betliam2G Feb. 56
Cr.Jiujier. —William liiiott ...17 Apr. 60
Snrg, — Thomai Birley Ec-
cleston 7 Sept, 69
Assist.Siiry.—CharhB While . 7 Sept. B9
Blue Facings.
Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.
5th royal LANCASHIRE.
[No. 135.]
Head Quarters, Burnley.
Lieut.Colonel Co.«hanuant.
Charles Towneley, DL. JP. ...16 Mar. 53
John Towneley, DL 14
James Greenwood 21
John Joseph .Middlcton 20
Thomas GoulburueParker,DL.21
Edward Petre 21
George Decks Skinglev 22
William Lister Sagar,'JP 22
John Pickup Lord 23
Frederic Broadbent 23
Daniel Grant Brereton 16
Antony Buck Cr('ck 16
Edwarii Dwycr 23
Henry Kirwan Robinson (17) 19
Abraliam .\lfred Twceiiale ...21
Fred. A. C. .Macdouald 10
SumnerMitchell S.Brockhurst 11
Apr. 63
Apr. 60
Apr. 53
Apr. 53
Apr. 53
Apr. 53
Apr. 63
Apr. 63
Apr. 53
Feb. 64
June 64
July 55
Apr. 60
July 65

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