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2829 Promotions, Appointments, &c.
Ird Battalion, The Prince ofWales's Leinst'r Eeximent (Royal Canidianij.
The iiiidermentione 1 to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 27 Oct.) Dated 37 Oct. 14 —
Aiex inder Duncan.
4l,h Battalion. The ^rinco of Wales's Lcinater Regiment (Royal Canadians.)
The un'lermen' ione 1 to be 2ni Lts. (on urob.) (Ga . 20 O'-t.) :—
William Stephen Arnold T em ur De Pohcr de la Poer.
MaJ. T. R. A. Stannus, late 4 Bn to be Maj. (Gaz. 3 Oct.)
The following d^te of appt. is substituted for that whi^'h appeared against the name of
the Offr. st>ecilled in (gazettes jjublished between the 1 Au?. and 16 Sept. 14;—
Lt. P. de Haviland. (Gaz. 7 Oct.) .. .. .. . . .. 12Aug:.u
Lt. H. E. Goodb >dv is reatd. to the estabt. (Gaz. 12 Oet ) .. .. .. .. 14.\nK.
William Howard Kennedy to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 13 Oet.)
The undermentioned to bo 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :~
Cyril (Jrey Snelltng. (Gaz. 23 Oct.) .. .. .. .. .. .. 240ct.
Tlie undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Ll. ion proh.) :—
Ravmond Henry Peel Reiss, 4 Bn. (Gaz. 27 Oc6.) .. .. .. .. 27(Jct.
•Totin Galbraith Young. (Gaz. 31 Oct.) .. .. .. .. .. .. INov.
5th Battalion, The Prince of Wa'es's Lelnster Rcoiment rRoyal Canadians).
Lt. J. A. J. Farrell to be Capt. iGaz. 2 Oet.i.. .. .. .. .. .. 198ept.
The appt. of I. M. ,Ton<^H to 2nd Lt. which appeared in the Gaz. dated 29 Sept. n. is
cancelled. (Gaz. 16 Oct.)
Thennde-menlUmod to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 27 Oct.) Dated 27 Oct. 14:-
Valeutine Joseph Farrell.
The notification referr'ng to 2nd Lt. I, M. Jones,which apiieared in the Gaz. dated 16(>ct.
14, IS cancelled. (Gaz. 31 Oct.)
3rd Battalion, The Royal Du'.lin Pn^illers.
The undermentioned 2nd Lt. ion prob.) is conftrmed in his ranli. ((iaz. 6 Oct.);—
C. St. L. Webb.
Thcnndermcntioned tobe 2nd Lts.'on prob.i (Gaz. 9 0ct.i:--
R tbero George Arthur Gun Cuninghame.
Henry Maurice Benedict Gun Caninghame.
The unrte'mentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob. i is confirmed In his rank. (Gaz. s (Jet.) ;—
R. Magi/1.
2iKl Lt. W. F. Jeflrles, from R. Mon. K.E., toheZnd Lt. (onprob.) (Gaz. 27 Oct.) .. i.5Aug.
4th Battalion. Rnyal nnblin Fusiliers.
Tne undermentioned Cad»*t or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be snd Lt. (on prob.) ;—
Edward Maxwell .-alvesen. (Gaz. 27 Oct.) .. .. .. .. .. .. 270ot.
3rd Battalion. Roval Munster Fusiliers.
The undtfrnientioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.\ (Gaz. 20 Oct.). Dated 21 Oct. 14:—
David O'Meara. | Richard Clewlow Fitzherbert
I Smith.
4th Battalion. The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. ion prob). (Gaz.
6 Oct.):-
Charles St. John Beatty.
Tlie undermentioned to be 2Dd Lt. (on |irol>.) (( Oct.) :—
William Wilson MacKeown.
Sinclair Somers Payne, late Lt. 4 Bn.. to he Lt. (Gaz. IB Oct.)
■■^th Battalion, The Roval Munster FusiMers.
The undermention«d to tie 2nd Ijt^. (on prob.) (Gaz. 6 Oct. ;■
Charles Bairy Domville. I Robert John Ar'-igot) Jameson.
.Hh Battalion, The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own).
Tu« aopt. Iio C .pt. of Capt. and Hon. Maj. C E. Wegg-Prosser. which appeared in the
Gaz. of 26 Sept. 14. is cancelled. (Gaz. 3 0,-t.)
The followlncr notitieation is substituted for that which appeared In the Gaz. of 10 Sept. 14:
Lt. Hon. E. Coke, from the Gen. Res. of Off., to be Capt. iGsz. 3 0et.) .. llSept.
William Middleton Wallace to be 2nd Lt. ion prob.) (Gaz. 20ct.).. .. .. .. l.iAug.
The undermentioned to be Lts. (Gaz 5 0ct.):—
John Francis Grev Gilliat, late Capt. I William Herbert Watney.
4 Hunts V.B. The Bedl. E. I
The undermentioned to Iw 3nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 6 Oct.) :—
Robert Eyre .Archer-Houblon.
The foUowIngnotitication is substituted for that which appeared in the Gaz. of 1 Sept. 14 :—
BricGilbey, late2D.dLt. Q.«ds.,tobe2ndLt. (Qaz. i.") Oct.) .. .. .. .. do.
Lt. Hon, E. O. Lascelles Is seed, for service on the Staff. (Gaz. 19 Ocl.)
2nd Lt. Eric Gllbey to be Lt. (Gaz. 22 Oct.i;... ., .. .. .. .. . 230ct.

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