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War Services of the General Officer's. 31
present with the Uth Light Dragoons at the battles of Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Vittoria,
the Pyrenees Nivelle, and Nive, investment of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege of Badajoz, and generally
in all the affairs of that period, until he quitted the Duke's army on promotion. He has
received the War Medal with seven Clasps. . „, t * -i
45 Alaior-General Daly served with the 24th on the expedition to Egypt m 1801. In April
1805 he embarked with the 56th Regt. for Bombay, and he commanded four companies of the 2nd
battalion employed in 1809, with a division in the field under Colonel Walker, at the storming
of Mallia, and at the reduction of other Forts in the Kattiwar District.
47 Maior-General Davies served in the Peninsula with the 52nd, and was present at the
battles of Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Vittoria, and the Pyrenees, and at the siege of Badajoz
(wounded), for which he has received the War Medal with five Clasps.
48 Major-Gcneral Fraser served in the Peninsula with the 24th, from June 1809 to June,
1813, including the action at Foz d'Arouce, battle of Busaco, battle of Fuentes d'Onor, on 3rd
and s'th May.siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, covering the siege of Badajoz, battle of Salamanca, capture
of Madrid, and siege of Burgos, where he was at the taking of the Horn Work, 19th Sept.; and
he led the storming party to the bre«ch formed by the mine on the 4th Oct. Employed in
the iield throughout the whole of the Kandian rebellion in Ceylon in 1817 and 18, as Aide-de¬
camp to the Commander of the Forces. Ho has received the War Medal with four Clasps.
49 Sir James Charles Chatterton served in the 12th Light Dragoons, now the Royal
Lancers, in Portugal, Spain, Flanders, and France, from 1811 to 1818, including the
affairs of Fuente Guinaldo and Aldea de Ponte ; the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badiijoz ;
the actions of Usagre, Llerena, Passage of the Tormes, near Salamanca (town), and attack oi
the enemy's rear-^uard. Heights of San Christoval, Rueda, Castrajon, and battle of Salamanca ;
affairs at Tudela, Valladolid, Celadadel Caminho, to the investment and siege of Burgos, actions
at Monasterio, Bridge of Baniel, Quintana Palla Venta del Pozo, and Cabezon, actions on the
retreat from Burgos to Salamanca, thence to the combat and passage of the Huebra, Torreque-
mada and out-posts to Ciudad Rodrigo, upon the advance of the army in 1813 ; the passage of
the Ebro and Esla, action at Osma, and battle of Vittoria, actions at Villa Franca, Tolosa, to
the siege and capture of San Sebastian. The actions on crossing the Bidassoa, and carrying
the enemy's fortified entrenchments. The battle of the Nivelle, the actions at St. Jean de Luz,
at Anglet, the Mayor's House, Bidart, the battles on the Nive from the 9th to the 13tli Dec,
1813 ; the passage of the Adour, and investment of Bayonne ; occupation of Bordeaux, the pas¬
sage of the Garonne, and aitairs at Etaliers or the passage of the Dnrdogne, besides various
skirmishes and minor affairs. In 1815, the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, to the advance
on and capture of Paris. He has received the Cross of Knight of the Royal Hanoverian
Guelphic order, that of San Fernando of Spain, the War Medal and four Clasps for the Battle
of Salamanca, Vittoria, Nivellc, and Nive, and the Waterloo Medal. Received the commands of
her Majesty to attend and bear the Great Banner on the occasion of the Funeral of the late
illustrious Duke of Wellington, "in consideration of his long, faithful, and distinguished
services." .
50 Lord Howden served as Aide-de-camp to his Grace the Duke of Welhngton during the
years 1817 and 18, to the close of the occupation in France. Employed by Government on a
special mission, and was present at the battle of Navarin in 1827 (wounded, and mentioned in
Commander-in-chief's despatch); siege of Antwerp in 1832 (wounded); campaign in Spain, in
Navarre and Basque Provinces, in 1834.
51 Lieut-General Douglas served at the capture of the Danish and Swedish West India
Islands in 1801. On the expedition to the north of Germany in 1805 and 6. Peninsular cam¬
paigns from Feb. 1812 to March 1814, including the battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, and the
Pyrenees (27th to 31st July); siege of San Sebastian from 24th Aug. to the 8th Sept., and
battle of Nivelle. He has received the gold cross for Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, and
Nivelle, having commanded a field battery; and the silver War Medal with one Clasp for St.
52 Major-General Knollys served with the Scots Fusilier Guards from the 6th March to the
end of the Peninsular War in 1814, and was present at the blockade of Bayonne, repulse of the
sortie,—on which occasion Sir Henry Sullivan and ten officers of the Guards were killed or
died of their wounds.
53 Major-General Gascoigne served in the Peninsula from July 1813 to May 1814, including
the passage of the Bidassoa, battles of the Nivelle and Nivc, and the investment of Bayonne.
Served afterwards in the American war, and was present at the battle of Bladensburg and cap¬
ture of Washington, where he was severely wounded. He has received the War Medal with
three Clasps for San Sebastian, Nivelle, and Nive.
55 Miijor-General St. John Clerke served with the old 94th at Cadiz during the siege, in the
Lines of Torres Vedras, during the retreat from Santarem; having been present in the actions
of Pombal, Redinha, Condeixa, Foz d'Arouce, Sabugal, and FiK-ntns d'Onor. He joined the
77th Regt. (also in the Peninsula) on promotion, and served with it in the actions of El
Bodon and Aldea de Pontc, at the siege and assault of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege of Badajoz,
assault and capture of Fort Picurina, and storming of the castle of Badajoz (severely wounded
in the right knee): he has received the War Medal with three Clasps.

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