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Northumbrian Area.
St. Ccorge and the Dragon. In each of the four corners the united Bed and White Eoae shipped enslgned
with the fioyal Crest.
" Quo fata vocani."
- Wilhelmstahl," " 8t. Lucia, 1778," " Roli?a," "Vimiera." "Ctrunna," " Bujacc," '• Cludad Rodrigs,"
" Badajoz," "Salamanca," " Vittoria," " Nivelle," •'Orthos," " Toutoute," " Panimula," " Lucknew,"
"Afghanistan, 187&-8C," " Kliartoum," " Modder Rivar," " Soutli Africa, 1339-19C2."
The Great War—02 Battalions.--" Mont," " Le Cateau," " Hetreat from Mons," " Marnii, 1914," " Aisne,
1914, '18," "La Basste, 1914," " Messines, 1914, 'IT, '18," " Annenti4rfes, 1914," " Ypre», 1914, '15, '17,
•18," " Nonne Bosschen," " Gravenstafel," "St. Julian," " Frezeuberg," " Bellewaarde," "Loos,"
" Somme, 1916, '18," " Albert, 1916, '18," " Bazentin," " Delville Wood," " Pozidres," " J^'lera-Courcelette,"
" Morval," " Thiepval," " Le Tranaloy," " Ancre Heights," " Ancre, 1916," " Arras, 1917, '18," " Scarpe,
1917, '18," " Arleux," " Pilckcm," " Langemarck, 191T," " Menin Hoad," " Polygon Wood," " Broodseinde,"
" Passchendaele," " Cambrai, 1917, '18," " St. Quentin," " Bapaume, 1918," " llosidrea," " Lys," " Estaires,"
" Haxebrouck," " Bailleul," " Kemmel," " B^thuue," " Scherpenberg," " Drocoui-t-QuiSant," " Hiudenburg
Line," " lilp^hy," " Canal du Nord," " St. Quentin Canal," " Beaurevoir," " Gourtrai," " Selle," " Vaieu-
~ ■" •Italy, 1917-18,"
GallipoU, 1915,"
ciennee," " Sambre," " France and Flanders, 1914-18," '* Plava," " Vittorio Veneto,"
"Strnma," "Macedonia, 1915-18,
' Scimitar Hill,'
' Suvia," " Landing at Suvla,'
"Egypt, 191'6-17."
Agents—Lloyds Bank, Ltd., Cox's & King's Branch.
_ RegimentalJoumal—" St. George's Gazette," South wood, Harpsden, Henley-on-Thames.
Regimetaal Aiioeiationt—The Boyal Northumberland Fusiliers Aid Society, 8, Higham Place, Newcastle-on-
Tyne, 2.
The Boyal Northumberland Ftaslliers Old Comrades' Association, Headquarters,
Veterans Club, Hand Court, Holbom, W.C.I.
Record and Pay Office York,
Regular and MiiHia Battaliont.
Uniform—Scarlet. Facings—Gasling Green.
Ist Bn. (6th Foot) ^ ^ .„ ... Cairo. I 3rd Bn. (Northumberland Mil.) NetecastU-m-Tynt.
2nd „ „ Bordon. \
Depot Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Terrjterial Army Battaliont.
4th Bn. ... ^. ... DriU Hall, Newbum. | 6thBn.... St. Oeorae's Drill Hall, St. Mary's Place,
,^^ Newcastle-on.-Tyne, 2.
MhBn, DriU Hall, Chureh Street, WaUcer-on-Tirne. | 7th Bn. ... Drill HaU, Fmkle Street, Alnwick.
Allied Regiments of Canadian Militia,
The Northumberland Regiment
The Elgin Kegiment
Allied Battalion of Australian Infantry.
35th Battalion
Coburg, Ont.
St. Thomas, Ont
, Nemcastle.
Herbert, Maj.-Gen. W.N., G.B., C.M.O., D.S.O., p.s.c, *.
Offker Commanding Depot
Itt and 2nd Battalions
Lt.-ColoneU (2).
Morgan, H. de B., D.S.O., f.s.
(2) 29/9/36
Dorman-Smlth, E. E., M.C.p.s.e.
(1) 26/4/37
Hogshaw, Maj. J. H., M.C., E. North'd. Fus.
Majors (8).
Hogshaw, J. H., M.C. (2) d.
Redwood, T. 0. L. (2) 4/4/36
Gatehouse, G. J. W. (1) 3/10/85
Waight, D. E. F., M.C. (2) 29/9/36
Attwater, H. F., p.t.c., s. 6/10/86
Cooper, 0. H., M.C. (1) 25/4/37
Edgeworth-Jolmstone, E. (2)
Thomas, L. C, M.C., c.o. 26/4/37
Itt and 2nd Battalions—contd.
Captains (Li).
Byrne, J. 0., M.C. (2) 14/2/27
Gfimley, E. H. 1)., c.o. 23/11/29
Fryer, E.W. H., M.C. (1) 23/11/29
Inykaew, Id. A., s. 24/4';i()
Humphreys, G. C, s. 24/4/30
Pringlo, B. T. G. (1) d. 13/11/30
Martin, E. 0., m.e.
Earle, P. H. (2)
Kilgour, I. J. (1)
Forbes-Watson, B. F., t.
Butterfleld, F. H. (1)
Beckwith, C. E. (1)
Tarleton, B., s.f.
Bucknall, D. C. (2)
Holdsworth-EurU, C.
1st and 2nd
, f>/7/35
SubaUerns (34).
W., s.e.s.
Bolster, G. H.,p.s.c. [I] s. 31/1/35
Bland, T. E. 31/1/35
Junes, W. P., CO. 9/2/36
Yorke, R.H.,t. 9l2jSb
Flower, B. 3., e.o. 9/2/35
CUflord, W. B. M. (2) 9/2/35
Parsons, F. G. A. (1) 9/2/36
Moody, R. E., s.cs. 15/6/35
Stockley, R. C. (1) Adjt. 12/6/36
Leech, B. J. (2) Adjt. 12/6/36
Foster, K. 0. N., t. 12/6/86
Clarke, E. S. N. (1) 8/10/86
Whelan, E. P. (2) 19/10/36
Bradford, C. J., t. 21/1/87
BperUng, i. A. (1) 21/1/87
Speer, M. C, c.o. 30/1/37
Enderby, S. (1) 30/1/37
Milward, C. C. Q. (d. Adjt.
5/2/36) 2/2/31
Eobbs, 0. P., s. 2/2/31
Threllall,C. R. M. (2) 30/8/31
Bryant, A. D. (1) d. 3/9/31
Way, L. D. (1) 28/8/33
De Hochepied Laipent, L. D. A.
(1) 29/1/34
Mortimer, B. E. B. (1) 31/1/34
Anley, P. M. Q. (1) 27/8/34
St. John, B. B. T. (2) 27/8/34
Smith, A. D. (2) 27/8/34
Hamilton, T. F. C. (2) 27/8/34
Cramsie, A. J. H. (1) 28/1/35
WilUams, E. E. M. (1) 1/9/35
Fomter, A. L. (1) 2/2/88
Buckle, J. D. (2) 1/2/37
Bonham-Carter, A. M. 1/2/37

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