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Captain* ~ oontd
Taylor, 2nd Lt. (temp. Capt.) >. L., 8 Bn.
Sea. lllghrt, Miillediri aotion. IBMayl?
TBylor Actg. Capt. J. O., 1 Bn. Mldd'x K.
(Jnd Lt. 4 Bn. B. Kent R..) niua <Jt
actinit. »Ma.vl7
"PUomts, Temp. Lt (actg. (Japt.JF. S,,< Be.
W»lBh B. Of wounds rrceived in action, IBApr.l 7
ThomBon, J. S., 11 Bn. Lend. R. Of woumls
receirfid in action. 5Ma7l7
Thome, Snd Lt. (temp. Capt. In Army) G, 8.,
R.F.C. Spec. Rei. Of icounds as Prisoner
of War —
Tod, I emp. Capt. W. L., 16 Bn. R. Scots.
Of u'oiinds received in action. 39Apr.l7
Tooke, Temp, Capt. B., 18 Bn. W. York R.
Killed in action. SMayl7
Thorpe, G. R., H,A,C. Of wounds* recetved
in action. 2&Apr.l7
Trimmer, A. S., M.V., Can. Gen. List (attd.
10 Bn. Can. Inf.) KiUed in action. 28Apr.l7
Tucker, Actg, Capt. J. P., 10 Bn. Notts. &
Derby. R. (Lt. 3Bn.). Killed in action. 23Apr.l7
Turner, Temp. Lt. (actg. Capt,) B., 14 Bn.
R. War. R. Killed in aci ion. 8Mayl7
Tweedle, Temp. Capt. C. B., M.C., a Bn.
K.O. ftco. Bord. Of wounds received in
action 17Apr.l7
Tyson, Lt. (actg. Capt.) A. B.,Arg. iSuth'd
Highrs. Killed inanition. 23Apr.l7
Tyson, J. G., 3 Bn. Anstrln. Inf. KiUed in
action. 3Mayl7
Urquhart, Temp. Capt. J., 14 Bn. Arg. &
Suth'd Highrs. Killed in action. 24Apr.l7
Tallancey, W. B., 10 Bn. 8. Afr. Inf. -
Vau»e, W., M.C.. s Bn. York. R. Killed in
action. 38Apr.l7
Vigors, P. U., M.r.O.. 7 Bn. Wore. R. 2Apr.l7
Wadlow, Temp. Caut. H., Gen. List and
R.P.C. Accidentally killed. IMayl?
Waghorn, 2nd Lt. (temp. Capt.) H. G„ 6 Bn.
N. Staff. R. Ofivoundfi received in action. 26Apr.l7
Watson, Temp. Capt. T., 6 Bn. (attd. 7 Bn.)
R. Sc. Pus. Killed in act ion. llApr.17
Watson, W. G. D , i Bn. K.O. Sco. Bord.
Killed in action. WApr.l"
Weaver, .1. J., R.A.M.('., Terr. Force.
Accidentaili/ killed. S0Apr.l7
Whistler, E. A. F., High. L.I. Of wounds
received in action. 27A pr.l7
Wilkes, Temp. 2nd Lt. (actg. Capt.) C,
Qen. List (attd. Trench Mortar Batt.).
Killtd in action. 28Apr.l7
Williams, Actg. Capt. H.,11 Bn. Wore. R.
(3nd Lt. Wore. R.). Killei in a.oti<m. 26Apr.l7
Williams, H I) N., Austrln. Inf. KiUed
in action. —
Willis, Lt. (temp. Capt.) S. A., Midd'i R.
Of wounds received in action. 16Muyi7
Wilson, Lt. (temp. Capt. i 11. I. de B., 4 Bn.
R. W. Kent R. Killed in action. 19Apr.l7
Wilson, Temp. Capt. L. F., 18 Bn Manch.
R. KiUed in action. 2»Apr.l7
Wilson, Temp. Capt, R, H.,R.A.M.C. (attd.
R.F.A.). Of wounds received in action. 18Mayl7
Wilton. A., M.C., 27 Bn. Can. Inf. Of
ivounds received in action. 4MaylT
WInwood, Tomp. Lt. (actg. Capt.) T.R. O.,
E.P.A. Of wounds receiwed in action. 28Apr.l?
Wise, Lt. (aotg. Capt.) A. T. D., M.C, R.B.
KiUed in action. ISMayl?
Woods, Temp. 2nd Lt. (actg. Capt,) J. W.,
Jlf.a, York. L.I. Killed in action. l4Apr.l7
WooUey, Lt. (temp. Capt.) T. H. C.,» Bn.
