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Royal R«{lnMiit el Arilllery—eontinued.
de Bobeck, B. L., M.C., maj
Campbell, J. C, M.C., maj.
Purdon, J. X., y., enpt. 1/3/34
Merton, H. H., capt. 29/3/34
Elton, H. C, capt. 1/4/34
Rennie, T. 8., rapt. 17f5IZi
MUler, B. C. O.B.E., H.-ma).
Madden. G. 3., M.B.E.,capt. 15/9/34
Carr-Harris, L. H., capt. 17 9/34
Attenboiough, 8., capt. 29/9/34
Owen, D. A., Cfipt. 15/10/34
Paton, A., M.C [l] eapt. 22/10/34
Lonstlifild. K. J., cop<. 1/11/34
Chillingwni^h .1 B.. cam. 1/11/34
Howard, B. A., eapt. 28/11/34
Atkins, W. H.. eapt. 10/12/34
Drake-Brockman, R. F. H., capi.
15/1 /3f.
Leggatt, W. M., capt. 1/2/35
Mitchell, G. W., capt. 9/2/35
Hamilton. C. K..eapi. 18/2/35
Gould, H. C, eapt. 1/3/35
Fowle, H. A., capt. 18/.1/.l.^
Murray Tfm\sor\.n. A..eapt 1«'3/.S5
Crawford, S. W. K., eapt. 31/3/35
Ardem, C, eapt. 1/4 35
Tidcombe, A. L., M.C, j*t, cart
15 6/35
InRlis, G. H.. eapt.
Brodie, D. G., eapt.
Palmpr, J. W., o., capt.
Eliot, W. E. C, eapt.
Drew. A. W., capt.
Norris, J. S. L., M.C., y*, eapt
Hamlll-Stewart, C. E., Cfflp<.I0/9/S5
Huaonin, F. E., capt. 1/11/35
MacNicoll, J. M., g*-\, capt. 15/11/3.S
Michell, D B.. eapt. 23/11/35
Rowbotiiam, G. R., j/» capt.
Bowie, D. A. J., (7*t, envt. l/lu/Sft
Elliot, J. 8., MC, y. eapt. 6/12/35
Collett-White, U. E., p., capt.
Cnim, J. A. S., capt. 26/12/35
Wade, R. 8., y., capt. 1/1/.'jfi
Allardyce, J. C, cnpt. l/l/3fi
McOarth.y, A. O., M.C., capt. l/l/Sfl
Benxoa, K. R., /«. 6^1^33
Longden, J., U. 7/1/36
Lyall-Grant, D. H., H. 17/1/36
Bice, R. B., CMjit. 27/1/36
Wlllans, J. H. H. [L] capt. 15/3/36
Streatfelld. R. j„ cap(. i/4/3g
Pope,C.D.'r.[l]ft. 1/4/38
Wynne, C. H. R.. M.C.,capt. 1/4/36
Spedding, J. E., capt. 21/4 3B
C'apcll, B. A.., z., capt. 22-4 36
Crawford, R. A. V., y.,capt. 24'4/36
Diatfcs, H. G. G., i;*t, capt. 4/5 ;iB
Graliam, A. T. J., eapt. 12 .^) 36
Mrl.eod. R. W., U. 8/6/36
S r^hle. R. W., capt. 10/rt/36
Wilson, C. P. B., v., capt. 16/8/36
Tatchell, B. H., «. 21/8/36
Morlev, E. S., jr't, capt. 22/8/36
Thorrie Thome, H., capt. 1/9/36
Nicholson, R. A. G., it. 9/9/36
.Jackson, O. R., U. 11/9,36
Raiiford, J. V. D., M.C., y., capt.
Kindersiev, N. H., capt. 18/9/36
Graliam, F. J. F., U. 30,9/36
Morley, R., A/.C, uti !/•• f^P'-
1 10 36
Parkinson, A. P. M. B.,capt. 5/10/36
De Sausmarex, H. G. T.,eapt. 6/10/36
Munro, M. C, «. 10/li)/36
Foster, R H. A., It. 1/11 36
Thomas, G. A., p.. It. 1/11/36
Maurice-Jones, K.W., D.S.O., capt.
yam.Vf.J., M.C., capt. 1/1/37
Cocbrane, .1. R. (/) It. 1/1/37
Carroll-Leahy, J. H. E. J., M.C..
capt. 1/1/37
Yates, M., eapt. 1/2/37
Hyde-Smith, J. B., y., capt. —
Dliiriet Offleori.
Ball, W. J., M.B.E. (Spec. Appt.)
