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South Western Area.
The Sphinx, superscribed '
Egypt." Within a bugi* horn ttringtd entignad with a mural crown tup«r«criB«o
" tiellalabad " th« Roman numeral Xill.
•' Gibraltar, 1704-5," " Dettingan," " Martiniqua, 1809," " Ava," "Ghutnaa, 1S39," " Affghani«tan, 1839,"
"Gabool, 1S42," " Savastopol," "South Africa, 1878-9," "Burma, 1885-87," " R«li«! of Ladysmith,"
"South Africa, 1899-1902," "Afghanistan, 1919."
The Great War—16 Battaliom.—" he Cateau," " Retreat from Mons," " Marna, 1914, '18," " Aitiia, 1914,"
" Armentlferes, 1914," " Ypres, 1915, '17, '18," "St. Julian," " Frezenberg,: " Bellewaarde," " Hoogr,
1915," "Loos," "Mount Sorrel," " Somme, 1918, '18," "Albert, 1916, '18," " DelvUle Wood," " Guille-
mout," " Plers-Courcelette," " Morval," " Le Transloy," " Ancre, 1916, 'IS," " Arra», 1917, '18," " Viiny,
1917," " Scarpe, 1917, '18," " Arleux," " Langemarck, 1917," " Meuln Road," " Polygon Wood,'
" Broodseinde," " Poelcappelle," " Passchendaele," " Cambrai, 1917, '18," "St. Quentin," " Bapaume,
1918," " Rosltos," " Avre," " Lys," " Hazebrouck," " B^thune," " Soissonnai^-Ouroq," " Drocoiirt—
Qu6ant," " Hindenburg Line," " Havrincourt," " ^p^hy," " Canal du Nord," " Courtral," " Selle ;;
" Valenciennes," " Sambre," " France and Flanders, 1914-18," " Gaza," " Bl Mughar," " Nebl Samwil,
"Jerusalem," " Megiddo," "Sharon," "Palestine, 1917-18," "Tigris, 1916," " Sharqat," "Mesopotamia,
1916-18," " N.W. Frontier India, 1915."
Agent*—Lloyds Bank, Ltd., Cox's 4 King's Branch.
Regimental Jowmal—" The Light Bob Gazette," The Barracks, Taunton.
Regimental Association—Old Comrades' Association, The Barracks, Taunton.
Record and Pay Office ExeUer.
1st Bn. (13th Foot)
2nd „ „
4th Bn.
6th „
Regular and Militia Battalion*.
Cn^/orm—Scarlet. Facings—Blue.
Poona. I
Colchester. |
Depot Taurdon.
8rd Bn. (1st Somerset Mil.)
Territorial Army Battalions. , _ .
Bntt Hall, Lomer Bristol Road, Bath.
County Territorial Hall, Burton Place, Taunton.
Allied Regiment of Canadian Militia.
The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry
RamiUon, Ont.
Allied Battalion of Anitrallan Infantry.
13th Battalion West Maitland, If.S. Walts.
Braithwalte, Gen. Sir Walter P., G.C.B., ret. pay, p.s.e. W (.Oovr.
Colonel — , ,
R. Hasp.. Chelsea)
Officer Commanding Dejiot, Dennys, Maj. K. G. G., Somerset L.I
1st and 2nd Battalion*
Lt.-Colonels (2).
Roche, V. W. (1) 8/7/36
Philby, 0. G. B. (1) 1/5/37
Majors (8).
Ludlow, 0. W. P. (2) 8/7/32
McCrirIck, D. H. G. (1) 1/5/33
Turner, F. M. (1) 4/4/85
Deunys, K. G. G. (1) d. 12/9/35
BlUs, B. W. (1) 8/7/36
Strachey, R. 0., M.C. [I] (2)
Harding, A. F., M.C., p.s.c,s.
Frith, E. H. C, M.B.E., p.s.c., s.
1st and 2nd Battalion*—contd.
Captains (14).
Corballls, B. J., M.C. (2) 8/7/24
Snow, A. B., P.S.C. [l] 24/7/24
Gage-Brown, J. D., t. 10/12/26
Scott, 8. (1) 21/1/28
Bakewell, R. H. (2) d. 5/5/28
Spear, C. R., M.V.O., M.C. [L] s.
bt. maj. 1/1/37
Cole, G. H. (1) 30/5/29
Bilce, 8. J. (1) l/»/30
SpurreU, H. W., M.C. (1) 1/9/30
McMurtrie, 0. D. J. (SmaU Arms
Seh.) 18/4/32
Routh, W. H. F. (1) d. 8/7/32
Hunt, A., t. 1/6/33
Curtl8,W.3.C.,Af.C.(l) 4/4/35
Vlnlng, R. B. D. (2) 12/9/35
Thring, T. M. (1) 4/2/36
Whlcher, B. C. H. (2) d. 15/4/36
Rooke, G. W. B., i.v. 25/6/36
Evered, E. C. H. (1) 8/7/36
Mockler, Q. E. (2) 8/7/36
Lewis, P. (2) 8/7/36
Boileau, S. H. T., s.J. 1/9/36
Flrbank, C. L. (2) 1/12/86
Beer, T. V., c.n. 1/5/37
Srww, J. TitzG., s.e.s. 115137
Platt, J. R. I., s.e.s. 1/5/37
... 20/11/86
1st and 2nd Battalions—contd.
Subalterns (34).
Bradshaw, L. H. (1)
Barlow, B. N. (2) Adjt.
Swayne, A. 0. (2)
Howard, C. S. (1) Adjt.
Mordaunt, A. 0., c.o.
Alms, J. K. (2) d.
Lipscomh, C. G., c.o.
Worrall, B. W. H. (2) .,.,,-
Barry, R. H. [L] (SmaU Arms
ScV) 31/1/32
Brind, J. L. (2) (d. Adjt. 1/5/36)
Chetwynd-SUpylton, G. R. (2)
Maud, P. D. (2) 30/1/38
Hansen, 0. 8. W. (1) 29/1/34
Luckock, T. P. (1) 27/8/34
Wells, J. H. G. (1) 1/9/35
Thomas, C. R. (2) 2/2/38
Urwick, A. C. M. (1) d. 2/2/36
Charles, N. O. H. (U 2/2/36
Walker, A. G. B. (1) 2/2/36
MaydweU, W. S. G. (1) 31/8/36
Lance, G. C. P. (1) 81/8/86
Parker, D. J. R. [/] (2) 81/8/86
Webber, B. H. I. (2) 1/9/86
Molloy, P. G. (1) 1/2/37
Nation, P. J. (2) 1/2/37
Crtsp CUrke, J. A. (1) 1/2/87
BaUy, V. 8. (2) 1/2/87

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