Notts, and Derby R. KiUed in action. J7Apr.l7
Worthlofton, Temp. Capt, P.. 10 Bo.-Llnc.
B. KOUd in aetian. >8ADr.l7
Worthington, 2nd Lt. (temp. Capt.) R. P.,
6 Bn. Glouc. R. Qf wounds received in
action. 4Mayl7
Wreford, Lt. (actg. Capt.) B. W. H,, Devon.
S. Klllediv action. 38Al)r.l7
YouHg, (J. T.I S In. W. Rid. R. (attd. 17 Bn.
Welsh R.I KiUed in cMtion. 24Apr.l7
Abbey, E. A., Con. Mtd. Hlf., Killed in
action. —
Adamson, J., R.P.A., Terr. Porce. KiUed
inactii'in. 5Mayl7
Adamson, Temp. Lt. R.T.A.,11 Bu.R. Scots.
Killed in action. —
Aldana, Temp.Lt. J. M., Wore. R. Killed
inaction. 20Apr.l7
Allan, H. D., 3 Bn. (attd. 8 Bn.) Arg. &
Suth'd Highrs KiUed in action. 23Apr.l7
Allen, Temp. Lt. H. E., W. Afr. Frontier
Force. 24Apr.l7
Allen, W. A., 68 Bn. Can. Inf. KiUed in
action. 18Apr,17
AlUn, E. C, 44 Bn. Can. Inf. KiUed in
action. 10Mayl7
Anderson, A. N.. Austrln. Light Horse.
Of wounds received in action. —
Anderson, D., 4 Bn. Gord. Higbrs. Kitted in
action. 28Apr.l7
Anderson, P. J., U Bn. Lond. K. KiUed in
action. 18Apr.l7
Anderson, 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) R. B.,4 Bn.
K.O. Sco. Bord. Killed inaction. 19Apr.l7
Andrews, Temp. Lt. H. G., 16 Bn. Mldd'x R,
Killed in actiem. 16-19Apr.l~
Appleby, N., 31 Bn. Can. Inf. Killed in
action. —
Aris, Temp. Lt. T. A., attd. 23 Bn. E. Pus.
(Lt. 8. Afr. Def. Porce) KiUed In action. 16Apr.l7
Armstrong, 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) ,1., R.P.A.,
Terr. Force. Killed inaction. 5Mayi7
Ashman, Temp. Lt. S., 5 Bn. Oxf. * Bucks.
L.I. Killed inaction. 3Mayl7
Ashmore. 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) G. W. P., R.E.
Terr. Force. Drowned. 4Mayl7
AshworMi. Temp. Lt. J. P. C, 7 Bn. Suff. R.
(2ndLt.3Bn.) Killed Inaction. 28Apr.l7
Backlake, Temp. Lt. B. A., 8 Bn. R. Pus.
Killed In action. 3Mayl7
Bacon, A. R. D., R. Berks. R. Killed in
action 26Apr.l7
Bailey, F. W. S.. Austrlo. Inf. Killed in
action —
Balding, Temp. Lt. E. N., M> Gun Corps
(2ndLt. 6Bn. Bedf. E.) Killed in aaiion. SOMar.i:
Barlow, W. Q., ."iS Bn. Auetrln. Inf. KiUed
inaction. 12Mayl7
Barltrop, 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) E. A , E.E.,
Terr. Force attd. E.F.C.) Killed in
action. 23Apr.l7
Barnes, 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) B. M., 9 Bn.
(attd. 12 Bn.) Manch. E. Killed in aaiion. 26Apr.i;
Barnes, W. R , 31 Bn. Cnn. Inf. Killed In
action. 31Uayl7
Bartram, W. E., Line. R. Of wounds
received in action. lMavl7
Baiter, Temp. Lt. A. C, .Mach. Gun Corps
(2nd Lt. 8 Bn.Sco. Rif.) KiUed in action. 17Apr.l7
Baxter, 2ud Lt. (temp. Lt.) P. O., It.C,
I.A.E.O. and R.F.C. KiUed in action. 17M8r.l7
Bearn, Temp. Lt. O. L., 9 Bn. R. Highrs.
Killed in action. 23A pr. 17
Bell, Temp. Lt. A. J., 8. Staff. R. KiUed in
action.' 13Mayl7
Bell, Temp. Lt. G. B., Maeh.SGun Corps
(2nd Lt. t Bn. Lan. Fus.) KilUd in
aetion, ltApr.17

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