Ambrose, M. (30) 26/11/33
Taggart, P., O.B.E. (Ingpn iJept.)
Pord, W. T. (81) 1/4/34
Wark, H., M.B.E. (29) 28/3,38
BawHtiK, B. (Exptl. But.) 10/10/31
Haycroft, T. W. M. (20) 27/10/31
(J/iaptiian, E. W. (Intpn. llepl.)
„ 27/1(1/31
Haetie, E. (4 H.) 5/3/32
0-Brien, G. P. (1) 24/9/32
.S*-W^«, a. 6/11/32
Glaysher, J. M. (20) 20/11/32
Wager, E. B., M.B.E. (Detign Dept)
bt. maj. 17 3«
Parkinson, A. (27) 28/1/33
Martin, A. J. (Impn. Dept.)
Baskett, F. W. (18) 28/1/33
Lane, R. L., d. 28/1/33
Dudley, W. fi. (19) ls'4 36
Bmui, A. ini-i's
Carley, H. J. (24) 5/8/36
West, 8. J. (16) 25/8/36
Kent, F. G. A. (29) 5/10/36
Ayling, A. W., D.C.M. (21) 17/7/29
Pratlev. 0. (28) 2/9/29
Smithnman, P., D.C M. (25) 21/2/30
Dtulgeon, W. A. (Intpn, Dept.)
Making, P. R. (23) 28/7/30
Wilson, Q. B. (15) 22/11/30
Melville, J. (4 S.) 6/2/31
Hall, T. R. (Sch. of Arty.) 7/2/31
Laird, E. A. (1) 9,3/31
Allen, W J., D.C.M. (27) 22/4/31
Broadhuret, W. F. (Research Ufpl.)
Snowden, F. E. (22) 18/7/:a
Lane, A (32) 21/8/31
Cnnk.B W. 24/U/31
BaU. A. E., M.B.E. (War Office)
Brierley, W. T.. D.C.M (33) 17/2/32
Haiell, A. g., M.B.E. (4 U.) 10/4/32
Taylor, W. (S ff ) 11/12/32
Betty. T. (Inapn. Dept.) 1/7/38
King, F. CIA) 5I3IU, W. E. (3 B.) l/4/.i4
SInimonds, E. H., M.B.B., D.C.M.,
d. 2/4/S4
On.VPS. H. T., n P.M. (28) 5/4/34
Harding, F B (2S> 28/4/34
Atkins, E. C (6 H ) l4/7'.34
H'iwIpH, F , d. 3/8/34
rhpeRpman. (■ (9 B.) 17 8/:^4
Peck, F , M.B.B.. D.C.M (8 B )
Lay. F. C, M.B.B., M.C.()»)
Dennett. D (9 B.) 18/11/(4
Squh-ps. W (21) 17/1,36
Winstone, P C (]S) 16'10 35
Musarove, A. E (23) 23 11 .36
Camp. H. G. (4 U.) 81/3/86
Hookey, H. (5 S ) 2,4 36
Shiflilt, J., D.C.M., a.c. 27 4 36 <• r. Id H.) 25 >< 36
Manville, P. W. (2 H.) 1/10/36
Dugmore, A. P. J., d. 31/10/36
Merriman, J.W.( War Office) dnoin
„ .^ „ maj. 19/7/31
Coombes, W. J., MB E.(War Office)
bt. maj. 1/1/32
maj 5/11/33
SkiltOD, S. J. (86) 12/10/24
„ , , „ cpt 12/10/32
SteeJe, J. W. (Sch. of Arty.) 14/8/25
Mann, W. E., o.e. 22/11/25
eapt 2;2/Il/33
„ *<• ^"j 1/7/35
Morrow,B.A.(fl.fl.^.) (35) .3/9/27
Bldridge, H., D.C.M. (1ft) 28/3/28
rr ^ . '^P^- 28,3 36
Terrey, H. G., U. (19) 27/5/29
French, T. H., «., rf. ^/fi yg
O'Grady, W. D. P. A., U. (8 U.)
Sewell, J L a. (87) 2.3/10/29
Mullen, P., ft., (i. 12/12/29
Chetland, A., ft. (23) 28/12/29
Bennett, N. S., D.C.M., It. (4 fl )
Barber, F., M.B.E., It. (17) 17/7/31
Keating, H C.U (7 H ) VUMSi
Leslie, W. R. U.. D.C.M U.Vifl.)
Thompson, A. H., M.M., U ', d
Dirtelor of Mutie.
Oearr, O. W., M.B.E., A.R.C.M.
P.i.m., U. 13/8/36

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